- Print
You can create and manage Ethernet services through the Traffic menus. The major steps required to create or manage services are:
- Define Filters (Classify Traffic): The system is designed in a way that the traffic must first be classified before sending it to any service creation function (Service mapping, bandwidth profile or filters). Three different types of filters can be defined:
- Layer-2 filters and IPv4 filters. "Defining Filters".
- VID Sets. "Setting Up VID Sets".
- Define Service Attributes:
- Define bandwidth profiles. "Setting Up Bandwidth Regulators".
- Define CoS mapping: Sets VLAN priority based on DSCP, IP Precedence or PCP values of the ingress frame. "Setting Up CoS Profiles".
- Define bandwidth regulator sets. "Setting Up Bandwidth Regulator Sets".
- Create the Service ("Setting Up Traffic Policies"):
- Select the filter that you defined in the first step.
- Select the action to be applied to the traffic flow defined by the filter (Drop or Permit Traffic).
- Assign or select one or more of the following characteristics:
- EVC Mapping (encapsulation, Ethertype, VLAN ID)
- CoS Mapping (PCP action, Type, CoS profile or default mapping)
- Bandwidth profile (Regulator set if CoS Mapping is Preserve or Map, single Regulator (bandwidth profile) for default mapping or direct CoS mapping
To view a summary of the policy configurations, access the page Traffic ▶Policies.
Setting Up VID Sets
A VID set comprises one or more VLANs grouped in a logical entity. You can define VID sets for each traffic stream. For the Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor LX-S (formerly Accedian Skylight performance element: LX/LX-S) Traffic-5, Traffic-6, Traffic-7 and Traffic-8 classify the incoming traffic before sending it to the service creation function.
Once a VID set is created, you can apply it to traffic policies as a filter (See "Setting Up Ethernet Services").
VLAN Filtering
You can create VLAN filters using the VLAN type field (S-VLAN or C-VLAN) and VLAN ID or Range.
When using VLAN filtering, you also need to select the VLAN (inner or outer VLAN) for filtering the traffic for each policy list, e.g. Traffic-8.
To enable VLAN filtering
Access the page Traffic ▶Configuration.
Select which VLAN you want to filter on for each policy list, then click Apply.
For more information on specific parameters, "Traffic Configuration (System ▶Configuration ▶Traffic ▶Rate)".
Viewing VID Sets
To view all current VID sets
Access the page Traffic ▶VLAN ▶VID Sets.
The VID sets are displayed in a grid, grouped by policy list.
Note: No VID sets are defined by default.Click the name of a policy list to view its associated VID sets in the bottom half of the page.
To filter the VID sets for a given policy list results on the name, type, state, policy or size, use the** VLAN Type** and Filter controls, then click Search. The use of wildcards is supported.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.
VID Sets (Traffic ▶VLAN ▶VID Sets)
Policy Lists
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name assigned to the policy list. |
Incoming Port | The port name. |
Number of VID Sets | The number of VID sets that are currently used by this policy list. |
VID Sets
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name assigned to the VID set. |
Type VLAN Type | The VLAN Ethertype of the VID set:
State | The state of the VID set according to its use in the traffic policy lists:
Policy | The name of the policy index used by this VID set. |
Size | The number of VLANs contained in the VID set. |
Adding or Editing VID Sets
To add or edit a VID set
Access the page Traffic ▶VLAN ▶VID Sets.
Click Add to add a new VID set or click the Name of an existing VID set to edit its settings.
The VID Set page appears.Complete or update the required fields, then click Apply.
Note: When changing VIDs from an in-use VID set (VID set associated to an active policy), the following message will be displayed "Configuration changes are service affecting. Are you sure you want to proceed?". Click OK to proceed with your changes or Cancel to go back to the previous screen.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.
Adding or Editing VID Sets (Traffic ▶VLAN ▶VID Sets)
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name to assign to the policy list. |
Policy List | Assigned when the VID set is created, the policy list indicates the traffic policy to which the VID set applies. The value here is the policy list on which the VID set will be active. |
VLAN Level | This field indicates whether the inner or the outer VLAN will be inspected by this policy list as set in the Traffic ▶Configuration page. |
State | Note: Does not apply when creating a new VID set. State of the VID set according to its use in the traffic policy lists:
Policy | Note: Does not apply when creating a new VID set. The name of the policy index used by this VID set. |
Type VLAN Type | The VLAN Ethertype of the VID set:
VIDs | Specify a list of VIDs in the following format: [- ], [- ] ... (e.g. 1, 2, 100– 200 will include VIDs 1, 2, 100, 101, 102, 103... 200). Note: With a catch-all filter, you must assign VID 0–4095. For untagged frames, assign VID 0. |
Viewing VLAN IDs
To view the VLAN IDs’ mapping state
- Access the page Traffic ▶VLAN ▶VLAN IDs.
The mapping stage of all VLAN IDs is displayed.
Note: No VLAN IDs are assigned to VID sets by default.
Traffic ▶VLAN ▶VLAN IDs
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following tables.
VLAN IDs (Traffic ▶VLAN ▶VLAN IDs)
Policy Lists
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name assigned to the policy list. |
Incoming Port | The incoming port's name. |
Number of VIDs Used | The number of VLAN that are currently used by this policy list. |
Parameter | Description |
VLAN ID | The VLAN ID number. |
Type | The VLAN Ethertype of the VLAN:
State | Indicates the state of a specific VLAN:
Policy | The policy index number to which this VLAN ID is mapped. |
VID Set | If the VLAN is assigned to a VID set, the VID set's name appears here. |
Setting Up Bandwidth Regulators
You can set up bandwidth profiles (and the corresponding bandwidth regulators to enforce them) through the Traffic ▶Regulators ▶Configuration page. Compared to shaping, traffic regulation can easily scale to a high number of services per port.
The regulators you define are used to share token between services. The number of traffic regulators that can be defined varies, depending on the model you are using. Once a bandwidth regulator has been created, you can apply it to traffic policies ("Setting Up Ethernet Services").
Note: Disabling then re-enabling a regulator resets the CBS and EBS token buckets.
To set up a bandwidth regulator
Access the page Traffic ▶Regulators ▶Configuration.
A summary of all existing bandwidth regulators is displayed.
Note: No bandwidth regulators are defined by default.Click Add to add a new bandwidth regulator or click the Name of an existing bandwidth regulator to edit its settings.
The New Regulator Configuration page is displayed.Complete the required fields, then click Add.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.
Regulator Configuration (Traffic ▶Regulators ▶Configuration)
Parameter | Description |
Traffic Regulator Name Name | A name identifying the bandwidth regulator. |
Committed Information Rate CIR | The average rate up to which service frames are delivered by the bandwidth regulator. CIR-conformant frames are colored green. |
Maximum Committed Information Rate CIR Max | The maximum CIR, expressed in kbps, that the regulator can achieve by using the shared tokens from its envelope. Range: CIR to maximum port speed (steps of 125 kbps). |
Committed Burst Size CBS | The maximum number of kibibytes available for a burst of frames that are sent at the port's speed and remain CIR-conformant. Note: The burst size must be greater than the port's Maximum Transmission Unit (MTU). |
Excess Information Rate EIR | The average rate up to which excess service frames are delivered by the bandwidth regulator. EIR-conformant frames are colored yellow. Yellow traffic in excess of this maximum is declared red by the regulator then dropped. |
Maximum Excess Information Rate EIR Max | The maximum EIR, expressed in kbps, that the regulator can achieve by using the shared tokens from its envelope. Range: EIR to maximum port speed (steps of 125 kbps). |
Excess Burst Size EBS | The maximum number of kibibytes available for a burst of frames sent at the port's speed that remain EIR-conformant. Note: Burst size must be greater than the port's MTU. Minimum: Calculated based on the EIR Max value, where 1 KiB of EBS is required for each 1 Gbps of EIR Max. For example, if the EIR Max is set to 4 Gbps, the minimum EBS value is 4 KiB. Maximum: 8000 KiB (steps of 1 KiB) (1024 bytes). |
Color Mode | Make a selection from the drop-down list to indicate how the bandwidth profile should handle the color of the regulator's incoming traffic:
Coupling Flag | Make a selection from drop-down list to indicate how regulator processes yellow traffic via Coupling Flag:
Setting Up Bandwidth Regulator Sets
A bandwidth regulator set is used to regulate traffic bandwidth based on the value of the following information of the incoming frames:
- PCP: p-bits in 802.1Q / 802.1Q-in-Q tags.
- IP Precedence: IP precedence bits in the IPv4 ToS byte.
- DSCP: DSCP bits in the IPv4 ToS byte.
Once a bandwidth regulator set has been created, you can assign it to traffic policies for rate enforcement based on the map type being used. ("Setting Up Ethernet Services").
Before configuring a bandwidth regulator set, you must first set up a number of traffic regulators ("Setting Up Bandwidth Regulators").
To configure the bandwidth regulator set, you must assign in the mapping table, a traffic regulator (to a specific PCP, IP precedence or DSCP value. This table has N rows, where N depends on the type of the regulator set. If the type is PCP or IP precedence, then N=8. If the type is DSCP, N=64.
To configure a bandwidth regulator set
Access the page Traffic ▶Mapping ▶Bandwidth Regulator Sets.
A listing of the existing bandwidth regulator sets is displayed. For more information on specific parameters, refer to the table at the end of this procedure.Click the Add button to add a new bandwidth regulator sets or click the name of an existing bandwidth regulator set to edit its settings.
Complete the required fields, then click Apply.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.
BWR Set Configuration (Traffic ▶Mapping ▶Bandwidth Regulator Sets)
Parameter | Description |
Index | The unique identifier assigned to the bandwidth regulator set. |
Name | Name of the bandwidth regulator set. |
Type | Specifies the type of priority upon which the bandwidth regulator set is based. The type you choose may be one of the following:
Reference Count | The number of policies that are currently using this bandwidth regulator set. Note: This parameter is only visible for existing sets. |
PCP or IP Precedence or DSCP [IN] | PCP, IP precedence or DSCP value of the incoming frame. |
Bandwidth Regulator | The bandwidth regulator to use when regulating the traffic flow with this PCP, IP precedence or DSCP value. |
Enable Regulator | Enable or disable traffic regulation for this PCP, IP precedence or DSCP value. |
Setting Up CoS Profiles
A CoS profile is used to map an input frame to a Layer-2 class of service based on the conformance level (Green/Yellow) of the incoming traffic and on the value of the following information of the incoming frames:
- PCP: p-bits in 802.1Q / 802.1Q-in-Q tags.
- IP Precedence: IP precedence bits in the IPv4 ToS byte.
- DSCP: DSCP bits in the IPv4 ToS byte.
Once a CoS profile is created, you can apply it to traffic policies for CoS mapping and bandwidth policing. "Setting Up Ethernet Services".
To set up the CoS profile, you need to assign in the mapping table, a class of service value (0–7) to the outgoing traffic based on the conformance level (Green/Yellow) of the incoming traffic and on the mapping entry. The mapping table has N rows, where N depends on the type of the CoS profile. If the CoS profile type is PCP or IP precedence then N=8. If the CoS profile is a DSCP, N=64.
To set up a CoS profile
Access the page Traffic ▶Mapping ▶CoS Profiles.
A list of existing CoS profiles is displayed. Four commonly-used profiles have been preconfigured.Click the Add button to add a new CoS profile or click the Name of an existing CoS profile to edit its settings.
Complete the required fields, then click Apply.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.
CoS Profile Configuration (Traffic ▶Mapping ▶CoS Profiles)
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name identifying the CoS profile. |
Type | Specifies the type of priority the CoS profile will use when mapping incoming frames to a Layer-2 class of service. The type you choose may be one of the following:
Decode DEI | Enable this check box to make the unit decode the pre-marking color from the DEI bit (Drop Eligible Indicator). Otherwise, the userdefined pre-color is used. This parameter is only available when the PCP CoS profile type is selected |
Encode Using DEI | Enable this check box to make the unit control the DEI bit in an SVLAN tag. If this field is enabled and the outgoing frame is marked yellow, then the DEI bit is set to 1; if not, the DEI bit is set to 0. |
Reference Count | The number of policies that are currently using this CoS profile. This parameter is only visible on existing profiles. |
PCP or IP Precedence or DSCP [IN] | The input value of the incoming frame for PCP, IP precedence or DSCP type frames. |
Pre-Marking Color | The pre-marking color to assign to the input frame that has this PCP, IP precedence or DSCP value. |
Green [OUT] | The CoS value for use with outgoing green frames. This value is selected if either of the following is true:
Yellow [OUT] | The CoS value for use with outgoing yellow frames. This value is selected if any of the following is true:
Setting Up Port CoS-to-PCP Mapping
A port CoS mapping is used to control the class of service assigned to the outer VLAN tag of input frames on which a dual VLAN tag action (e.g. push-push or push-replace) was applied in the unit. There is one configurable port CoS mapping for each physical or logical (LAG) port in the system.
The Port CoS mapping defines how to map the PCP (Priority Code Point) value of the outer VLAN tag based on the conformance level (Green/Yellow) of the outgoing frame and on the PCP value of its inner VLAN tag.
The mapping configuration is a translation table from one Service Provider's priority scheme to another's. Consequently, if you are not putting traffic through multiple Service Providers' networks, you do not need to modify the values in this page.
To configure port CoS mapping values
Access the page Traffic ▶Mapping ▶Port CoS Mappings.
The Port CoS Mapping Configuration page opens. All the unit’s physical ports and logical (LAG) ports are listed in a grid.Click a port or LAG from the list to select it and configure its port CoS mapping.
The port’s CoS-to-PCP mapping details are displayed.Use the information in the table below to configure the port’s CoS-to-PCP mapping details, then click Apply.
The system returns to the listing of ports in the previous page.
Port CoS-to-PCP Mappings (Traffic ▶Mapping ▶Port CoS Mappings)
Parameter | Description |
Port Name | The outgoing port (physical or LAG) to which this CoS mapping applies. This value corresponds to the port you selected in the previous page. |
Encode Using DEI | Select this box to instruct the unit to control the DEI (Drop Eligible Indicator) bit in the outer S-VLAN or T-VLAN tag. If this field is enabled and the outgoing frame is marked yellow, then the DEI bit is set to 1; if not, the DEI bit is set to 0. Note: If your network supports this feature, it is recommended that you enable this box. |
CoS → PCP Mappings Table
Parameter | Description |
CoS [INNER] | All possible PCP values for the inner VLAN tag of the outgoing frame are listed in this column of the mapping table. These values are determined by the CoS profile configuration in the traffic policy applied to the incoming traffic. You cannot modify these values. |
Green [OUT] | For each row in the mapping table, make a selection from the dropdown list to assign a CoS-to-PCP value (0-7) for use in the outer VLAN tag of outgoing green frames. This value is selected if either of the following are true:
Yellow [OUT] | For each row in the mapping table, make a selection from the dropdown list to assign a CoS-to-PCP value (0-7) for use in the outer VLAN tag of outgoing yellow frames. This value is selected if any of the following are true:
Setting Up Traffic Policies
Once you have set up the filters, bandwidth regulators, CoS profiles, queues, envelopes and bandwidth regulator sets, you are ready to assign them to a traffic policy so they can become a service.
To set up a traffic policy
Access the page Traffic ▶Policies ▶Configuration.
The Policy Lists page opens. The configuration for the selected traffic flow are displayed.
Note: Users can click on the arrow buttons (Next and Previous), located on either side of the Apply or Rest buttons, to sort through policies.Select the appropriate traffic flow from the Policy Lists frame by clicking its name.
The configuration information is refreshed onscreen. The details for Traffic-n pertain to Port-n.Apply filter to search through the list.
Click a policy index number from the Policy Configuration – Traffic-n frame.
The Traffic-n [n-x] Policy Configuration page opens.Use the information in the table "Policy Configuration (Traffic ▶Policies ▶Configuration)" and the steps below to configure the traffic policy, then click Apply.
The fields available for configuration vary, depending on the Encapsulation and the PCP action you select.
When making changes to any parameter of an active policy, the following message will be displayed "Configuration changes are service affecting. Are you sure you want to proceed?". Click OK to proceed with your changes or Cancel to go back to the previous screen.
Traffic ▶Policies ▶Configuration
To edit a traffic policy
Select the EVC mapping encapsulation option and the required EVC mapping parameters. "EVC Encapsulation Options".
Select the PCP action for CoS mapping to perform if required. .
If you selected the PCP action MAP or Preserve , enable one or two traffic mapping choices, select the Type of traffic mapping to perform, select the CoS Profile to apply and select the bandwidth Regulator Set to apply.
If you selected the PCP action MAP or Preserve , enable one or two traffic mapping choices, select the Type of traffic mapping to perform, select the CoS Profile to apply and select the bandwidth Regulator Set to apply.
If you selected the PCP action Direct, complete the Direct mapping parameters.
Enable the Monitoring port, if required, then choose the port to which traffic is
forwarded for monitoring from the drop-down list.(Optional) Enter a name for the flow.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following tables.
Note: Users are limited by 2000 enabled policies for shared traffic-5 and traffic-6.
Policy Configuration (Traffic ▶Policies ▶Configuration)
Parameter | Description |
Enable Policy | Select this box to activate the policy. |
Outgoing Port | The egress port assigned to this policy. |
Queuing Profile | A drop-down list with options for the queuing profile associated with this outgoing port. By default, default queuing-profile is selected. |
Filter Type | The filter type (Layer-2 filter, IPv4 filter, IPv6 filter or VID set ) used to classify traffic. |
Filter | The name of the filter. You must select a filter name from the dropdown list. Note: The catch-all filter enables you to monitor all traffic on a port. |
Action | The action applied to traffic that matches the filter. Make a selection from the drop-down list:
Enable Monitoring | Enable or disable the monitoring port. |
Monitor Port | The port to which traffic is forwarded for monitoring. |
EVC Mapping
Parameter | Description |
Encapsulation | Select one of the following encapsulation methods:
Ethertype | The Ethertype of the VLAN to be added (if any). Possible values:
VLAN ID | VLAN ID of the VLAN to be added (if any). Possible values range between 0–4,095. |
CoS Mapping
Parameter | Description |
PCP Action | The PCP (Priority Code Point) action to perform. Possible values are:
Note: The choices may vary depending on the Encapsulation option and on the PCP action you selected. |
Enable | Enable or disable the first and second traffic mapping choices. |
Type | The type of Layer-2 traffic mapping to perform for the first and second choices. Possible values are:
CoS Profile | CoS profile to apply from the list. The list includes the default CoS profile and the ones you created. |
Regulator Set | The bandwidth regulator set to apply from the list. The list includes the bandwidth regulator sets you created. |
Default/Direct Bandwidth Regulator
Parameter | Description |
Enable Bandwidth Regulation | Activates a default bandwidth regulator. If the PCP action is Map and the traffic does not match the configured maps, direct default mapping is used. |
Pre-Marking | Pre-mark, with a specific color, the traffic that does not match the first and second traffic mapping choices. This option has no effect if the enabled bandwidth regulator is color-blind. In addition, if no bandwidth regulator has been enabled, this option selects the default green/yellow CFI & PCP values to be used in the outgoing frames.
The traffic color affects how the regulator handles the traffic. |
Regulator | The bandwidth regulator associated with the traffic matched by this policy. Note: Bandwidth regulators on the Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor LX-S are assigned to a specific port and cannot subsequently be shared. |
CFI/DEI PCP | The default CFI and PCP values to be applied if the traffic does not match the first and second traffic mapping choices. |
Outgoing Port Options
The Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor LX-S offers flexibility with regards to how port combinations are configured in its traffic policies; however, not all port combinations are possible.
For more information regarding the specifications of each port, refer to the LX-S Hardware Installation Guide.
The Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor LX-S offers flexibility with regards to how port combinations are configured in its traffic policies; however, not all port combinations are possible.
- You can configure the unit to forward traffic between NNI ports.
- You can configure the unit to forward traffic from a UNI port to an NNI port.
- You can configure the unit to forward traffic from an NNI port to a UNI port.
- You cannot configure the unit to forward traffic between UNI ports.
For more information regarding the specifications of each port, refer to the LX-S Hardware Installation articles.
EVC Encapsulation Options
Use the encapsulation options to perform EVC mapping actions.
Use this option when no VLAN ID manipulation is required for the selected traffic flow and you want to regulate bandwidth based on PCP, IP precedence or DSCP values.
The table below shows the valid configurations of the first and second choices.
Options for an Encapsulation of NONE
Parameter | First Choice | Second Choice |
Type | PCP VLANinVLAN PCP VLAN IP precedence, DSCP | PCP VLAN, IP precedence, DSCP IP precedence, DSCP PCP VLAN, PCP VLANinVLAN |
CoS Profile | CoS profile | CoS profile |
BWR Set | BWR set | BWR set |
Preserve VLAN – New CFI/PCP
Use this option to keep the VLAN tag and permit modification of the CFI/PCP values. The PCP action Preserve is not supported by this encapsulation option. When using this option, you may select a PCP action for CoS mapping if required.
Note: This action requires a filter that checks for the presence of at least one VLAN tag.
"PCP Action Options".
Use this option to push (add) a VLAN tag onto an untagged frame or push an outer tag (Q-in-Q) onto a tagged frame. When using the Push option, you may select a PCP action for CoS mapping if required. "PCP Action Options".
Push & Preserve
Use this option to push the specified VLAN tag onto an untagged frame. If the frame is already tagged, the VLAN ID in the outer tag of the frame is passed on to the tag that is added on top of it. When using the Push & Preserve option, you may select a PCP action for CoS mapping if required.
"PCP Action Options".
This action is similar to the Push action but rather than adding a new VLAN tag, it replaces the VLAN tag with the information provided by Ethertype and VLAN ID parameters. The PCP action Preserve is not supported by this encapsulation option. However, the user can use the PCP action Map and the default 8P0D-8P0D CoS profile to preserve the incoming PCP value.
Note: This action requires a filter that checks the presence of at least one VLAN tag.
Use this option to remove the outer VLAN tag.
Pop & Replace
Use this option to pop the outer VLAN tag and replace the inner VLAN tag with the information provided by Ethertype and VLAN ID parameters. The PCP action Preserve is not supported by this encapsulation option. However, the user can use the PCP action Map and the default 8P0D-8P0D CoS Profile to preserve the incoming PCP value.
Note: This action requires a filter that checks the presence of two VLAN tags (Q-in-Q).
Pop & Pop
Use this option to remove two VLAN tags (Q-in-Q). When using the Pop & Pop option, you may select a PCP action for CoS mapping if required.
PCP Action Options
Use the PCP action options to perform different Priority Code Point actions.
Use this option to copy the PCP values from the first VLAN (if any) to the pushed VLAN tag. If the frame is not tagged, you may map the PCP values from an IP precedence / DSCP CoS profile. It is also possible to select a bandwidth regulator set for bandwidth policing.
The table below shows the valid configurations of the first and second choices for this encapsulation option.
Options for the PCP Action PRESERVE
Parameter | First Choice | Second Choice |
Type | IP Precedence / DSCP | N/A |
CoS Profile | CoS profile | N/A |
BWR Set | Optional | N/A |
Use this option to force PCP values to the default green or yellow values based on the result of the bandwidth regulator or the pre-marking color. The pre-marking color red is ignored if the default bandwidth regulator is disabled.
Note: The first and second choices are ignored.
Use this option to map and regulate traffic based on PCP, IP precedence or DSCP values. The first and second choices can be used.
The table below shows the valid configurations of the first and second choices.
Options for the PCP Action MAP
Parameter | First Choice | Second Choice |
Type | PCP VLANinVLAN PCP VLAN IP precedence, DSCP | PCP VLAN, IP precedence, DSCP IP precedence, DSCP PCP VLAN, PCP VLANinVLAN |
CoS Profile | CoS profile | CoS profile |
BWR Set | Optional | Optional |
Viewing a Summary of the Policy Configurations
Use this page to view how the unit's traffic policies have been configured.
Filters based on VID sets use direct access to identify the corresponding policy for an incoming frame. Each frame’s VLAN ID is analyzed and the value of the VLAN ID is used to directly access the appropriate policy to apply.
To view a summary of the policy configurations
Access the page Traffic ▶Policies ▶Configuration.
A listing of all policies associated with the unit is displayed.
The total number of traffic policies found in the system is given in the lower-left corner of the page, as well as the index values of the items currently displayed on-screen (for example, [1–25] of 250). Use the page navigation links in the lower-right corner of the page to move between the pages of results.(Optional) Click the name in the Policy Lists to view the summary of the policy configurations of a particular port.
(Optional) Select a filter, using the drop-down menu, and enter a corresponding keyword in the text field to search through policy list.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following tables.
Policy (Traffic ▶Policies ▶Configuration)
Policy List
Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of the traffic policy. |
Incoming Port | Name of the port of the traffic policies. |
Number of Policies | Number of policies. |
Policy Configuration
Parameter | Description |
Index | The position of the rule in the policy list. |
State | The policy may be enabled or disabled. Disabled policies are ignored when the rules are applied to incoming data. |
Action | Action that the policy applies to data that it matches. |
Filter Name | Name of the filter assigned to the policy. |
Type | The filter type (L2, IPv4, IPv6 or VID set) used to classify traffic. |
Monitor | The name of the active monitoring port associated with this policy. |
Regulator | The name of the bandwidth regulator assigned to this policy. |
Outgoing Port | The name of the outgoing port to which each policy is mapped. |
To view a summary of the policy statistics
Access the page Traffic ▶Policies ▶Statistics.
A listing of all policy statistics associated with the unit is displayed.
The total number of traffic policies found in the system is given in the lower-left corner of the page, as well as the index values of the items currently displayed on-screen (for example, [1–25] of 250). Use the page navigation links in the lower-right corner of the page to move between the pages of results.(Optional) Click the name in the Policy Lists to view the summary of the policy statistics of a particular port.
(Optional) Select a filter, using the drop-down menu, and enter a corresponding keyword in the text field to search through policy list
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following tables.
Policy (Traffic ▶Policies ▶Statistics)
Policy List
Parameter | Description |
Name | Name of the traffic policy. |
Incoming Port | Name of the port of the traffic policies. |
Number of Policies | Number of policies. |
Policy Statistics
Parameter | Description |
Index | The position of the rule in the policy list. |
State | The policy may be enabled or disabled. Disabled policies are ignored when the rules are applied to incoming data. |
Action | Action that the policy applies to data that it matches. |
Filter Name | Name of the filter assigned to the policy. |
Packets Good | Number of good frames that matched the policy. A good frame is an error-free frame that has a length between 64 bytes and the maximum frame length. |
Bytes Good | Total number of bytes in good frames that matched the policy. |
Packets Bad | Number of invalid frames that matched the policy. An invalid frame is a packet whose framing is valid but contains an error within the frame, has an invalid CRC, is shorter than 64 bytes or is longer than the maximum frame length. |
Viewing Traffic Regulator Statistics
You can view a summary and detailed traffic regulator statistics for each traffic regulator, including accepted bytes, dropped bytes, and counters that break down CIR and EIR traffic.
To view traffic regulator statistics
Access the page Traffic ▶Regulators ▶Statistics to view the statistics summary of all traffic regulators.
Click the Regulator name to view detailed statistics of the selected traffic regulator.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.
Bandwidth Regulator Statistics (Traffic ▶Regulators ▶Statistics)
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name assigned to the regulator. |
Accept Bytes | The total number of bytes accepted by this regulator since its creation. |
Accept Packets | The total number of frames accepted by this regulator since its creation. |
Accept L1 Rate (Mbps) | The rate of accepted Layer-1 data, expressed in Mbps. This is the number of megabits of Layer-1 traffic accepted in the last second of transmission. |
Accept L2 Rate (Mbps) | The rate of accepted Layer-2 data, expressed in Mbps. This is the number of megabits of Layer-2 traffic accepted in the last second of transmission. |
Drop Bytes | The total dropped bytes by this regulator since the statistical count started. |
Drop Packets | Total dropped frames by this regulator since its creation. |
Drop L1 Rate (Mbps) | The rate of dropped Layer-1 data, expressed in Mbps. Note: Only applies if the Regulator Working Rate parameter in the Traffic ▶Configuration page has been set to "Layer-1". |
Drop L2 Rate (Mbps) | The rate of dropped Layer-2 data, expressed in Mbps. Note: Only applies if the Regulator Working Rate parameter in the Traffic ▶Configuration page has been set to "Layer-2". |
Green Bytes | The total number of green bytes handled by this regulator since its creation. Traffic that is declared green and complies with the CIR is allowed to pass through the policer without rate limitation. Green traffic in excess of this maximum is declared yellow by the regulator and is subject to EIR regulation. |
Green Packets | The total number of green bytes handled by this regulator since its creation. Traffic that is declared green and complies with the CIR is allowed to pass through the policer without rate limitation. Green traffic in excess of this maximum is declared yellow by the regulator and is subject to EIR regulation. |
Green L1 Rate (Mbps) | The rate of green Layer-1 data, expressed in Mbps. Note: Only applies if the Regulator Working Rate parameter in the Traffic ▶Configuration page has been set to "Layer-1". |
Green L2 Rate (Mbps) | The rate of green Layer-2 data, expressed in Mbps. Note: Only applies if the Regulator Working Rate parameter in the Traffic ▶Configuration page has been set to "Layer-2". |
Yellow Bytes | The total number of yellow bytes handled by this regulator since its creation. Yellow traffic in excess of this maximum is declared red by the regulator, then dropped. |
Yellow Packets | The total number of yellow frames handled by this regulator since its creation. Yellow traffic in excess of this maximum is declared red by the regulator, then dropped. |
Yellow L1 Rate (Mbps) | The rate of yellow Layer-1 data, expressed in Mbps. Note: Only applies if the Regulator Working Rate parameter in the Traffic ▶Configuration page has been set to "Layer-1". |
Yellow L2 Rate (Mbps) | The rate of yellow Layer-2 data, expressed in Mbps. Note: Only applies if the Regulator Working Rate parameter in the Traffic ▶Configuration page has been set to "Layer-2". |
Red Bytes | The total number of red bytes handled by this regulator since its creation. |
Red Packets | The total number of red frames handled by this regulator since its |
creation. | |
Red L1 Rate (Mbps) | The rate of red Layer-1 data, expressed in Mbps. Note: Only applies if the Regulator Working Rate parameter in the Traffic ▶Configuration page has been set to "Layer-1". |
Red L2 Rate (Mbps) | The rate of red Layer-2 data, expressed in Mbps. Note: Only applies if the Regulator Working Rate parameter in the Traffic ▶Configuration page has been set to "Layer-2". |
Understanding BLUE
The BLUE algorithm is used by the shapers for queue management.
BLUE is an enhancement to the RED congestion avoidance algorithm; it offers the same benefits as RED and provides similar queue monitoring. The main difference between BLUE
and RED is that BLUE also uses the queue packet loss and utilization history. Its use of a drop probability is more friendly with TCP global synchronization and reduces the number of TCP retransmissions.
Each shaper uses BLUE to manage queues based on link use. It maintains a marking probability (pm) that is used to either mark or drop the frames. If the queue is continually dropping the frames, pm is increased by the factor d1. If the queue is empty or link is idle, pm is decreased by the factor d2.
Note: The value of d1 should be set significantly larger than that of d2. This is because link is underused when congestion management is either too aggressive or too conservative, but frame loss occurs only when congestion management is too conservative.
BLUE uses also freeze_time, which determines the time interval between two successive updates of pm. It allows the changes in the marking probability to take effect before the value is updated again. The BLUE algorithm is expressed as follows:
To disable the BLUE algorithm
You might need to disable BLUE if your test equipment does not support it.
Access the page Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶Shaper.
The Traffic Shaping Port Shaper Configuration page is displayed.Click the traffic shaper Name to edit its settings.
Remove the check mark from the Enable box, then click Apply.
Configuring Queues
The Assurance Sensor LX-S has eight dedicated queues per port, as listed in the table below. When in LAG mode, the queues dedicated to the LAG’s ports are unavailable because the LAG’s own queues are used instead. The LAG-1-PORT-1-RPTQ-X is available on Ports 1 and 2. Both these have eight dedicated queues.
Parameter | Description |
1 Gbps Ports | Four dedicated queues per 1 Gbps port:
The Assurance Sensor LX-S has dedicated queues per port as listed below:
Parameter | Description |
10 Gbps Ports | Sixteen dedicated queues per 10 Gbps port:
10 Gbps Ports (NNIto-NNI Traffic) | Sixteen dedicated queues per port used for NNI-to-NNI traffic in an Ethernet Ring Protection (ERP) topology:
Each queue has a defined port and size. There are no user-assignable queues. When in LAG mode, the queues dedicated to the LAG’s ports are unavailable because the LAG’s own queues are used instead.
Note: Definitions: RPTQ stands for Ring Pass Through Queue. ADQ stands for Adequate Queuing Profile. DQP stands for Default Queuing Profile.You do not have to configure a queue for H-QoS if you do not plan to use the queue.
To configure queues
Access the page Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queue ▶Configuration.
The Traffic Shaping Queue Configuration page opens. All the unit’s queues are listed in a grid.Select a queue from the list to configure by clicking it.
The queue’s details are displayed.Use the information in the table below to configure the queue, then click Apply.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following tables.
Queue Settings (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queue ▶Configuration)
Parameter | Description |
Outgoing Port | Traffic from this queue will egress on the port specified here. |
Name | The name assigned to this shaper. |
Queue Scheduling
Parameter | Description |
Priority (0–7) | The strict scheduling priority assigned to this queue: 7 is the highest and 0 the lowest priority. Note: This value is provided for your convenience; however, it cannot be modified. When several queues have the same priority, scheduling is carried out in a round-robin fashion. |
Queue Management Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Maximum Queue Size (KiB) | The buffer's size, expressed in KiB (1024 bytes). Acceptable values range from 16 KiB–2044 KiB. The Maximum Queue Size must be greater than the Yellow Threshold value. |
Yellow Threshold (KiB) | When the queue length reaches this threshold, tail-dropping is performed on new packets with yellow marking. Acceptable values range from 16 KiB to the Maximum Queue Size value indicated above. |
BLUE State | Select to enable the BLUE queue management algorithm. The buffer is used to queue frames for later transmission. If the BLUE state is enabled, congestion management is ruled primarily by the BLUE queue management algorithm. If not, it is managed through simple tail-drops. |
BLUE Queue Full Threshold (%) | Once the queue fills to the specified percentage, the marking probability will be increased. The current range is from 5–98. The Blue Queue Full Threshold must be equal or greater than the Blue Queue Empty Threshold. |
BLUE Queue Empty Threshold (%) | Once the queue empties to the specified percentage, the marking probability will be decreased. The current range is from 5–98. The Blue Queue Empty Threshold must be less than the Blue Queue Full Threshold. |
BLUE Marking Probability Freeze Time (μs) | This value determines the minimum interval time, expressed in microseconds (in increments of 10) between two successive updates of marking probability. Maximum of 655350 μs |
BLUE Marking Probability Increment (%) | The marking probability is incremented by this value (expressed as a step percentage) in the event of a buffer overflow. Notes: If this parameter is set to 0, the BLUE algorithm is disabled. Maximum of approximately 25%. |
BLUE Marking Probability Decrement (%) | The marking probability is decremented by this value (expressed as a step percentage)if the link is idle. Notes: The percentage value you enter here is only an approximation; the actual configured value appears to the right of this field. The percentage value you enter here is only an approximation; the actual configured value appears to the right of this field. Maximum of approximately 25%. |
Viewing Traffic Shaping Queue Statistics
You can view a summary and detailed statistics for each traffic-shaping queue.
To view a summary of statistics for all traffic-shaping queues
- Access the page Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queue ▶Statistics.
The Traffic Shaping Queue Statistics page opens. All the unit’s queues are listed in a grid. For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.
Tip: To edit a specific queue or view its details, select the queue from the list by clicking it. To clear the statistics in the Traffic Shaping Queue Statistics page, click the Clear button on the right side of the table header.
Traffic Shaping Queue Statistics (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queue ▶Statistics)
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name assigned to this shaping queue. |
Port | The name of the port associated with this queue. |
Forward | The total number of frames that have been forwarded by this queue. For details on the frame types, refer to "Traffic Shaping Queue Detailed Statistics (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queue ▶Statistics)". This value includes frames counted as:
Discard | The total number of frames that have been discarded by this queue. For details on the frame types, refer to "Traffic Shaping Queue Detailed Statistics (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queue ▶Statistics)". This value includes frames counted as:
Discard-BLUE | The total number of frames that have been discarded by the queue management algorithm BLUE. For details on the frame types, refer to "Traffic Shaping Queue Detailed Statistics (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶ Queue ▶Statistics)". This value includes frames counted as:
CIR Compliant | The total number of frames that have been forwarded by this shaper using the CIR bucket. |
EIR Compliant | The total number of frames that have been forwarded by this shaper using the EIR bucket. |
You can view a summary and detailed statistics for each traffic-shaping queue.
To view detailed statistics for a traffic-shaping queue
Access the page Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queue ▶Statistics.
The Traffic Shaping Queue Statistics page opens. All the unit’s queues are listed in a grid.Select the queue from the list whose statistics you wish to view by clicking it.
The queue’s details are displayed. For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.
Tip: To clear the statistics in the Traffic Shaping Queue Statistics page, click the Clear button located above the queue details.
To obtain the latest statistics from the unit, click the Refresh button located beside the Clear button.
Select the Poll Every n Seconds box and enter the number of seconds between each time the statistics are automatically refreshed.
Traffic Shaping Queue Detailed Statistics (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queue ▶Statistics)
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name assigned to this shaping queue. |
Port | Name of the port associated with this queue. |
Green Forward No Delay | The total number of green frames/bytes in the queue when the queue is near empty, i.e. the green frames/bytes that can be dropped from the queue without delay. |
Yellow Forward No Delay | The total number of yellow frames/bytes in the queue when the queue is near empty, i.e. the yellow frames/bytes that can be dropped from the queue without delay. |
Green Forward With Delay | The total number of green frames/bytes in the queue when the queue is not empty, i.e. the green frames/bytes that will be dropped from the queue with delay. |
Yellow Forward With Delay | The total number of yellow frames/bytes in the queue when the queue is not empty, i.e. the yellow frames/bytes that will be dropped from the queue with delay. |
Green Discard Full | The total number of green frames/bytes that have been discarded by this queue. |
Yellow Discard Full | The total number of yellow frames/bytes that have been discarded by this queue. |
Green Discard BLUE | The total number of green frames/bytes that have been discarded by the queue management algorithm BLUE. |
Yellow Discard BLUE | The total number of yellow frames/bytes that have been discarded by the queue management algorithm BLUE. |
CIR Compliant | The total number of frames that have been forwarded by this shaper using the CIR bucket. |
EIR Compliant | The total number of frames that have been forwarded by this shaper using the EIR bucket. |
Viewing Queuing Profile Details
To configure an H-QoS queuing profile
Access the page Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queuing Profile.
Do one of these actions:
- Select an existing profile from the list by clicking it.
- Click Add to create a new profile.
The queuing profile's details are displayed.
Tip: To only display the profiles associated with a single port or LAG, make a selection in the Port drop-down list.
- Use the information in the table below to configure the H-QoS queuing profile, then click Apply.
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name assigned to the queuing profile. The name you enter can contain alphanumeric characters or special characters such as underscores and asterisks. Spaces and accented characters are not supported. Definitions: DQP pertains to the GX platform and stands for Default Queuing Profile. ADQ pertains to all the LT platform and stands for Available Queuing Profile. |
Port | Indicate the port or LAG (for ring mode) to which this queuing profile applies by making a selection in the drop-down list. Note: You cannot modify this value once the queuing profile has been saved. |
PCP-0 to PCP-7 | PCP refers to the Class of Service (CoS) or priority associated with traffic. There are eight defined CoS, with PCP-0 being the lowest priority traffic and PCP-7 being the highest. Specify the queue to which you wish to send traffic assigned to each CoS by making a selection in the drop-down list. This way, you indicate the mapping between the queues and the port or LAG. Each user-assignable queue is assigned to a single port or LAG. An error is raised if you attempt to assign queues belonging to different ports or LAGs. Similarly, an error is raised if the queuing profile and the set of queues you are assigning do not have the same port number. |
To delete a queuing profile
Access the page Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queuing Profile.
The Traffic Shaping Queuing Profile page opens. All profiles created for this unit are listed in a grid.Select the profile to delete from the list by clicking it.
Use this page to view the details related to the eight queuing profiles created for this unit.
Note: Queuing profiles are read-only; you cannot modify them.
To view a summary of queuing profiles
- Access the page Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queuing Profile.
The Traffic Shaping Queuing Profile page opens. All profiles created for this unit are listed in a grid.
Tip: To only display the profiles associated with a single port or LAG, make a selection in the Port drop-down list at the upper-left corner of the page.
Configuring a Port Shaper
Use the Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶Shaper page to view and configure the shaping parameters assigned to outgoing ports.
To view a summary of the outgoing ports' shaping parameters
- Access the page Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶Shaper.
The Traffic Shaping Port Shaper Configuration page opens. All the unit’s outgoing ports are listed in a grid. For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.
Tip: To edit a specific port's bandwidth profile parameters or view its details, select the port from the list by clicking it.
Traffic Shaping Port Shaper Configuration (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶Shaper)
Parameter | Description |
Port | The name assigned to this outgoing port. |
State | The current state of this outgoing port: enabled or disabled |
CIR (Kbps) | The shaping rate of outgoing frames, expressed as a multiple of 125 Kbps. Range: 0 to port speed. |
CBS (KiB) (1024 bytes) | The shaping burst of outgoing frames, expressed in kibibytes Range: 1 KiB to 2047 KiB, when the CIR value is <= 500,000 kbps. Range: 2 KiB to 2047 KiB, when the CIR value is > 500,000 kbps. |
Use the Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶Shaper page to view and configure the shaping parameters of outgoing ports.
To configure a traffic-shaping port shaper
Access the page Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶Shaper.
The Traffic Shaping Port Shaper Configuration page opens. All the unit’s outgoing ports are listed in a grid.Select the outgoing port from the list that you wish to configure by clicking it.
The outgoing port’s details are displayed.Make your changes, then click Apply.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following tables.
Traffic Shaping Port Shaper Configuration (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶Shaper)
Parameter | Description |
Enable | Click this box to change the current state of this outgoing port: enabled or disabled. |
Port | The name assigned to this outgoing port. You cannot modify this value. |
Bandwidth Profile Parameters
Parameter | Description |
Committed Information Rate (Kbps) | The shaping rate of outgoing frames, expressed as a multiple of 125 Kbps. |
Committed Burst Size (KiB) (1024 bytes) | The shaping burst of outgoing frames, expressed in kilobytes with 1 kibibyte granularity. |
CPU Traffic Debited from CIR | CPU traffic is never shaped. However, you can select this box to have the system debit CPU traffic from the outgoing port’s CIR bucket. Note: If you select this box, the bucket value could become negative. |
Viewing Traffic Shaping OAM Queue Statistics
Each outgoing port has five queues reserved for specific Operation, Administration and Maintenance (OAM) usage. The OAM queues are as follows:
- Monitor1
- Monitor2
- Packet Generator
- Loopback
You can view a summary and detailed statistics for each traffic-shaping OAM queue.
To view a summary of statistics for all traffic-shaping OAM queues
- Access the page Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶OAM Queue Statistics.
The Traffic Shaping OAM Queue Statistics page opens. All the unit’s OAM queues are listed in a grid. For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.
Note: For each column in the table, the number of frames, bytes and the bit rate (expressed in Mbps) are displayed. The average CIR and EIR bit rates (expressed in Mbps) that you configured are also shown.
To edit a specific queue or view its details, select the queue from the list by clicking it.
To clear the statistics in the Traffic Shaping OAM Queue Statistics page, click the Clear button.
Traffic Shaping OAM Queue Statistics (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶OAM Queue
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name assigned to this shaping OAM queue |
Port | The name of the port associated with this OAM queue |
Forward | The total number of packets that have been forwarded by this OAM queue. For details on the packet types, see "Traffic Shaping Queue Detailed Statistics (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queue ▶Statistics)". This value includes packets counted as:
Discard | The total number of packets that have been discarded by this OAM queue. For details on the packet types, see "Traffic Shaping Queue Detailed Statistics (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Queue ▶Statistics)". This value includes packets counted as:
CIR Compliant | The total number of packets that have been forwarded by this shaper using the CIR bucket |
EIR Compliant | The total number of packets that have been forwarded by this shaper using the EIR bucket |
To view detailed statistics for a traffic-shaping queue
- Access the page Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶OAM Queue Statistics.
The Traffic Shaping OAM Queue Statistics page opens. All the unit’s queues are listed in a grid. - Select the queue from the list whose statistics you wish to view by clicking it.
The queue’s details are displayed. For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.
Tip: To clear the statistics in the Traffic Shaping Queue Statistics page, click the Clear button located above the queue details.
To obtain the latest statistics from the unit, click the Refresh button located beside the Clear button.
Note: Select the Poll Every n Seconds box and enter the number of seconds between each time the statistics are automatically refreshed.
Traffic Shaping OAM Queue Detailed Statistics (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶OAM Queue Statistics)
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name assigned to this shaping OAM queue |
Port | The name of the port associated with this OAM queue |
Green Forward No Delay | The total number of green frames/bytes in the OAM queue when the queue is near empty, i.e., the green frames/bytes that can be dropped from the queue without delay |
Yellow Forward No Delay | The total number of yellow frames/bytes in the OAM queue when the queue is near empty, i.e., the yellow frames/bytes that can be dropped from the queue without delay |
Green Forward With Delay | The total number of green frames/bytes in the OAM queue when the queue is not empty, i.e., the green frames/bytes that will be dropped from the queue with delay |
Yellow Forward With Delay | The total number of yellow frames/bytes in the OAM queue when the queue is not empty, i.e., the yellow frames/bytes that will be dropped from the queue with delay |
Green Discard Full | The total number of green frames/bytes that have been discarded by this OAM queue |
Yellow Discard Full | The total number of yellow frames/bytes that have been discarded by this OAM queue |
CIR Compliant | The total number of packets that have been forwarded by this shaper using the CIR bucket |
EIR Compliant | The total number of packets that have been forwarded by this shaper using the EIR bucket |
Configuring Default Queuing Profiles
The default queuing profiles are used to map traffic to a queue based on the internal CoS value assigned to the data frames. Each default queuing profile is associated with an output port and contains a map of all possible CoS values (0-7) to either one or several queues.
To edit a default queuing profile
Access the page Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶Default Queuing Profile.
The Traffic Shaping Default Queuing Profile page opens. All default profiles for this unit are listed in a grid. For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.Select the default queuing profile from the list that you wish to edit by clicking it.
The queuing profile’s details are displayed.Use the information in the table to configure the default queuing profile, then click Apply.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following tables.
Traffic Shaping Default Queuing Profile (Traffic ▶Shaping ▶Port ▶Default Queuing
Parameter | Description |
Port | Indicates the port or LAG (for ring mode) to which this default queuing profile applies Note: You cannot modify this value since default queuing profiles are fixed. |
CoS Mappings
Parameter | Description |
PCP-0 to PCP-7 | PCP refers to the Class of Service (CoS) or priority associated with traffic. There are eight defined CoS, with PCP-0 being the lowest priority traffic and PCP-7 being the highest. Specify the queue to which you wish to send traffic assigned to each CoS by making a selection in the drop-down list. This way, you indicate the mapping between the queues and the port or LAG. Each dedicated queue is assigned to a single port or LAG. |
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