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Skylight Analytics 22.04 Maintenance Releases
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Accedian is always making the best things even better. This section highlights the most recent enhancements to our Skylight analytics release 22.04.
Bugs are a part of life, but we've been pushing out a bunch of new features to optimize your experience on the platform based on feedback from you!
- UI - Analysis - Alert - Drilldown - Group by dimensions are taken into account when drilling down into a capture application alert custom template
- UI - Analysis - Session - Exception no longer thrown when inventory records have been deleted/not found blocks rendering
Previous Maintenance Releases
- UI - Analysis - Editor - Add an implicit Apply when closing the editor (with an option to cancel or apply immediately)
- UI - Analysis - Support toggling the inclusion of private analyses and default to hiding them
- UI - Inventory - Assets - Ability to export time series data & raw data (max 24hrs)
- UI - Data - Re-enable code to detect unit collisions/preferred units in session dictionary
- UI - Widget - Aggregate - Post-aggregate binning for Capture now sums to 100%
- Resolution of duplicate monitored objects
- Analysis - Drilldown - Drop the filters which are empty on DrillDown
- Inventory - Session - Metadata values now support spaces on input
- Interval - Timepicker interval persists to the relative interval on auto-refresh
- Analysis - Drilldown - Filter field in drilldown only interactable after data finishes loading
- Data - Match against a direction array in the result when querying for the NON direction since fallback directions are included
- Inventory - Session - Ensure max count of alerts summary data has an initial value of 0 if no alerts data is present
- Settings - Policies - Alerts - Update the recovery comparator when the trigger comparator changes
- Analysis - Performance optimizations
- Analysis - Widget - Geo - 3d - Better support for relative height and coloring
- Analysis - Widget - Table - Compact - Display object names instead of category distributions for compact session tables
- Widget - Standardize CSV export filenames
- Analysis - Widget - Geo - Heatmap - Toggle between heatmap/3d after zoom
- Analysis - Widget - Timeseries - Disabling global reference line removes it from the chart
- Data - Remove 'capture-v2' type from alert queries (covered by 'capture' type)
- Analysis - Drilldown - Title dropdown box stretches to fit at least 40 chars before using ellipsis
- Analysis - Geo filtering no longer applied when geo widget is hidden
- Data - Dictionary - No longer showing datasource type navs if UG visibility restrictions are in effect
- Data - Dictionary - Search terms for case-insensitive comparision
- Settings - Disabled Alert filter behaviours because BE doesn't support exclude
- Monitoring - Portal Users will not have visibility of all users in sharing dialog
- Data - Flowmeter - Send all directions to stitch historical data written with a direction that doesn't match the current dictionary
- Analysis - Editor - Add an implicit Apply when closing the editor (with an option to cancel or apply immediately)
- Accounts - Render onboarding token within more-menu for tenants with SSO enabled
- Analysis - Drilldown - Dataset is created when swapping between capture templates
- Analysis - Drilldown - Guard against empty "sort by" in applyStateToModel
- Analysis - Drilldown - Now showing "Empty data" message when applicable instead of "Failed to build dataset"
- Analysis - Drilldown - Switching analysis templates in drilldown now sets up compatible queries
- Analysis - Widget - Guard against duplicate widgets
- Anvil - Data - Removed '-1' direction for the syncQuality also removing irrelevant column from Performance in Inventory
- Dashboard - Management - Dashboard permissions column displays "Everyone" permissions, if applicable
- Data - Dictionary - Removed the exclude filter behaviour for metric filters
- Settings - Session - Ingestion - Align rev/_rev to prevent document conflict on custom metric update
- Settings - Session - Ingestion - Disable/enable controls for duration doesn't show
- Widget - Aggregate - Repeat offenders only display DatasetRequestFailure for affected intervals
- Widget - Timeseries - Fixed the export of circuit data name translation
- Analysis - Drilldown - Metrics are now unique to prevent request failures
- Accounts - Resetting passwords no longer requires admins to manually reset the password
- Data - Includes micro-tca/percentage-violations in session alert queries, and only uses active alert processors when querying active alerts
- Widget - Aggregate - Repeat Offenders - Time Range is now shown on two lines to prevent occlusion from the graph
- Widget - Timeseries - Series based on categorical counts now shows a value in the legend
- Anvil - Data: Ability to support a '-1' direction as "Non-Directional"
Note: Anything new can be sent with this new direction. If you want to introduce this to one of your existing metrics, please consult with CSM prior to making any changes.
- Settings - Session - Connectors - Downloaded session connector configuration filename dates are now in ISO format and space characters are replaced with '-'
- Inventory - Session - Details - Uncaught exception when alert data is empty
- Widget - Timeseries - Legends arranged by categorization display ids instead of names for circuits
- Data - Flowmeter - Send 0 and 1 directions to cover a RR issue where the direction changed
- Data - Take into account flowmeter direction change for groupby requests
- Interval - Relative interval resets to default when auto-refresh occurs
- Widget - Crosstab - CSV export only outputs first colum
- Widget - Table - Increase groupBy limit to 1000, cap limit at 100 when timeseries cells are present
- Alerts - Fixed buildDataset error during drilldown by filtering out deleted MOs
- Anvil - Increased the groupBy limit to 1000
- Dashboard - Widget - Geo - Apply a default groupby if a geo widget doesn't already have one
- Anvil - Interval - Ability to unlock more granularity options on zoom
- Widget - Geo - Has a default groupBy when the widgetmodel is migrated
- Alerts received during maintenance windows are excluded
- Widget: Aggregate - Category text visible
- Anvil: dashboard table widget now sorts columns based on rawValue
- Inventory: Removed getOwner lookup guard that is causing transitionToAnalysis errors
- Settings: no longer disabling add button option unless we select the add button
- Analysis: zoom interval warning now displays if not applied to the base request
- Settings: reintroduce the data unit dropdown
- Analysis: session details now updates data when interval is changed
- Analysis: Correctly set the default limit when creating analysis
- Analysis: Distribution category visibility toggles apply
- Analysis: Show range cells as a percentage
- Data: Fix for greyed out aggregate widgets, include metric in valueboundary id
- Data: all the zone's sub-dimensions caught
- Data: swap x.zone.name dimension to x.zone.id in DimensionQuery constructor
- Data: zone sub dimension now gets separate value for each id
- Data: display-settings dataUnit value in displayData function respected
- Settings: added missing units in pcap schedule summary values
- Widget: Crosstab - Column headers display categorical value not metric
- Widget: Changes to Dashboard-Table widget so that values go from a thousand to a trillion and any number larger than 10^15 is displayed in scientific notation
Note: Value based metrics use a numeric unit system, for example: 1, 2, 3..., with no specific suffix. To clarify these values as they hit larger numbers, such as billions or trillions, the UI abbreviates the value and provides a numeric suffix. Previously this suffix followed a semi-conventional format of thousands (k), millions (m)or billions (b). This can introduce ambiguity in how metrics are read. For example, k can be misinterpreted as kilobytes, b as bits/bytes. To avoid this we have expanded the numeric suffixes to written words until we can re-evaluate these suffixes for a better convention.
Skylight analytics 21.04.40 includes the following updates:
- Dashboard: Card - Support hiding card filters
- Settings: Capture - PCAP - Increase max time for PCAP schedules
- Settings: General - Support the option to choose bytes instead of bits for data unit display
- Accounts: Users - Onboarding password link for SSO domains not exposed
- Analysis: Widget - Display a warning if the dataset doesn't match the current zoom interval
- App: Improved positioning of user timezone menu
- Settings: Capture - Improved capture table column sorting
- Settings: Capture - PCAP - Added missing units in PCAP schedule summary values
- Widget: Crosstab - Migrated postAggregateBins to color rules
- Widget: Crosstab - Support column resizing
- Widget: Expand abbreviations for number based units (e.g. 'million' instead of 'm')
- Widget: Use standard date formatting
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