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Skylight may not offer a solution out of the box to close every loop. Consider integrating with out Alert message bus and creating your own feedback system.
Skylight Alerts
Skylight alerts are generated on threshold breach events, and pushed to supporting clients via a publicly accessible message broker in MQTT format.
More on Skylight Alerts here.
Consider leveraging either our out of the box SNMP alerting functionality or a custom integration through Cisco services using our collaboration with a popular Integration Platform as a Service (IPaaS).
Getting Started
To get started, grab your favorite MQTT client to explore what our alerts look like. We've got lots of experience with an open source tool called MQTT Explorer
You'll Need a Token
To subscribe to the message broker, you're going to need a JWT. Check out this article on creating one:
Your payload should look something like this, but ensure you've included the mqtt permission:
"data": {
"type": "tokens",
"attributes": {
"iss": "<your company>",
"sub": "<your email>",
"aud": "<your company>",
"exp": <epoch time of expiry>,
And You'll Need to Know Your Tenant Identifier
Sorry... one more API to grab the identifier of your Skylight tenant.
GET {{baseUrl}}/v2/tenant-by-alias/<tenant name>
where {{baseUrl}} is most likely https://<tenant name>.analytics.accedian.io/api
This API will return your tenant Id that you'll need in conjunction with a JWT to connect to the MQTT broker.
Subscribing to the broker
Here is an example of the connection settings:
- Protocol: websocket
- Host: tenant-name.analytics.accedian.io
- Port: 443
- Path: mqtt
- Username: tenant id, JWT
- Password: JWT
- Encryption: TLS
Exploring Alert Data
Leverage your MQTT client to examine the alert payloads:
Example Session Alert
"alertState": "raised",
"baseline": 0,
"direction": 1,
"dstLat": -33.9249,
"dstLon": 18.4241,
"duration": 60000,
"metadata": {
"customer_id": "etmartel",
"demo": "test-the-internet",
"destination_location": "south africa",
"source_location": "montreal"
"metric": "packetsLostPct",
"mitreTactics": null,
"objectId": "28a495ca-1531-4f5c-90d4-3e887f769d09",
"objectName": "aws-af-south-1",
"objectType": "twamp-sf",
"policyId": "f736fbaf-6a4d-4b2b-86cc-5ae741bdaff1",
"policyName": "CR_R2P_PacketLoss",
"policyType": "micro-tca",
"processedTimestamp": 1714443043664,
"source": "skylight-spark",
"srcLat": 45.5019,
"srcLon": -73.5674,
"startTimestamp": 1714442880000,
"tenantId": "a56b15ca-26d7-44b4-b228-5bc83b418b7b",
"tenantName": "playground",
"timestamp": 1714442880000,
"topology": null,
"triggeredValue": 1.39,
"uid": "f123b0d8-90d2-429f-81e6-ad7b0e475468",
"value": 0.1
Note: Session alerts contain the session metadata as well!
Example Capture Alert
"alertState": "raised",
"captureApplicationId": 246,
"captureLayer": "http",
"captureMetaCertainty": 1,
"captureMetaCertainty_percent": 100,
"captureMetaDate_start": 1714443180,
"captureMetaDate_stop": 1714443240,
"captureMetaDesc": "hit.rt went above the configured threshold (1.).\n",
"captureMetaFiring": true,
"captureMetaFirst_sent": 1714443463.82,
"captureMetaHostname": "d5eecb4f24a3",
"captureMetaLast_sent": 1714443463.82,
"captureMetaName": "5d339460-cf63-4b2b-9edb-1cd5823ed518 on hit.rt (configurator/static/sniffer/pvql/http#_/directed) triggered for 'application.id':246",
"captureMetaNow": 1714443463.82,
"captureMetaSite": "d5eecb4f24a3",
"captureMetaStart": 1714443180,
"captureMetaStop": 1714443240,
"captureMetaThresholds": 1,
"captureMetaValues": "0.004954,1.61972223256",
"captureMetaWorker": "configurator/dynamic/5d339460-cf63-4b2b-9edb-1cd5823ed518/alert",
"duration": 60000,
"metric": "hit.rt",
"mitreTactics": null,
"objectId": "hit.rt",
"policyId": "5d339460-cf63-4b2b-9edb-1cd5823ed518",
"policyType": "capture",
"processedTimestamp": 1714443463820,
"source": "ramen",
"startTimestamp": 1714443463820,
"tenantId": "a56b15ca-26d7-44b4-b228-5bc83b418b7b",
"tenantName": "playground",
"timeInViolation": 283819,
"timestamp": 1714443180000,
"topology": null,
"uid": "1655f960-cedc-475f-8c14-df4105be4632"
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