Skylight Analytics 22.07 Maintenance Releases
- 15 Feb 2024
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Skylight Analytics 22.07 Maintenance Releases
- Updated on 15 Feb 2024
- 15 Minutes to read
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Accedian is always making the best things even better. This section highlights the most recent enhancements to our Skylight analytics release 22.07.
Bugs are a part of life, but we've been pushing out a bunch of new features to optimize your experience on the platform based on feedback from you!
Previous Maintenance Releases
Releases as of the Week of November 14, 2022
22.07.121 (Roadrunner 0.407)
- SBE - Resolve APIMODE issues (1203351988779156, 1203335098703430)
Releases as of the Week of November 7, 2022
- UI - Settings - Policies - Alerting - Archive policy notification should indicate that a policy has been archived instead of deleted (1203237307342284)
22.07.118 (Roadrunner 0.402)
- SBE - Retry login if the tokens are not successful the first time (1203306342731180)
- SBE - Check for a valid runtime token before requesting a new one (1203290231652535)
- SBE - Circle CI fix for publishing helm charts
- SBE - Create simple helm chart for Roadrunner deployment (1202280322907981)
Releases as of the Week of October 31, 2022
- UI - Component - Session Details Header - Prevent exception when no session metric is found for datasource (1203186090927673)
- UI - Settings - Capture - Zones - Display full zone path when activating Show full paths option (1203158482722114)
- UI - Widget - Timeseries - Display correct results for entries when using GroupBy zone (1203175270162549)
- SBE/UI - Remove the exclude metadata filter in inventory (1203035962381781)
- BE - Display data for TCP-Throughput Sessions (1203203449557007)
Releases as of the Week of October 24, 2022
- UI - Allow editing of report config more than once (1203034949984203)
- UI - Select the correct config when tapping after performing at least two edits (1203045230533071)
- UI - Analysis - Allow defining of default analysis template for Transport layer (1203115553761365)
- UI - Analysis - Alerts - Build dataset when viewing individual alerts (1202977837681061)
- UI - Dashboard - Return CSV files for Geo and Aggregate widgets on report download (1203156515783509)
- UI - Data - Enable query based derived metrics for PT8H and under intervals (1203047483984438)
- UI - Details - Asset - Plot graph for assets node (1203189549772810)
- UI - Policies - Maintenance windows - Defer looking up how many sessions are impacted until the detail sidebar (1203130032988874)
- UI - Settings - Policies - Alerting - Change Delete policy to Archive policy (1203081361624659)
- UI - Settings - Session - Correct the validation of a composite metric using a constant operand (1203150261457233)
- UI - Settings - Update alert policy thresholds to standard behavior when changing unit (1203158586748786)
- UI - Settings - Policies - Allow Transport layer when provisioning Alert policies (1203184433347386)
- SBE - Return data on drilldown on raised/cleared alerts (1203106199122493)
- SBE - Roadrunner - Disable APIMODE by default
Releases as of the Week of October 17, 2022
22.07.109 (Roadrunner 0.395)
- SBE - Roadrunner - Prevent crash when enabling APIMODE (1203163973714601)
- SBE - Roadrunner - Remove close message connection closure race condition, remove erroneous deregistration bug, improve logging
- SBE - Roadrunner - Fix APIMODE documentation in README
- SBE - Ruadrunner - Prevent crashes in APIMODE when configured for SQL transformation (1203180753478835)
22.07.107 (Roadrunner 0.393)
SBE - Roadrunner - Enable APIMODE
SBE - Roadrunner - Resolve fluctuating data ingestion due to contemporary lag (1203101245450672)
Releases as of the Week of October 10, 2022
- UI - Settings - General - Fix granularity usage (1203130351328620)
- SBE/UI - Show data at a 1s granularity under Session Performance Graphs using ~PT10S data (1202967689300504)
- UI - Analysis - Remove drilldown for Portal users (1202691066725124)
- UI - Analysis - Widget - Table - Enable sorting in drilldown (1203070339885166)
- UI - Data - Display "volts" suffix for session unit "volt" (1203014829273714)
- UI - Data - Add "db" and "rpm" units (1203014829273708)
- UI - Data - Sort custom metrics correctly (1203058561783379)
- UI - Inventory - Session - Resolve Export Summary Data error (1203113874719578)
- UI - Settings - Session - Connector - Update connector configuration template to version 0.12.0 (1203124011469357)
- UI - Settings - General - Allow custom input for the Maximum Granularity setting (1202297547138335)
- UI - Settings - General - Investigate setting separate units for rate and volume based data (1203004585349658)
- SBE - Do not generate dataset export if status in Skylight performance analytics is Disabled (1203078091654997)
- SBE - Resolve DatasetHandlerLogistics crash issue when metadata key is not found (1202960847455233)
- SBE - Resolve DatasetHandlerLogistics crash issue when path is not Delta table (1202964317476125)
- Accounts - Show only the members of their user groups for non-admin users (1202584377110470)
- Auth - Show onboarding tokens only once and set an expiry (1202584377110470)
Releases as of the Week of October 3, 2022
- Capture Sensor - Enable a network card that is configured with PCI pass-through
- Capture Sensor - Analyze applications that are defined with regex, such as SNI pattern field
- UI - Accounts - User Group - Metric Whitelist - Support asset metrics
- UI - Reports - Alphabetically sort script selection dropdown by name
- UI - Reports - Add search bar to script selection dropdown
- UI - Reports - Dataset - Colt-dev - Fix the issue where the dataset report enters a time one hour earlier than the time selected for report generation
- UI - Settings - Capture - Zones - Expand zones when selected if zones list is filtered
- UI - Settings - Session - Update connector configuration template to version 0.11.0
Releases as of the Week of September 26, 2022
- UI - Accounts - Require password to update email
- UI - Data - Synchronize degrees-celsius and decibel-milliwatts display functions to help prevent rendering issues in timeseries chart axes
- UI - Data - Interval - Use the maximum granularity if it's more granular than the default when querying P1D (for example, PT5M instead of PT15M at P1D)
Releases as of the Week of September 19, 2022
- Disable TLS deciphering and keep TLS layer
- BE - Alerts - Historical - Add user metadata restrictions to historic alerts group by and aggregate
- UI - Accounts - Require password when changing email
- New custom reports
- Adapt the Yang and RESTConf to the new Alert Policy REST api
- Enable througput session on agents to run
Releases as of the Week of September 12, 2022
- Improve performance of monitored object query
- UI - Fix issue where pre-aggregate bins show durations over 100%
- UI - Monitoring - Zip report contents regardless of CSV options for non-local reports
- UI - Policies - Alerting - Prevent zone policy creation failure when ratioPercent is a string
- UI - Widget - Table - Fix issue where CSV export for pre-aggregate binned columns can sum to over 100% duration
- UI - Accounts - Make error message more informative when setting up a password
- UI - Accounts - Expose password validation failures sent from the API response
- UI - Dashboard - Enable portal users to download dashboard reports as a PDF
- UI - Dashboard - Exclude CSV files when portal users download a dashboard report
- UI - Dashboard - Do not zip the file for when downloading a PDF-only dashboard report
- UI - Platform - Component - Update the model value in the duration form input when deleting the last character
- UI - Reports - Show the correct count of instances on the Dataset side panel
- UI - Settings - Assets - Data Management - Fix Uncaught TypeError when loading the Data Management page
- BE - Follow the cardinality limit for extended results when using a prefix value in a query
- Custom Reports - UI Support paginantion GET /api/v1/configurations/
- UI - Analysis – Remove unused analysis tab buttons in the sidebar
- UI - Component – Prevent exception in Dictionary search values from filtered dataset if active filters are empty
- UI - Component - Form - Enable input of decimals in number fields using a keyboard
- UI - Forms - Field - Number - Update the number behavior to use NumberParser instead of custom functions
- UI - Forms - Field - Text - Update all forms to use @onChange instead of @onInput
- UI - Data - Possible race condition when looking up the display value for object ids
- UI - Inventory - Pin - Check the transition to Analysis logic
- UI - Monitoring - Drilldown – Do not overlap Alert policy info icon on drilldown button
- UI - Monitoring - Drilldown – TypeError - Read properties of undefined (reading 'dimensionQueries')
- UI - Widget - Topology Scatterplot – Enable column sorting
- UI - Reports - Display list of instance objects sorted by date
- UI - Reports - Add execute now option (schedule within 5 mins of POST time)
- UI - Settings - Users – Validate email address with 4-character TLDs
- Accounts - Show only the members of their user groups for non-admin users
- Auth - Show onboarding tokens only once and set an expiry
- Auth - Update the default password policy to a minimum of 9 characters with at least one (alpha, numeric, special, mixed case) character and no username
- UI - Auth - Refresh the Permission Service when the same tab logs in or logs out
- UI - Data - Prevent breaks in query caused by empty categorical filter present in some PVQL requests
- UI - Inventory - Sessions - Update the Unarchive feature to standard behavior
- Inventory - Performance tuning for metadata category requests
- UI - Widget - Aggregate – Make drill-down values follow the threshold bins set
- UI - Widget - Geo - Increase zoom further on the map
- UI - Analysis - Alerts – Drill-down - Display session/zone/application columns in drill-down and remove unused columns
- UI - Data - Return dictionary search results when searching for capture source zone
- UI - Data – Translate ICMP Message
- UI - Pin Menu – Do not display a filtering window when deleting items from the pinned list
- Revert Dropping records for missing objects in DerivedMetrics
- Integrate PersistenceService with Filewatcher
- UI - Inventory - Assets – Pass ID filter into list request query
- UI - Interval - Granularity – Use 1-day granularity for a time range of more than 180 days
- UI - Monitoring – Prevent error when changing interval to 8 hours after hard-refreshing on 1-hour interval
- Openmetrics Gateway - Respond to ACK requests when unable to forward data to recipient
- UI - Analysis - Show individual alerts
- UI - Color Selector - Show clicked color only once under recent selections
- UI - Data - Do not issue a groupBy request for secondary columns with a different aggregation
- UI - Monitoring - Prevent application freeze when changing a filter on Alerts policy drill-down
- UI - Monitoring/Data - Aggregate - Correct grouping request to prevent bins from showing 0% on initial load
- UI - Dashboard - Save selected palette alignment for color option
- UI - Data - Capture - Serialize VLAN ID fields as integers instead of strings
- UI - Data - Dictionary - Return search results when filtering by application name
- UI - Inventory - Show same graph information for Inventory graph and Dashboard card for Sessions
- UI - Inventory - Session - Details - Show full interval in Performance x-axis
- UI - Settings - Data Ingestion - Show visual indication of invalid composite metrics
- UI - Tables - Update column sorting to standard behavior
- UI - Widget - Improve text readability in Crosstab widget when color rules are enabled
- UI - Widget - Table - Show the zone name (with level) for Server Zone ID / Value
- UI - Analysis - Display rows with Alerts Cleared value "0" after sorting
- UI - Reports - Show data range when opening the scheduled report list
- UI - Report - Dataset Export - Enable scrolling on the side panel when editing Scheduled Reports
- UI - Tables - Update column sorting to standard behavior
- BE - Dataset report - Generate 24 rows per object when generating Hourly Report daily
- SBE - Dataset report - Do not overlap weekly dataset report with previous week (only 7 days)
- UI - Reports – Apply filters to scheduled reports
- UI - Analysis - Analyze pinned sessions
- UI - Analysis - Prevent exception during drill-down when no dropdown API callback is present
- UI - Data - Filter - Filter and limit metadata categorical values correctly. Query session values
- UI - Monitoring - Display data
- UI - Monitoring - Prevent freezing when changing a filter on Alerts policy drill-down
- UI - Reports - Details - Display tooltip in front of sidebar drawer icon when overlapping
- UI - Settings - Sessions - Connectors - Improve display when minimizing the window
- UI - Settings - Threshold Profiles - Close the sidebar when deleting a threshold profile
- UI - Settings - Threshold Profiles - Prevent policy name from overflowing onto the more options icon (...)
- Reports - Monitoring - Remove the Reports option for users without sufficient permission
- UI - Analysis - Alert drill-down - Show warning if the policy metric does not have a default template
- UI - Analysis - Improve scrolling and placement of dictionary search window when adding filters to an analysis drill-down
- UI - Inventory - Assets - Return a smaller set of elements or a single asset on the Network List page when using query parameter "graph=true"
- UI - Monitoring - Report Dialog - Remove unused options for scheduled reports
- BE - Alerting - GroupBy - Return results when aggregation is "avg", sorted is "asc", and groupBy includes "uid"
- UI - Analysis - Topology - Legend value AVG not longer returning "NaN"
- UI - Monitoring - Card - Do not remove multiple sources when deleting a metric
- UI - Settings - Capture - Sensors - Fixing pagination issue in the capture list
- UI - Analysis - Distribution - Support filtering on the "NC" Application
- UI - Analysis - Table - Remove interaction from non-sortable columns
- UI - Inventory - TCP Throughput - Details - Increase the limit of retrieved test results
- UI - Security - Events - Distribution - Display aliases for HTTP methods
- UI - Security - Incidents - Remove unused filters
- UI - Analysis - Node template does not allow circuit groupBy and vice versa
- UI - Analysis - GroupBy datasources are filtered after choosing queries (by query datasources)
- UI - Analysis - Geo - Untoggling "Filter Dataset" reverts the previous filter and show all data
- UI - Data - Custom Metrics are visible when adding data in a Dashboard card
- BE - Roadrunner - Improved session filtering performance within RoadRunner
- UI - Widget - Geo - CSV export - Interval included in the file name and only include lat/lng destination categorization with the object rows
- UI - Analysis - Capture databases - Table widget's queries column sorting is now functioning
- Data and tests are being shown in inventory for TCP throughput test
- UI - Analysis - Update Data - Changing filters when coverage is 100% prompts the update-data button
- UI - Analysis - Capture - Sparklines showing for application ID of 0
- UI - Analysis - Topology - Names of topology elements are fully visible and scrollable
- UI - Analysis - Data Dictionary - Interacting with Search Modal no longer gradually shifts window to the left
- UI - Settings - Capture - Sensors - Summary and Configuration not longer hidden
- Alerts - Option to select "Units" as per the "Metrics" while configuring Alerts
- UI - Dashboards - Export - Download CSV's directly from the dashboard
- UI - Filter Bar - 'Select all' with a subset of values doesn't replace the existing selected values
- UI - Analysis - Changing Analysis Template only preserves drilledAlertContext if the new template is the same type
- UI - Aggregate widget - Configuring aggregation when dimension.aggregation is Duration is prevented
- UI - Analysis - Capture - Retrieve trend series limit formed without including rows with 'missing' by walking down the table until we get enough to fulfill the lim
- UI - Analysis - Alerts - Distribution widget's categories tooltip has correct
- UI - Analysis - Alerts - Widget trend clusters data no longer disappearing
- Interceptor - Alerts - Mitre and Severity are populated after applying filter
- UI - Analysis - Alerts - Topology widget's diff tooltip readable in dark mode
- UI - Analysis - Alerts - Widget trend clusters count is consistent
- UI - Analysis - Alerts capture application - Metric alert attributes like alerts cleared display 0 even with an undefined value
- UI - Analysis - Alerts - Irrelevant columns hidden when "See individual alerts" is checked
- UI - Data - Widgets - Widget data appears correctly
- UI - Data - Processors - Secondary groupBys not blocked when enqueueing tasks
- UI - Inventory - Sessions - Archived count accurate
- UI - Inventory - Sessions - Archive all not shown if all objects are archived and vice versa
- UI - Inventory - Sessions - Session Pin Preview count sync'ed with pin count when unpinning from list
- UI - Inventory - Sessions - Unpin all not shown if there are no pinned sessions and vice versa
- UI - Pinning - Clear all not shown if there are no pins
- UI - Reports - Sharing - Filter Window Displays Visibily
- UI - Reports - Monitoring - "Open Dashboard" opens in a new tab
- UI - Settings - Capture - Data Management - No padding on sidebar when sidebar not visible
- UI - Reports - Monitoring - Export of application groupBy provides a display value
- UI - Analysis - Alerts - Reduced decimals in trends widget
- UI - Analysis - Alerts - Aggregate values displaying correctly in the compact trends widget
- UI - Orchestration - Profile creation in Capture Orchestration functioning
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