Terms and Acronyms
  • 07 Aug 2023
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Terms and Acronyms

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Article summary

Refer to this table for a description of commonly used abbreviations, terms, and acronyms.

Active Session DataData that comes from synthetic measurements
CardWithin Dashboard and/or Section contains 1+ widgets
ConnectorThe Roadrunner configuration element
CSVComma Separated Variables (a file format)
DashboardThe method of presenting macro network views
DSDestination to source. Metrics with this directionality represents the packet stats seen starting from the destination back to the source. Previously called R2P
FlowmeterA protocol for monitoring network throughput
GranularitySetting that controls the amount of detailed data to display
Monitored ObjectA network element that generates performance data
NONNo direction
P2R/R2P/RTPeer to Reflector / Reflector to Peer / Round Trip
Passive Capture DataData that comes from On-prem and Cloud sensors
PLPacket Loss
RoadrunnerSoftware agent that monitors, polls & transfers raw data files
RTRound trip. Metrics with this directionality represent the packet stats seen between the source back to itself
SDSource to destination. Metrics with this directionality represents the packet stats seen as they arrive at the destination. Previously called P2R
SectionWithin Dashboard contains cards
SLAService Level Agreement
SLMSynthetic Loss Measurement
TWAMPA protocol for monitoring network performance
WidgetWithin card contains way to display metric (line, number, etc)

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