Maintenance Backup and Restore Operations
  • 13 Aug 2024
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Maintenance Backup and Restore Operations

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Article summary

This section explains how to configure the Legacy orchestrator appliance to create regular backups and how to perform recovery operations.

Two types of backup can be made on a Legacy orchestrator appliance:

  • Data store backup
    Captures the dynamic changes to the application’s data store. Includes data such as Y.1564 and RFC-2544 test results, daily network element backups, and application user changes. This backup only applies to a Legacy orchestrator appliance. Typically, a data store backup is run on a daily basis.
  • Appliance configuration backup
    Captures the configuration of the appliance (network interface settings, hostname definition, timezone settings, NTP configuration and hardening parameters).
    It is not necessary to perform this backup regularly because configuration parameters are not changed often. We recommend that you perform a manual backup after you make any changes to the appliance configuration. This type of backup should be performed on the Legacy orchestrator appliance.

Legacy orchestrator provides scripts or commands for performing manual backup or restore operations for the data store and appliance configurations. This section includes procedures that explain how to use the necessary scripts and commands.

Backing Up the Legacy orchestrator Data Store

Periodically, the Legacy orchestrator appliance makes a backup of its data store.

Data store backups can be accomplished in two ways:

The Legacy orchestrator appliance backs up its data store in three steps as shown below.

Maintenance Backup and Restore Operations.png

In the first step, the data store is written to a backup file.

In the second step, the appliance puts the backup file in a backup queue. The content of this queue is visible in the Legacy orchestrator web interface in the Admin ▶ Backup page.

In the third step, the appliance pushes the backup file to a directory on a remote host. You can configure the destination directory for backups using the settings iconicon.pngin the Admin ▶ Backup page.

Scheduling Data Store Backups

Scheduling of periodic backups is done in the Legacy orchestrator web user interface. See the Legacy orchestrator User Material for the procedures to configure periodic backups of the data store.

Backing Up the Data Store Manually

This procedure explains how to manually launch a data store backup operation. It should be noted that it is not necessary to stop Legacy orchestrator software before the backup operation.

Procedure Requirements

A. This procedure must be executed from the console of the Legacy orchestrator appliance.

B. This procedure must be executed as the visionems user. To execute this procedure, you must know the account’s credentials.

Procedure Steps

  1. Log in on the console of the Legacy orchestrator appliance as the visionems user.

  2. At the prompt, enter:
    You are brought to the appliance’s OS-level shell.

  3. Enter the user ID and password for the visionems user.

  4. At the prompt, enter:
    The backup is run and saved in the /data/backups directory.

Backing Up the Legacy orchestrator Configuration Manually (Exporting)

This procedure explains how to make a manual backup of the Legacy orchestrator configuration. It is not necessary to stop Legacy orchestrator software before exporting the backup file.

Procedure Requirements

A. This procedure can be executed from the console of a Legacy orchestrator or mediation appliance. Connect to the console either via a remote SSH client, or directly on the CONSOLE port of the appliance.

B. This procedure must be executed as the visionems user. To execute this procedure, you must know the account’s credentials.

Procedure Steps

  1. Log in on the Legacy orchestrator console as the visionems user.

  2. Enter the following command:
    configuration export

    You must enter the username and password for an account on the host where you want to export the configuration backup file. You also need to enter the full path and filename to which you want to export.
    The current configuration is stored to a file at the specified location.

Restoring a Data Store Backup

This procedure allows a user to manually restore the system from a previous data store backup operation. This procedure can be used in both a data store restore or full node recovery context. Restoring the data store also restores the user accounts of the Legacy orchestrator web application. However, the passwords of these accounts may expire when Legacy orchestrator software restarts.

Procedure Requirements

A. This procedure only applies to the Legacy orchestrator appliance.

B. This procedure must be executed from the appliance console.

C. This procedure must be executed as the visionems user. To execute this procedure, you must know the account’s credentials.

D. The backup file that needs to be restored must be placed on the appliance file system in the /tmp directory.

E. For the purposes of this procedure, the file to restore is assumed to be named: backup_file.gz

Procedure Steps

  1. Log in to the appliance console as the visionems user.

Note: The user can only do the restore from the active site. If operating in a hot standby configuration, the restore needs to be done from the currently active site.

  1. If operating in a hot standby configuration, suspend redundancy by entering:
    redundancy control suspend

  2. Enter: service stop app_server
    Legacy orchestrator software stops.

  3. Enter: shell
    You are brought to the appliance’s OS-level shell.

  4. Enter the user ID and password for the visionems user.

  5. Enter: cd /opt/accedian/skylight/scripts

  6. Enter: ./ /tmp/backup_file.gz
    The restore is run and saved in the Legacy orchestrator data store.

  7. Enter: exit
    You exit the OS shell and are returned to the Appliance Monitor command line.

  8. Enter: service start app_server
    Legacy orchestrator software restarts.

  9. If you are operating in a hot standby configuration, and after the app_server has started, you can resume redundancy by entering:
    redundancy control resume

The data store has been restored.

Restoring a Configuration Backup (Importing)

This procedure explains how to manually restore the system configuration from a previous configuration backup operation.

Procedure Requirements

A. This procedure must be executed from the appliance console.

B. This procedure must be executed as the visionems user. To execute this procedure, you must know the account’s credentials.

C. The backup file that needs to be restored must be placed on the appliance file system in the /tmp directory.

Procedure Steps

  1. Log in on the console of the Legacy orchestrator appliance as the visionems user.

  2. Enter the following command:
    configuration import

    This command imports the configuration previously saved in a file at the location specified in the command.

  3. Enter: reboot
    The appliance restarts. The restored configuration is now in effect.

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