Running a Y.1564 Test
  • 14 Feb 2025
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Running a Y.1564 Test

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Article summary

The Y.1564 tests are executed according to how devices were configured.

To run a Y.1564 test

  1. Access the Service Performance ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration page.

  2. Select a test profile. You can select several tests by clicking while holding down the Ctrl or the Shift key on your keyboard.

Note: It may be useful to filter the test profiles in order to focus on the tests you have configured.

  1. Click the Start Y.1564 Test ▶ button to display the Y.1564 test activation configuration window.
    24.09_Running a Y.1564 Test_1.png

  2. Enter values as required. For details on specific parameters, see the table after this procedure.

Note: If you selected multiple tests, the values you enter here will apply to all tests. If you want to enter different values for each test, start each test separately.

  1. Click Apply to launch the Y.1564 test.

Y.1564 Test Activation Configuration (Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)

Force device out of serviceThis parameter is only used for a Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor Control that will be used as the near-end element in the test. In this case, the remote device (a Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor Module or Sensor SFP module) that is selected as the near-end port of the Assurance Sensor Control must be out of service. Checking this box will put the remote device in the out of service state before activating the test.

This parameter is ignored for other element models and for an Assurance Sensor Control being used as the far-end in the test.

Force loopback overrideThis offers the user the option of forcing loopback override and continuing the test.
Operator nameThe name of the individual who executed the test.
DescriptionA concise description of the test.
Special noteAny additional information specific to the test appears here.

When a service activation test is launched by Legacy Orchestrator, it will automatically configure the report notification feature of the device to send the completed report to Legacy Orchestrator via a secure FTP mechanism. This allows Legacy Orchestrator to be aware of a completed test the moment the test completes on the device.

This same mechanism can also be leveraged if a user desires to launch a test directly from the device interface (CLI and/or web). It must be noted that in this case, it is up to the user to configure the report complete notifications to be sent to the Legacy Orchestrator. When this is done, result files will be sent to Legacy Orchestrator on test completion and will be stored in the Legacy Orchestrator database. The result file then becomes visible just as if the test had been launched from Legacy Orchestrator.

Note: When a test is launched from Legacy Orchestrator, the result file, once transferred to the Legacy Orchestrator database, is deleted from the device. In contrast, when the test is launched from the device, Legacy Orchestrator will retrieve the result, but the test result will not be deleted from the device.

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