Skylight Analytics 19.07.08 Release Notes
  • 04 Dec 2024
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Skylight Analytics 19.07.08 Release Notes

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Article summary

A cool new name, a couple of new looks and an awesome new tool for you to try out as we start in on the second half of 2019!

Executive Summary

Welcome to the new Accedian! REfreshed. REimagined. REdesigned. As part of the rebranding, our product names have changed to put more focus on Skylight as a portfolio, as well as more clearly identify each component's value to the solution. DataHUB IQ will now be know as Skylight Performance Analytics.

To go along with the change, we're very excited to bring you a few new features including a couple of trendy dark mode viewing options (we now have one for every lighting situation), the legendary micro-analysis module (where you can really leverage the power of metadata to slice and dice how you visualize your data), topology insights (help to pinpoint network hops that may be the source of issues) and pattern matching (find other objects throughout the network that share the same shape). Ya, we've been busy!!

Feature Highlights

New branding

Along with the new name has come a new colour palate. Check out the three viewing options under your user settings.


Micro-analysis module

Ever wish you could take a Top 100 list, evaluate their metadata, plot aggregates based on some split of said metadata, and maybe pull in reference lines from the entire network to help find or rule out trends? Ask no more!

We're going to be investing heavily into our new analysis module over the second half of the year to give you a really rich set of tools to help you close investigations faster.

Bear with us here... its a new tool and we were excited to get it out, so you may find bugs - you've been warned. We hope you'll take the time to try them out and pass along the feedback/issues to our friendly Customer Success Managers via the messaging app at the bottom left of your screen.


Topology Insights

Hopefully you've enriched your monitored objects with logical topology metadata, otherwise you might want to get on that to start benefiting from our first insight application! From any investigation using our new analysis module, you can visualize the results of our analysis overlaid across the logical topology. Find the baseline (usually at the point of session generation), and follow the path of the worst sessions to really see where the pain point is.


Pattern Matching

Flexing our big data muscles, this feature allows you to find similar patterns in metric behaviour (e.g. shapes) across the rest of your network. The returned list will be ranked by similarity and you can choose to pull a few into your active analysis for further investigation.


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