Inventory Security Assets
  • 10 Nov 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Inventory Security Assets

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Article summary

In this article, we're going to take a quick look at Inventory Security Assets.


With Inventory Security Assets, you can view all endpoints that Interceptor has observed since being deployed on your network.

Note: Only endpoints that have IP addresses belonging to the private network IP range will be captured and displayed.

Accessing Inventory Security Assets

To access Inventory Security Assets

  1. Go to Inventory ▶ Security Assets.

Inventory security assests.gif

Viewing Inventory Security Assets

By clicking on any one of the endpoints, you will be able to view the:

  • Current IP address
  • MAC address
  • Hostname

You will also be able to see all the tags that Interceptor automatically assigned to that endpoint, as well as view the IP address history.


Classification Tags

Interceptor works hard to determine what kind of endpoint it sees. As such, it can detect the OS, all open ports observed on the endpoint, and the category of the device. Categories include workstation, server, handheld device, and more.

By clicking on the tag, users can access when this information was observed, its value, and lots of other useful information such as the User-Agent used on the endpoint.


Deleting a Tag

In some cases, automatic detection can be false. Don't worry! It is easy to delete this tag by selecting it and then clicking the Delete button.

Adding a Tag

You can also add a tag, in the Classification tags window, simply by clicking the Add icon and selecting whichever tag necessary from the pull-down menu, as shown below:


Viewing the IP History

Every endpoint is being tracked by its MAC address, not its IP address. So, every time an endpoint has its IP address changed, you will see a record of that in the IP History section. The history includes the following information:

  • IP address
  • First time seen
  • Last time seen

Note: Everywhere else in Interceptor, the endpoint is identified by an IP address that was assigned to it at a point of time. So, if that point in time is now then the last known IP address for the endpoint will be displayed.

IP Dashboard

In the IP Dashboard, you will find a lot of information about a particular endpoint, including:

  • How much traffic the endpoint generated for every protocol within a chosen time period
  • Which internal and external IPs this endpoint has communicated with
  • All alerts that contain this endpoint

To navigate to the dashboard, find the IP of the asset you are interested in, and click the Open details button.

IP Dashboard.gif

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