Viewing OAM Status
  • 30 Mar 2022
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Viewing OAM Status

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Article summary

To view a summary of the status of each OAM instance

  1. Access the page OAM ▶Status.

  2. For details OAM status information, click the OAM instance Name in the list.

For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following tables.

OAM Status (OAM ▶Status)

NameThe name of the OAM instance.
DiscoveryThe current state of the OAM Discovery function. The states listed correspond to those within the discovery state diagram.


Local Flags


A string of seven bits corresponding to the Flags field in the most recently transmitted OAMPDU. The seven LSB bits are expressed as a hexadecimal value. For example, a hexadecimal value of 0x0004 converted to binary is 0000100: first bit = 0, second bit = 0, third bit = 1, etc.
  • The first bit corresponds to the Link Fault bit in the Flags field.
  • The second bit corresponds to the Dying Gasp bit in the Flags field.
  • The third bit corresponds to the Critical Event bit in the Flags field.
  • The fourth bit corresponds to the Local Evaluating bit in the Flags field.
  • The fifth bit corresponds to the Local Stable bit in the Flags field.
  • The sixth bit corresponds to the Remote Evaluating bit in the Flags field.
  • The seventh bit corresponds to the Remote Stable bit in the Flags field.
Local Revision

Info TLV Revision

The value of the Revision field in the Local Information TLV of the most recently transmitted information OAMPDU.

Note: The revision number indicates the number of times that the configuration for the local OAM instance has been modified.

Parser State/Mux


A string of three bits corresponding to the State field of the most recently transmitted Information OAMPDU. The first and second bits correspond to the Parser Action bits in the State field. The third bit corresponds to the Multiplexer Action bit in the State field.

Note: These states will change when a loopback is enabled.

Vendor OUIThe value of the OUI variable in the Vendor Identifier field of the most recently transmitted information OAMPDU. This value is updated upon reception of a valid frame.
Vendor-Specific InfoThe value of the Vendor-Specific Information field of the most recently received information OAMPDU. This value is updated upon reception of a valid frame with the following:
  • Destination field value equal to the reserved multicast address for Slow_Protocols.
  • Length or Type field value equal to the reserved Type for Slow_Protocols.
  • A Slow_Protocols subtype value equal to the subtype reserved for OAM.
  • The OAMPDU code equal to the Information code.
  • The frame contains a Local Information TLV.


Remote Flags


A string of seven bits corresponding to the Flags field in the most recently received OAMPDU.

The seven LSB bits are expressed as a hexadecimal value. For example, a hexadecimal value of 0x0004 converted to binary is 0000100: first bit = 0, second bit = 0, third bit = 1, etc.

  • The first bit corresponds to the Link Fault bit in the Flags field.
  • The second bit corresponds to the Dying Gasp bit in the Flags field.
  • The third bit corresponds to the Critical Event bit in the Flags field.
  • The fourth bit corresponds to the Local Evaluating bit in the Flags field.
  • The fifth bit corresponds to the Local Stable bit in the Flags field.
  • The sixth bit corresponds to the Remote Evaluating bit in the Flags field.
  • The seventh bit corresponds to the Remote Stable bit in the Flags field.
Remote Revision

Info TLV Revision

The value of the Revision field in the Local Information TLV of the most recently received information OAMPDU. This value is updated upon reception of a valid frame.
Parser State/Mux


A string of three bits corresponding to the State field of the most recently received information OAMPDU. The first and second bits correspond to the Parser Action bits in the State field. The third bit corresponds to the Multiplexer Action bit in the State field.

Note: These states will change when a loopback is enabled.

Vendor OUIThe value of the OUI variable in the Vendor Identifier field of the most recently received information OAMPDU.
Vendor-Specific InfoThe value of the Vendor Specific Information field of the most recently received information OAMPDU.

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