Skylight sensor agents 22.07 Release Notes
  • 14 Sep 2022
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Skylight sensor agents 22.07 Release Notes

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Article summary


Accedian is pleased to announce release 22.07 of Skylight sensor: agents.

What's New

Release 22.07 of the Skylight sensor: agent contains a number of new features and functions compared to the previous 22.04 and 21.12 releases:

  • New agent - transfer supporting L7 requests towards http(s), ftp and generic TCP services
  • Reflector mode for throughput agent, allowing TCP throughput tests between two sensor agents
  • Helm charts for templated deployment on kubernetes
  • Management API backwards compatible with 22.04
  • Updated status tool for troubleshooting

Release Components

agent throughput X86_64 / AMD6422.07_1047
agent actuate X86_64 / AMD6422.07_1047
agent trace X86_64 / AMD6422.07_1047
agent transfer X86_64 / AMD6422.07_31
agent throughput ARM6422.07_90020
agent actuate ARM6422.04_90020
agent trace ARM6422.04_90020
agent transfer ARM6422.04_90021
orchestration0.81.0component of Skylight analytics 22.07
roadrunner0.355.0 or later

Agent Characteristics and Capabilities

agentcapabilitymax use countCPU maxRAM maxDisk typicalcomment
actuateRFC5357 TWAMP light1250.15 core0.3GB0.2GB20pps each
actuateRFC5357 TWAMP control1250.15 core0.3GB0.2GB20pps each
actuateRFC862 UDP Echo1250.15 core0.3GB0.2GB20pps each
actuateRFC792 ICMP Echo1250.15 core0.3GB0.2GB20pps each
throughputRFC6349 baseline11 core0.1GB0.2GBcell
throughputRFC6349 throughput11 core0.1GB0.2GB10Gbps max
traceUDP/TCP/ICMP Paris/Dublin100 (sequentially executed)0.1 core0.1GB0.2GBno visualization in Analytics 22.07
transferTCP L7 https/ftp/tcp250 (sequentially executed)0.1 core0.1GB0.2GB
roadrunner data proxy--4 cores8GB10GB2,500 concurrent sessions

Max use count refers to the number of sessions per instance.
Paris/Dublin, in the Capability column, represents two different algorithms for trace route.

Upgrade Paths

Skylight sensor: agents use a destroy-redeploy model common for container applications. This means that an agent is never upgraded, it is simply replaced. In order to support this mode of operation, only the absolute minimum of configuration parameters are stored with the agent, the rest being kept in the orchestration system and downloaded to the agent at startup. The agent 22.07 is backwards compatible with the docker-compose configuration of 22.04, 21.12 and 21.06, which means the agent can be updated by changing the release version in the docker compose file.

Agent session configuration in the orchestration is compatible with 22.04, so no session or test configuration changes are required when upgrading agents or Analytics to 22.07.

Deployment Considerations

The sensor: agents deploy as containers on x86_64 and arm64 environments. Thus, a container environment is required and we recommend docker 20.10.0 or later.

Corrected Issues

SA-887Alpine distribution updateSecurity patches for alpine distribution. Fixed in 22.07

Known Issues

SA-306Payload size for IPv6 TWAMP can be set to larger values than the MTUDo not use larger IPv6 payload size than 1452b
SA-509TWAMP-CP: When control session is down, data is not accepted into analyticsMake sure the (3rd party) TWAMP responder is up
SA-821Control API: Deleting multiple objects in parallel may fail of more than 10 requests in parallelCheck for HTTP error 502 bad gateway and re-send the query

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