Skylight Analytics 22.07 Release Notes
  • 22 Jun 2022
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Skylight Analytics 22.07 Release Notes

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Article summary

Support for new capture protocols, more ways to filter, and a better alert drill down workflow!


Executive Summary

Here are the highlights for this release for your summer enjoyment:

  1. HTTP/2, FTP and more new capture protocols - are now usable across monitoring, troubleshooting and alerting use cases.
  2. Alert Drill Down Improvements - provide better, faster ways to go from performance alert to possible root cause
  3. Circuit Modeling - while not ready for general availability, we're making great progress towards that goal of allowing you to create your own model to glue performance metrics from multiple sources together, and provide that abstracted/stitched view that so many of you are looking for

Headline Features

New Capture Protocols

The new version of Skylight sensor: capture 22.07 adds support for a few new applications. You can check out the above link for the sensor's release notes, and check out the full Protocol Stack List Here.

From an analytics perspective, you are now able to:

  1. Visualize data collected for those applications on dashboards
  2. Investigate issues through the analysis module
  3. Alert on metric threshold crossings for these new applications


Our Skylight Interceptor will also take advantage of these new protocols as well!

Alert Drill Down Improvements

Correlating an alert with the source or root cause is something we've been trying to improve recently.
Previously we added alert specific analysis templates to facilitate easily finding alert trends using categoical metadata.

In 22.07, we're improving this view with:

  1. Option to switch table to an individual alert view
  2. Option to take an individual alert's context and drill down to the relevant PM analysis template

Switching to individual alert view

Filtering on a specific alert policy unlocks the option to switch the table from an aggregated view to individual alerts.
Applicable in both drill down and full screen analysis modes.

individual alert view.gif

Drill down to PM analysis with alert context

Switching to individual alert view unlocks a new option under the more options menu of each table row. This new option lets you transfer the time and alert context to another analysis template to drill down on the actual PM data that triggered the alert.

Example with session data:
alert drill down flow.gif

Additional features

Download CSVs from Aggregate and Geo Widgets

Sometimes users want to take their data with them into Excel or another powerful tool for further analysis. This is why we've started adding CSV download options to our dashboard and analysis widgets. Previous to 22.07 we had this ability on table and line chart widgets. This release adds new options to export the data backing the aggregate and geo widget visualizations.

csv download from geo and agg widgets.gif

Group by Capture Layer

Table, crosstab and aggregate dashboard widgets now support the ability to group by capture layers.
This provides an excellent way to get an overview/breakdown of traffic in your network.

group by layer.gif


This only makes sense when you select a metric that crosses multiple layers, so don't try it with something like "database queries"

Geo Map - 3D Mode and Explicit Filter

In analysis mode, there are two new geo map options:

  1. "Cluster" toggle to switch between top down and 3Dview has been added.
    When disabled, a 3D stacked mode is used to represent volume versus the use of numbers.
  2. "Filter dataset" toggle to enable active filtering of the dataset in analysis by the zoom area of the map

geo map cluster and filter toggles.gif


Inclusive and Exclusive filtering with IP and zones

Now supporing inclusive and exclusive filters at the same time for IP and zones!
Great for scenarios where you want to look at the performance of a range/subnet, but want to exclude specific IPs or want to quickly select a zone but want to exclude only a few of the sub-zones.


zone filter selection.gif


  • Dataset reports can now be created by individuals with the "User" role
    (the dataset reporting feature itself is still limited availability)
  • Dashboard reports can now be scheduled with a specific timezone to render them in
  • Dashboard reports can now be sent with CSVs of the underlying line charts and table widgets

dashboard report csvs and timezone.gif

Notable fixes and minor improvements

  • To be provided at GA

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