Skylight Solution Release 23.08
  • 19 Dec 2024
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Skylight Solution Release 23.08

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Article summary

Skylight 23.08 adds a ton of new features, fixes and enhancements across the entire portfolio! This article helps centralize, by individual component category, all the latest information in one convenient place.


Skylight performance analytics

Skylight performance analytics 23.08 introduces the following features and enhancements:

  1. Dynamic Metadata: use contextual data coming from your metric source to keep your provisoned metadata up to date
  2. Session Discovery Setting: control whether new objects need to be pre-provisioned or automatically created when analytics sees data for them
  3. Session Continuity Setting: control whether analytics stitches objects together when IDs or names change
  4. Default Direction Names: the default directional names have changed to now use source and destination terminology
  5. SNMP alerts with metadata: configure up to 5 metadata categories to be sent over SNMP in session based threshold alerts

See the full Release Notes here.

Skylight orchestrator

There was no new release of Orchestrator - 23.04 is the most current.

Skylight sensor: agents

Skylight sensor: agents 23.07 introduces the following features and enhancements:

  1. User interface for transfer, trace, UDP and ICMP Echo sessions: provision and control these new session types via your browser
  2. Notifications for state changes: changes to agents and their session status will now be communicated to the Skylight Gateway for exposure to upstream orchestration tools via RESTConf
  3. Agent Actuate now supports local enabling of a reflector via environment variable
  4. Agent Actuate is now using Standard Transmission by default

See the full Release Notes here.

Skylight sensor: capture

Skylight sensor: capture 23.08 introduces the following features and enhancements:

  1. VPN management: toggle the state of the capture sensor VPN and the configuration of auto-timeout to disable it
  2. 3rd Pary Remote Packet Brokers: configure the sensors to receive feeds from linux based packet brokers
  3. Enhanced decoding: Cisco CTS Decapsulation and a Netflow enhancement for DSCP

See the full Release Notes here.

Skylight Interceptor

Skylight Interceptor 23.08 introduces the following features and enhancements:

  1. Smart Incident Management: interceptor is now able to manage your incidents automatically
  2. Security Data on Dashboards: build custom dashboards with both security and performance data
  3. SMB Honeypot: the SMB flavor of honeypots has been added
  4. Allowlist: this release introduces several allowlist enhancements

See the full Release Notes here.

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