Understanding Network Congestion: Measuring Delay Metrics
  • 31 Jan 2025
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Understanding Network Congestion: Measuring Delay Metrics

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Article summary

Measuring Congestion

The congestion feature is an automated tool that continuously tracks network congestion and establishes a baseline measurement. This enables you to set alerts for identifying anomalies or significant deviations in network performance.

By analyzing delay metrics, in this case, 25th percentile delay (Delay P25) and comparing it to minimum delay you can gain valuable insight into network congestion.

Subtracting the baseline helps eliminate the influence of distance on packet travel times in TWAMP sessions. This allows you to compare performance across your network more effectively, assess how consistently it operates under optimal conditions, and identify potential congestion issues.


Advantages of Measuring Congestion

Obtain Baseline Measurements

Establishing a baseline provides a reference point for what is considered normal network performance. It helps in identifying deviations that may indicate congestion or other issues.

Monitor Variations

Monitoring variations allows you to detect changes in network performance that may signal the onset of congestion or other problems.

Conduct Tests During Peak Usage Times

Network congestion is often most apparent during peak usage times, so testing during these periods can reveal how well the network handles high traffic volumes. By scheduling performance tests during known peak periods you can see how congestion impacts network performance.

You can compare results to baseline measurements to evaluate the network's ability to manage increased loads.

Perform Trend Analysis to Pinpoint Congestion Issues

Analyzing trends over time helps you identify patterns. Persistent increases in RTT or packet loss at specific times or under specific conditions can help pinpoint congestion sources.

Regular monitoring and analysis can help in understanding and mitigating network congestion effectively.

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