Executing Configuration Jobs
  • 14 Feb 2025
  • 11 Minutes to read
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Executing Configuration Jobs

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Article summary

To apply configuration jobs to devices, you must create a job executor. Then you run the executor and view the results of the execution. For the procedures, see:

  • "Viewing List of Job Executors"
  • "Starting a Job Executor"
  • "Viewing the Status of a Job Executor"

Here are some points to note about job executors:

  • A job executor can include several configuration jobs.
  • You can specify the target devices in two ways: by using a device reference dataset or by dragging devices into a target devices list. For more information, see "Selecting Devices".
  • You can schedule a job executor to run once or periodically. For more information, see "Scheduling Execution of Configuration Jobs and Flows".

Viewing List of Job Executors

Job executors are set up and managed in the Commission ▶ Job Executors page, which displays a list of the configuration job executors that have already been defined.

To view existing configuration job executors and their status

  1. Select Commission ▶ Job Executors.
    The Job Executors page is displayed with a list of all existing job executors.

The following table explains the information displayed in the list of job executors.

Job Executor Configuration (Commission ▶ Job Executors)

Executor nameThe name of the job executor.
Number of devicesThe number of devices targeted by the job.
SuccessThe number of devices on which execution was completed successfully.
FailuresThe number of devices on which execution failed.
Start timeThe date and time when execution started.
End timeThe date and time when execution finished.
StatusThe status of the executor. Possible values:
  • Created: The job was created, but not started.
  • Starting: The job was created and is starting.
  • Started: The job was started.
  • Stopping: The job was stopped and is in the process of stopping. There are still configuration items in progress.
  • Stopped: The job was stopped.
  • Completed: The job has been completed.
  • Completed with errors: The job has been completed, but at least one failure occurred.
  • Waiting for results: The job is waiting for results.
Export StatusThe status of the export. Possible values:
  • Not start: The export has not started.
  • In progress: The export is in progress.
  • Success: The export was successful.
  • Export failed: The export has failed.
  • Transfer failed: The transfer has failed.
Force deleteThis checkbox does not currently have any effect.

If you want to delete an executor, select it in the list and click the Button_Remove_Generic.png button.

To delete several executors at once, Ctrl-click to select the executors and click the Button_Remove_Generic.png button.

Adding a Job Executor

You set up job executors in the Job executors tab by clicking Button_New_Generic.png button to add a new executor. The window includes three tabs:

  • Jobs - In this tab, you select one or more jobs to be executed.
  • Device selection - In this tab, you select the target devices on which the job(s) will be executed.
  • Status - In this tab, you start the executor and view the status of the jobs.

You can select jobs and devices and run the executor immediately. Alternatively, you can save the executor and run it later. You can also perform a dry run to see the commands that will be executed when you start the executor.

To add a job executor

  1. Access the Commission ▶ Job Executors window.

  2. Click the Button_New_Generic.png button to add a new executor.
    The Job execution configuration window is displayed. The Jobs tab is on top.
    24.09_Executing Configuration Jobs_1.png

  3. Enter an Executor name.

  4. Enter a value in the Number of failures field.

    Note: Legacy Orchestrator ensures that the job has completed the current batch of devices before terminating execution.

  5. Drag the jobs that you want to execute from the left pane to the right pane in the Jobs tab.

  6. If you do not want to select target devices immediately, click Apply then Close to close the window. The new executor is added to the list.

  7. Select the target devices using one of these two methods:

    • If all the selected configuration jobs use ME reference data sets (predefined list of devices) and you want to use the data sets, check the Use device reference checkbox.

      For detailed information about the results you can get using data sets, see "Method A: Use Device reference data sets ".

    • Drag the devices from the left pane to the right pane (Target devices).

      For more information about this method, see Method B: Drag devices into the target device list.

  8. Click Apply.

  9. To execute the configuration job immediately, select the Status tab and click the Start executor button.

  10. Click Close to close the Job Execution Configuration window.

  11. Click the Refresh Button_Refresh_Generic.png button to refresh the user interface.

Job Executor Configuration (Commission ▶ Job Executors ▶ Button_New_Generic.png)

Executor nameName of the executor.
Stop on failureCheck this box to stop execution after the number of failures defined in the Number of failures field.
Number of failuresThe executor will stop trying to execute after this number of failures.

Jobs tab

Job nameThe job configuration to be executed.

Device Selection tab

Use device referenceIf all the selected configuration jobs were defined with ME reference datasets (lists of devices and/or sensor: modules), you can check this checkbox to apply the jobs to the devices in their respective lists.

See "Method A: Use Device reference data sets ".

Device selection, Elements tab

NameIdentifiers for the devices available for selection.

Drag devices into the Target devices list.

For more information, see "Method B: Drag devices into the Target device list".

LabelUser-defined label that will allow users to identify and group modules.
Serial numberThe serial number of the device.
IPThe IP address of the device.
MAC addressThe MAC address of the device.
VersionThe current firmware version that runs the device.
ModelThe model of the device.
Target devicesThe list of devices selected for configuring

Device selection, Modules and SFPs tab

NameIdentifiers for the devices available for selection. This value is read from the Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor Module that controls the Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor Control

Drag devices into the Target devices list.

For more information, see "Method B: Drag devices into the Target device list".

LabelUser-defined label that will allow users to identify and group Assurance Sensor Control.
IPThe IP address of the Assurance Sensor Module. This value is read from the Assurance Sensor Module that controls the Assurance Sensor Control.
Firmware suiteThe version of the firmware installed on the Assurance Sensor Module.
ModelThe model of the Assurance Sensor Module. This value is read from the Assurance Sensor Module that controls the Assurance Sensor Control.
Controller labelThe label of the Assurance Sensor Control that controls this module. This is the label assigned to the controller in Legacy Orchestrator.

This is a link that you can click to access the user interface for the controller of the Assurance Sensor Control.

Status tab

DoneThe number of times that jobs were executed on devices.

Format: x of y

SuccessfulThe number of times that jobs were successfully executed on devices.
FailedThe number of times that jobs failed to be executed on devices.
StoppedThe number of times that jobs were not performed because of a Stop Job. Jobs can be stopped by a user selecting the Stop button ( Button_Stop.png above the list of Executors) or if the Stop on failure checkbox has been checked.
Execution LogFor the selected target device, displays a detailed log pertaining to the job execution status:
  • The label and serial number.
  • The job status.
  • The parameters applied.
  • The parameters not applied and the reason why.

NameHost name of the device. Read from the device.
LabelLabel assigned to the device in Legacy Orchestrator. Can be edited by selecting the device in the Devices ▶ Managed page.
SerialSerial number of the device.
MAC addressThe MAC address of the device.

Selecting Devices

After you have selected one or more configuration jobs for your job executor, you must select the devices to be configured. You can use either of two methods: using ME reference datasets or dragging devices into the target list.

This section covers some of the more complex ways you can select devices in a job executor.

Method A: Use device reference data sets

A device reference data set is a predefined list of devices. For more information, see "About Datasets and CLI Sets".
To use this method:

  • All configuration jobs selected in the executor must have been defined using a device reference dataset (ME reference data set enabled) as the list of target devices or sensor: modules.

  • The configuration job executor must also be set up to Use device reference datasets (in the Device selection tab).

  • Each configuration job will be executed on the devices or sensor: modules in the device reference dataset.

  • Using device reference datasets is very flexible because it allows a single executor to run different configuration jobs on different Provider Connectivity Assurance devices or Assurance Sensor Modules.

Method B: Drag devices into the target device list

You use this method in the Device selection tab when you are creating your executor. You choose between the list of Provider Connectivity Assurance devices or Assurance Sensor Modules. Then you drag devices from the left pane to the right pane. If you include both Assurance Sensor Control and Sensor Modules in the device list, the steps for the Assurance Sensor Control will always be executed before steps that are associated to sensor: modules.
24.09_Executing Configuration Jobs_2.png

  • This method is typically used for configuration jobs that were not defined with a device reference dataset. The jobs will be executed on all Provider Connectivity Assurance devices or sensor: modules that are dragged into the Target devices list.
  • If any configuration jobs (included in the executor) were defined with a device reference dataset, each job will only be executed on Provider Connectivity Assurance devices or sensor: modules that are both in the job's device reference list and in the Target devices list.

About Configuration Job Step Execution
While Method A or Method B may be used to assign devices to an executor, it should be noted that only a subset of the configuration steps may be applied to each target device. For a dataset-based configuration job, specific steps of the configuration job may be skipped if they have no matching dataset for that target device.

For example, for a configuration job with this configuration:

  • Device reference dataset that includes Devices A and B.
  • SNMP step enabled in dataset mode with only Device A defined in the SNMP dataset.
  • Backup step enabled in non-dataset mode.
  • DNS step enabled in dataset mode with only Device B defined in the DNS dataset.

If creating an executor that uses this configuration job with the Use device reference option enabled, then the following devices will be targeted:

  • Device A
  • Device B

At runtime, the following steps will be executed by the executor:

  • Device A: SNMP step executed, backup step executed, DNS step skipped.
  • Device B: SNMP step skipped, backup step executed, DNS step executed.

This provides a powerful means for allowing specific steps to be applied only to specific devices.

Starting a Job Executor

To start a job executor

  1. Access the page Commission ▶ Job Executors.

  2. Select the executor that you want to run.

  3. If you want to view the commands that will be executed when you run the executor:

    • Double-click the executor in the list.
    • Select the Dry Run button in the Status tab.

  4. Start the job by selecting the Button_Start.png  button (above the list).
    Refresh the list by selecting the Refresh  Button_Refresh_Generic.png  button to refresh the user interface.

Note: 50 NE results can be displayed when Legacy Orchestrator executes a Dry Run of a job executor.

Viewing the Status of a Job Executor

You can quickly view the status of job executors in the Commission ▶ Job Executors page.

You can also view a detailed status of a particular job as explained here.
To view a detailed status of a job executor

  1. Access the Commission ▶ Job Executors page.

  2. Double-click the name of the executor whose status you want to view. The Job execution configuration dialog is displayed. The Status tab is displayed on top.

  3. Check if the values in the Successful and Done fields match.

Stopping a Job Executor

To stop a job that is currently running

  1. Access the Commission ▶ Job Executor page.

  2. Select the job that you want to stop in the list.

  3. Stop the job by clicking the Button_Stop.png  button (above the list).

  4. Refresh the list by clicking the  Button_Refresh_Generic.png  button (lower right corner of the page).

Exporting the Results of a Job Executor

You can export the results of a job executor to a CSV file. You can do this immediately after running the executor or later.

To export the results displayed in the Job Executors page

  1. Access the Commission ▶ Job Executors page.

  2. Select one or more executors (whose results you want to export) in the list.

  3. Export the results by clicking the Button_Export_CSV.png button (at the top right of page).
    The file is automatically downloaded.

  4. Open the CSV file and save in an appropriate location.

To view the detailed status of the export and export the results of jobs

  1. Access the Commission ▶ Job Executors page.

  2. Double-click the executor (whose results you want to export) in the list.
    The Job execution configuration dialog is displayed.

  3. View the information in the Status tab.

  4. Select one or more jobs whose status you want to export.

  5. Export the results by clicking the Button_Export_CSV.png button (above the list of jobs executed).
    The file is automatically downloaded.

  6. Open the CSV file and save in an appropriate location.

Deleting a Job Executor

To delete a job executor

  1. Access the Commission ▶ Job Executor page.

  2. Select one or more jobs that you want to delete from the list.

  3. Remove the executor from the list by clicking the  Button_Remove_Generic.png  button (above the list).

  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Ok to confirm that you want to remove the executor.

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