Skylight Analytics 19.09.18 Release Notes
  • 16 Jan 2025
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Skylight Analytics 19.09.18 Release Notes

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Article summary

Identify and archive inactive/duplicate sessions. ICMP and iPerf3 support.

Executive Summary

One of our most commonly asked for features is a way to allow "housekeeping" of accidental or incorrectly provisioned sessions that can clutter both inventories and analyses with misleading data. Although our published APIs provided some cleanup capabilities, not everyone has enough time or inclination to dive into scripting. We are happy to now offer multiple new ways to find and archive sessions via an accessible and intuitive UI. We hope you enjoy this!!

We've also added additional session types, improved performance of metadata filter searches and adjusted the behaviour of some of our existing features to provide a better experience and more consistency across the product.

Feature Highlights

Archiving inactive sessions

Sessions that have been inactive/not reporting for at least 24h can be identified and archived individually or in bulk. Accidentally archive a session? Not a problem, archived sessions can still found in the Network inventory and unarchived!


Finding duplicate sessions

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck then you might have 3 sessions named "duck" - only one of which has data. We know how annoying it can be seeing mis-provisioned sessions with duplicate names in your application. Identify, triage and archive duplicate sessions with ease using our duplicate object workflow. Who's up for a game of duck hunt?


Support for ICMP-ECHO and iPerf3 sessions

The combination of ICMP-ECHO and iPerf3 is a popular way to do basic performance testing on networks. iPerf provides UDP and TCP bandwidth measurements while ICMP-ECHO helps measure RTT bottlenecks between clients and servers.


The detailed feature summary

The detailed fix summary

  • Analysis - Show objects lacking a peer metadata key in the metadata filter dialog
  • Dashboard - Sort card series before colouring for more consistency
  • Metadata - Tune key/value search performance and consistent accuracy
  • Network Inventory - Handle search term overflow (e.g. multiple object names)

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