Exporting Inventory Reports
  • 19 Sep 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Exporting Inventory Reports

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Article summary

Inventory reports are CSV files that can be viewed in a spreadsheet application.

In the Export tab of the Inventory page, you can define inventory reports that will be exported automatically. You define the frequency of the report and set the schedule of when it will be exported. You can view all the export schedules that have already been created.
24.09_Exporting Inventory Reports_1.png

Adding an Inventory Report

You define an inventory report and schedule it all in a single dialog.

To add an inventory report and define the export schedule

  1. Access the Inventory ▶ Export page.

  2. Click the Button_New_Generic.png button to add a new schedule or double-click a schedule in the list to edit it.
    The Export configuration dialog is displayed.
    24.09_Exporting Inventory Reports_2.png

  3. Enter a name for the inventory report in the Configuration name field.

  4. Enter a Configuration description.

  5. If you want to enable export of the report, check the Enable box. You can also enable it later from the list of reports.

  6. Under Managed object types, do one of the following:

    Click the New_3 dots button.PNG button to select specific manage objects. In the drop-down that displays, select the managed object type you require. You can select items from the Flex, Performance elements or the Sensor control categories.
    Or, click the Plus sign.PNG button to select all managed object types.

  7. In the Selection tab, select the elements whose managed objects you want to include in the report. The following options are available:

ToDo This
Select all elementsCheck the All devices check box, under Target devices.
Select a specific element, one at a timeDrag and drop elements from the Elements list (left) to Target devices (right).
Select multiple specific elementsIn the Elements list (left), ctrl-click the elements you require, and then drag them to Target devices (right).
Search for elementsUnder Elements, click the search bar and enter your criteria. For details, see Searching for Managed Elements.

24.09_Exporting Inventory Reports_3.png

  1. Select the Scheduling tab and complete the fields to set up the schedule for the reports and to determine where and how the reports will be stored. For more information about how to complete the fields, see the table below this procedure.
    24.09_Exporting Inventory Reports_4.png

  2. When you have completed the fields in both the Selection tab and the Scheduling tab, click the Apply button to save the inventory report configuration. The Export configuration dialog closes.

  3. To generate the report immediately, from the Export tab, select the report from the list and click Button_Play.png.

    24.09_Exporting Inventory Reports_5.png

Inventory export configuration (Inventory ▶ Export ▶ Export configuration ▶ dialog scheduling tab)

Frequency settings

FrequencySelect one of these options:
  • Once
  • Daily
  • Weekly
  • Monthly



Depending on which of the options you selected for Frequency, you must select values for one or more of these fields.
Start dateClick Button_DateChooser.png to select a start date and time to perform the export for the first time.
MinutesThe minute (0-59) at which the export will be performed.
Day of the weekIf Weekly is selected as the Frequency, this field is enabled. You can check one or more days of the week on which to export the inventory.

Transfer settings

File Transfer ProtocolSFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol)


Enter the credentials for an account that exists on the destination device so that the inventory reports can be transferred automatically.
Destination address

Destination folder

In the Destination address field, enter the IP address of the device to which the inventory report should be transferred.

In the Destination folder field, enter the path to a folder on the destination device.

PortEnter a port number on the destination device that is appropriate for the selected File transfer protocol.

Typically, 22 would be the appropriate value for SFTP.

TestClick this button to ensure that the destination can be reached with the transfer parameters entered.

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