Viewing Collection Status for All Elements
  • 14 Feb 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Viewing Collection Status for All Elements

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Article summary

The Reporting Status tab of the Collection page gives you an overview of the status of data collection for all elements (Sensors) managed by Legacy Orchestrator.

The status is presented in a table with a row for each managed element.

Note: The search bar and Search filters dialog box allow you to identify all devices for which there has not been a CSV generated over the last two reporting periods.

Collection page - Reporting Status tab shows the status of data collection
24.09_Viewing Collection Status for All Elements_1.png

To view the data collection status for all managed elements

Access the Collection ▶ Reporting Status page.

A list of devices and their information is displayed. Their dashboard is displayed on the bottom of the page, providing you with a high-level statistical view of collection and transfer data.

For explanations of the information displayed in the Reporting Status tab, see the table below.

For information about changing the Metrics Collection configuration, see:

  • "Configuring Global Collection Settings"
  • "Configuring Collection Agent for Individual Devices"

Collection page - Reporting Status tab

Device nameThe host name of the element. This value is set on the element. Legacy Orchestrator obtains the value from the element.
LabelAn identifier for the element that is defined and used in Legacy Orchestrator. You can edit this by selecting the element in the Managed Elements list.
SerialThe serial number of the element. This value is obtained from the device.
VersionThe version of the element's firmware. This value is obtained from the element.
ModelThe model of the element. This value is obtained from the element.
CSV timeThe last date and time that Legacy Orchestrator received streamed data from the element. A value of "--" means no reporting data has been received yet.
Transfer timeThe date and time when a data file was last transferred to the export destination. A value of "--" means no reporting data has been transferred to the export destination yet.
CollectionThe dashboard at the bottom of the page shows high-level statistical information on collection data.

Note: Collection is considered on time if a CSV file has been produced within the last two grouping periods.

TransferThe dashboard at the bottom of the page shows high-level statistical information on transfer data.

Note: The transfer is considered on time if the file was transferred to all destinations with five minutes of its generation.

GRAPH BUTTON.pngToggles the dashboard on and off.

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