Y.1564 Testing
  • 02 Nov 2024
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Y.1564 Testing

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Article summary

This application note describes how to set up Y.1564 in your Skylight performance element network to perform end-to-end Ethernet service activation tests.

The Accedian implementation of Y.1564 supports the following types of tests:

  • Layer-2 two-way testing
  • Layer-3 two-way testing
  • Layer-2 one-way testing
  • Layer-3 one-way testing

The steps required to set up Y.1564 are:

Before running a one-way test, you must also set up the SAT protocol so that devices performing the one-way Y.1564 test communicate. See:

Once these setup steps are complete, you can run a test and view the results.

Y.1564 Testing

Run a Y.1564 test to determine the conformance of a network section or a specific device to a service level agreement (SLA) and to meet Ethernet standards. You can define a total of 16 tests.

When setting up the test, set the information relative to the remote peer (Peer settings) and the test packet contents. To view the complete list of elements that can be configured for the test, refer to the table Y.1564 Test Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration) below.

Refer also to the ITU-T Y.1564 standard for the definition of parameters and tests.

Setting Up a Y.1564 Test

To set up a Y.1564 test:

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration. A summary of all tests set up displays.

  2. Click the Add button to add a new test or click the Name of an existing test to edit its settings.

  3. Select the different tests to run. Enter values for the corresponding settings and other fields, then click Apply.
    For information on specific parameters, refer to the following tables.

Y.1564 Test Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)


Test name

Name of the Y.1564 test.

Test Description

A description to identify the Y.1564 test and its characteristic.
Outgoing portPort on which to send the flow(s).

Y.1564 Test Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)
Test to Run

Configuration step duration (seconds)Duration (in seconds) of each step during the configuration test.
Enable configuration testEnabling the configuration test allows use of the policing test and step test under each service (traffic flow) configured.

It allows you to run successive tests at rates of 25% CIR, 50% CIR, 75% CIR, and 100% of CIR, CIR+EIR, and Policing.

For Policing:

If EIR < 20 % x CIR, Policing Rate = (125 % x CIR) + EIR

If EIR ≥ 20 % x CIR, Policing Rate = CIR + (125 % x EIR)

Enable parallel configurationEnable or disable the Parallel Service Configuration test.

Enable: All enabled services (traffic flows) are run simultaneously.

Disable: All enabled services (traffic flows) are run sequentially.

Performance test duration (minutes)Duration (in minutes) of the performance test.

Range: 1 to 1,440 minutes.

Enable performance testEnable or disable the performance test. You must configure at least one service when you enable performance test.

The performance test is run at 100% CIR.

Delay Measurement TypeMay be one-way delay or two-way delay. One-way delay measurement requires the SAT protocol (SAT ▶ Protocol ▶ Configuration) to be enabled on both devices performing the Y.1564 test.
Device time SYNC mandatoryWhen this option is checked, the tests will be performed only if both devices performing the Y.1564 test are synchronized using one of the supported timing mechanisms (NTP or PTP).

When this option is unchecked, the tests will be performed, but valid results will be displayed only if both devices performing the Y.1564 test are synchronized using one of the supported timing mechanisms (NTP or PTP). This type of test may be useful to test applications where delay is not important, but other parameters, such as CIR or EIR, are important.

For one-way delay measurement only.

Y.1564 Test Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)
Remote Unit Settings

TypeThe type of test traffic:

Layer-2: Y.1731 LBM frames.

Layer-2 Accedian: Y.1731 LBM frames with Accedian ethertype.

Layer-2 generic: special Y.1731 opcode frames to be used only with loopback devices based on “MAC-address swap”.

Layer-3: UDP packets to perform a test across the multilayered network.

Note that Layer-2 generic is for two-way measurements only.

MAC destinationPeer MAC address. For Layer-2 and Layer-3 generic traffic only.

Note that Layer-3 generic traffic is available for the RFC-2544 traffic generator and test suite. It is not available for Y.1564 SAT.

Y.1731 MEG levelMaintenance Entity Group level. For Layer-2 traffic only. Refer to ITU-T Y.1731.

Range: 0–7

Destination IP addressIP address of the remote unit interface. For Layer-3 traffic only.
DSCPDiffServ Code Point to set in the generated packets. For Layer-3 traffic only.
Source portSource UDP port number used to generate the UDP packet. For Layer-3 traffic only.
Destination portDestination UDP port number used to generate the UDP packet. For Layer-3 traffic only.

Note that you must set the destination port to something other than 8793, which is the Accedian proprietary port number.

Setting Up a Y.1564 Service

Once you have set up a Y.1564 test, you must define one to eight to eight or two services (traffic flows) for testing.

Refer to the ITU-T Y.1564 standard for the definition of parameters and tests.

To set up a Y.1564 service:

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration. A summary of all tests set up displays.

  2. Click the Name of an existing test to edit its settings.

  3. Click the Name of a service from the Service list to edit its settings.

  4. Enter values in the required fields, then click Apply. For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.

Y.1564 Service Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)


Enable service

Enable or disable the service for this Y.1564 test.

Service name

Name of the Y.1564 service.

Y.1564 Service Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)
Test Configuration

Policing test enabledEnable or disable the testing above the CIR (125%).
Step test enabledEnable or disable running successive tests at a rate of 25% CIR, 50% CIR, 75% CIR, 100% CIR, and CIR+EIR.
Availability enabledEnable or disable availability measurements based on the configured frame loss ratio.

Y.1564 Service Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)
Bandwidth Profile

CIR (in Mbps)The average rate (in Mbps) at which the network delivers frames and meets the performance objectives defined by the CoS Service Attribute. Traffic that is declared green and that conforms to CIR or CBS is allowed to pass through the policer without a rate limit. Green traffic in excess of this maximum is declared yellow by the regulator and is submitted to EIR regulation.

Range: 0 to 1000 Mbps (steps of 0.125 Mbps)

Step test enabledEnable or disable running successive tests at a rate of 25% CIR, 50% CIR, 75% CIR, 100% CIR, and CIR+EIR.
Availability enabledEnable or disable availability measurements based on the configured frame loss ratio.
Committed Burst Size (in kBytes)This parameter is not currently used. For future use.
EIR (in Mbps)The maximum average rate (in Mbps) of frames up to which the network may deliver Service Frames without any performance objectives. Yellow traffic in excess of this maximum is declared red by the regulator and is dropped.

Range: 0 to 1000 Mbps (steps of 0.125 Mbps)

Excess Burst Size (in kBytes)This parameter is not currently used. For future use.
Frame size typeThe test will be performed with this type of frame size. The only type available is Fixed.

The choices are: Fixed frame size or EMIX.

Packet size (octets)The size of each packet for the test traffic. Only for Frame size type set to Fixed.
User-defined (octet)The size of each user-defined packet for the test traffic. Only for Frame size type set to EMIX.
Sequence of sizesFor EMIX frame size type, the packet size values used in the test and the specific sequence in which they are sent.

Available sizes are:

a = 64 bytes

b =128 bytes

c = 256 bytes

d = 512 bytes

e = 1024 bytes

f = 1280 bytes

g = 1518 bytes

h = MTU

u = user-defined size

Default value: abceg

Y.1564 Service Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)
Service Acceptance Criteria

Frame Delay Variation (in μs)For delay variation measurements (one-way or two-way), the delay variation (in μs) below which the test passes.
Frame Loss RatioThe ratio below which the test passes.
M factorThe M factor is added to the Service Acceptance Criteria in the policing test to take into account the effect of the CBS and EBS on the total rate.

The policing test will pass if IR-T ≤ CIR + EIR + M


IR-T: Total Information Rate

CIR: Committed Information Rate

EIR: Excess Information Rate

M: M factor

Default: 1 Mbps

Y.1564 Service Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)
MAC Settings (Layer-2 Traffic Only)

MAC DestinationFor each service, this sets the destination MAC address and overwrites the global MAC address of the Y.1564 test.
Overwrite per test Destination MAC addressEnable the overwriting of the global destination MAC address of the Y.1564 test.
Y.1731 MEG levelFor each service, this sets the Y.1731 MEG level and overwrites the global Y.1731 MEG level of the Y.1564 test.
Overwrite per test MEG levelEnable the overwriting of the global Y.1731 MEG level of the Y.1564 test.

Y.1564 Service Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)
IP Settings (Layer-3 Traffic Only)

Destination IP addressFor each service, this sets the destination IP address and overwrites the global IP address of the Y.1564 test.
Overwrite per test Destination IP addressEnable the overwriting of the global destination IP address of the Y.1564 test.
DSCPFor each service, this sets the DSCP and overwrites the global DSCP of the Y.1564 test.
Overwrite per test DSCPEnable the overwriting of the global DSCP of the Y.1564 test.

Y.1564 Service Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)
VLAN Settings

Enable VLAN 1 headerThis encapsulates all packets with one VLAN header.
VLAN 1 IDFirst VLAN ID. When enabled, all test packets are encapsulated with the specified VLAN ID.
VLAN 1 Ethernet typeFirst VLAN Ethernet type. Applies only when the VLAN 1 header is enabled. The choices are: S-VLAN, T-VLAN and CVLAN.
VLAN 1 PriorityFirst VLAN priority bits. Applies only when the VLAN 1 header is enabled.
VLAN 1 CFIFirst VLAN canonical format indicator (CFI). Applies only when the VLAN 1 header is enabled.
Enable VLAN 2 headerEncapsulates all packets with two VLAN headers (Q in Q). VLAN1 must be enabled to use two VLAN headers.
VLAN 2 IDSecond VLAN ID. When enabled, all test packets are encapsulated with the second specified VLAN ID (inner VLAN). Applies only when the VLAN 2 header is enabled.
VLAN 2 Ethernet typeSecond VLAN Ethernet type. Applies only when the VLAN 2 header is enabled. The choices are: S-VLAN, T-VLAN and CVLAN.
VLAN 2 PrioritySecond VLAN priority bits. Applies only when the VLAN 2 header is enabled.
VLAN 2 CFISecond VLAN canonical format indicator (CFI). Applies only when the VLAN 2 header is enabled.

Y.1564 Service Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)
Far-End Verification (One-Way Testing Only)

DSCP checkCheck this option if you want the peer unit to verify that the DSCP value in the test traffic has not changed. If it has changed, the test will fail.
DSCP unpreserveCheck this option if you expect the DSCP value to change before it reaches the far-end. This also instructs the peer unit to verify the value received against the one defined for Farend expected value. If the criterion is not met, the test will fail.
Far-end expected valueThe value expected by the far-end when the DCSP unpreserve option is checked.

Y.1564 Service Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)
VLAN 1 (or VLAN 2) Header

No VLAN checkCheck this option if you want to validate that the frames received at the far-end do not have a first (or second) VLAN tag, i.e. that far-end frames are untagged.
PCP checkCheck this option if you want the peer unit to verify that the PCP value in the test traffic has not changed. If it has changed, the test will fail.
PCP unpreserveCheck this option if you expect the PCP value to change before it reaches the far-end. This also instructs the peer unit to verify the value received against the one defined for Farend expected value. If the criterion is not met, the test will fail.
Far-end expected valueThe value expected by the far-end when the PCP unpreserve option is checked.
DEI checkCheck this option if you want the peer unit to verify that the DEI value in the test traffic has not changed. If it has changed, the test will fail.
DEI unpreserveCheck this option if you expect the DEI value to change before it reaches the far-end. This also instructs the peer unit to verify the value received against the one defined for Farend expected value. If the criterion is not met, the test will fail.
Far-end expected valueThe value expected by the far-end when the DEI unpreserve option is checked.
VLAN ID checkCheck this option if you want the peer unit to verify that the VLAN ID for the test traffic has not changed. If it has changed, the test will fail.
ID unpreserveCheck this option if you expect the VLAN ID to change before it reaches the far-end. This also instructs the peer unit to verify the value received against the one defined for Far-end expected value. If the criterion is not met, the test will fail.
Far-end expected valueThe value expected by the far-end when the ID unpreserve option is checked.

Setting Up the SAT Protocol

To set up the SAT protocol:

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Protocol ▶ Configuration.

  2. Fill in the required fields and click Apply. For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.

SAT Protocol Configuration (SAT ▶ Protocol ▶ Configuration)

EnableEnable or disable the server side of the SAT protocol (Enabled by default).

Note that it must be enabled on the server (peer device) only in a one-way test. It must be enabled for both Layer-2 and Layer-3 traffic.

Protocol UDP portUDP port used by the SAT protocol.

Note that this parameter must be defined on both the generator and the server (peer device) in a one-way test, and only for Layer-3 traffic.

One-way traffic UDP portDestination UDP port used for one-way traffic.

Note that this parameter must be defined on both the generator and the server (peer device) in a one-way test, and only for Layer-3 traffic.

Running a Y.1564 Test and Viewing Test Results

Once you have set up a Y.1564 test, you can run it and view its report. Since each test is associated with one test report, you must define a new report each time you want to run a new test. You can run a specific test many times as long as you define a new report each time.

To run a Y.1564 test:

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results. A summary of all test reports displays.

  2. Click the Start new test button to define a new report.

  3. Fill in the required fields and click Apply. For more information on specific parameters, refer to the second table below.

Y.1564 Service Activation (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results)

NameThe name assigned to the test report.
StatusThe test's current status. Possible values are:

Failed: An error occurred during the test execution.

Running: The test is currently running.

Canceled: A user stopped the test during its execution.

Completed: The test has completed.

DescriptionThe description to identify the test.

Y.1564 Report Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results)

File nameThe name assigned to the test report file.
Technician nameWho executed the test.
Test configurationSelect the test configuration you want to run for this test.
Special noteAny additional information relative to the test.

To view, edit, or export a test report:

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results. A summary of all test reports displays. For more information on specific parameters, refer to the table entitled Y.1564 Service Activation (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results) above.

  2. To view detailed results from a test, click the Name of the test report. From the page displayed, you will be able to perform other actions.

  3. To stop a test from running, click Stop . For more information on specific parameters, refer to the table below.

  4. To edit a report, you can then click Edit.

  5. To export the report into a text file and save it on the management station, click Export.

Y.1564 Test Configuration Results (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results)

NameName of the Y.1564 service tested.
25% CIR

50% CIR

75% CIR

100% CIR




The test's current status. Possible values are:

PASS: This test passed the test criteria.

FAIL: This test failed the test criteria.

N/A: This test is not performed as per the test configuration.

Configuration Examples

This section contains the following examples:

  • Example 1: Two-Way Layer-2 Test with Multi-CoS EVC
  • Example 2: Two-Way Layer-3 Test with Bandwidth Profiles per EVC
  • Example 3: One-Way Layer-3 Test with Multiple IP Sources/Destinations

Example 1: Two-Way Layer-2 Test with Multi-CoS EVC

The Y.1564 test method is used as an out-of service test for service activation testing. It allows you to test configuration and performance using up to eight flows per test.

In this example, you will use a Y.1564 test with four services to test a Layer-2 point-topoint EVC running four different bandwidth profiles. This is to verify conformance of each CoS profile defined. This example will use the following traffic pattern:

CoS Profile Definition

The test requires two units: a MetroNODE 10GE and a MetroNID. We will set up the Y.1564 test on the MetroNODE 10GE. The MetroNID will receive the Y.1564 test packets and will automatically loop them back to the MetroNODE 10GE. The MetroNODE 10GE will receive the test packets and provide results.

The figure below shows a typical configuration for this scenario.

Get the MAC Address

  1. Connect to the performance element.
  2. Go to Port ▶ Configuration.
  3. Take note of the MAC address for the port that connects to the performance element.

Set up the Y.1564 Test
You will set up a Y.1564 test with four services as defined above.

Note: This configuration is used only to verify the circuit conformance to what was first established. The circuit configuration is not covered in this application note.

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration.
  2. Click the Add button to add a new test.
  3. Enter the test configuration as shown in the figure above and click Apply. Use the MAC address of the port to which the performance element sends the packets.

Set up the Y.1564 Services

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration. This displays a summary of all tests set up.
  2. Click the Name of the test (Test1) to edit its settings.
  3. Click the Name of a service (e.g. Service_1 ) from the Service List to edit its settings.
  4. Enter the service configuration for the Real-Time service as shown in the figure above and then click Apply.
  5. Repeat the steps above for each other service. The following figure shows the four services once they are defined.


Run the Y.1564 Test

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results. This displays a summary of all test reports.
  2. Click the Start new test button to generate a new report.
  3. Enter the report settings and then click Run.

View a Summary of the Test Results

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results. This displays a summary of all test reports.
  2. To view detailed results from a test, click the Name of the test report, while the test is running.


  1. To stop a test from running, click Stop. When the test is completed, this displays the screen shown in the figure below.


  1. You can then edit the report by clicking Edit, or by exporting the detailed report into a text file and saving it to the management station. To do this, click Export. See Test Report from Example 1 at the end of this document for a detailed report pertaining to this example.

Example 2: Two-Way Layer-3 Test with Bandwidth Profiles per EVC

In this example, you will use a Y.1564 test with two EVCs and four services per EVC to test two Layer-3 point-to-point EVCs. This test is used to verify conformance of each CoS profile defined. This example will use the following traffic pattern:

CoS Profile Definition

The test requires three units: one MetroNODE 10GE and MetroNID units. We will set up the Y.1564 test on the MetroNODE 10GE. Each remote MetroNID will receive the Y.1564 test packets. We will need to set up a Layer-3 loopback on both remote units to loop the test packets back to the MetroNODE 10GE. The MetroNODE 10GE will receive the test packets and provide result.

The figure below shows a typical configuration for this scenario.


Configure the Loopback for Remote Unit 1

We will first set up an IPv4 filter. This filter will catch the Layer-3 packets coming from the performance element source address and will be used to loop them back.

The steps required to set up the loopback are:

  • Define a filter for capturing traffic.
  • Create an OAM instance.
  • Set up the loopback.

First, define the filter as follows:

  1. Connect to Remote 1 unit.

  2. Go to Traffic ▶ Filters ▶ IPv4 filters.

  3. Click the Add button to add a new filter. This displays the screen shown in the figure below.


  1. Enter the IPv4 filter configuration as shown in the figure above. For the IPv4 source, use the IP address of the interface to which the performance element sends the packets.

  2. Click Apply.
    Before enabling a loopback, you must create the OAM instance, upon which the loopback is created.

Next, set up the OAM instance as follows:

  1. Go to OAM ▶ Configuration . This displays a summary of all OAM instances already set up.

  2. Click the Add button to add a new OAM instance. This displays the screen shown in the figure below.


  1. Enter the information for the OAM instance as shown in the figure above and then click Apply.

Once the OAM instance has been created, you can set up the loopback for this instance using the IPv4 filter you created.

Finally, set up the local loopback as follows:

  1. Go to OAM ▶ Loopback. This displays a summary of all loopbacks set up.

  2. Click the OAM instance Name for the loopback to edit its settings. This displays the screen shown in the figure below.


  1. Enter the loopback information as shown in the figure above. Be sure to select the IPv4 filter created for this loopback.

  2. Click Apply.

Configure the Loopback for Remote Unit 2
Configure the loopback for Remote Unit 2 loopback using the same procedure and settings used for Remote Unit 1.

Configure the IP Address on Each Unit
To run a Layer-3 Y.1564 test, you must also set up the IP address on each of the three units.

First, set up the IP address on the performance element as follows:

  1. Connect to the performance element.
  2. Go to System ▶ Configuration ▶ Interface.
  3. Click the Network interface to edit its settings.
  4. Enter the interface settings as shown in the figure above and click Apply.

Next, set up the IP address on the Remote Unit 1 as follows:

  1. Connect to Unit.
  2. Go to System ▶ Configuration ▶ Interface.
  3. Click the Add button to add a new interface. This displays the screen shown in the figure below.


  1. Enter the interface settings as shown in the figure above and click Apply.

We then set up the IP address on Remote Unit 2 using the same settings, except for a new interface name (e.g. NID2) and the IP address of Remote Unit 2 (

We can then ping each remote unit from the performance element, to make sure the interfaces are correctly configured:

  1. Connect to the performance element.

  2. Go to System ▶ Maintenance ▶ System Tools.

  3. Enter the IP address of Remote Unit 1 ( and the timeout and then click the Ping button.

  4. Enter the IP address of Remote Unit 2 ( and the timeout and then click the Ping button.

Configure the Y.1564 Test

We will set up a Y.1564 test with eight services (test flows), four for each EVC, as defined above.

Note: This configuration is used only to verify the circuit conformance to what was first established. The circuit configuration is not covered in this application note.

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration.

  2. Click the Add button to add a new test. This displays the screen shown in the figure below.


  1. Enter the test configuration as shown in the figure above. Use the IP address of the interface to which the performance element sends the packets (e.g. the Interface IP address of remote unit 1). This is a general destination IP address, which you will be able to overwrite for each service.
  2. Click Apply.

Next, you will set up the Y.1564 services as follows:

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration. This displays a summary of all tests set up.
  2. Click the Name of the test (Test1) to edit its settings.
  3. Click the Name of a service (e.g. Service_1 ) from the Service List to edit its settings.
  4. Enter the service configuration for the Voice_1 service as shown in the figure above, and then click Apply.
  5. Repeat the steps above to set up all four services for EVC 1.
  6. Repeat the steps above to set up all four services for EVC 2.

The following figure shows the eight services once they are defined.


Run the Y.1564 Test

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results. This displays a summary of all test reports.

  2. Click the Start new test button to generate a new report. This displays the screen shown in the figure below.


  1. Enter the report information and then click Run.

View the test report

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results. This displays a summary of all test reports.

  2. To view detailed results from a test, click the Name of the test report. While the test is running, this displays the screen shown in the figure below.


  1. To stop a test from running, click Stop. When the test is completed, this displays the screen shown in the figure below.

  2. We can then edit the report. One way is to click Edit. Another way is to export the report into a text or XML file and save it on the management station: to do this, click Export.

Example 3: One-Way Layer-3 Test with Multiple IP


In this example, the units are set up to run a Layer-3 one-way test to eight cell sites simultaneously. This test is used to verify conformance of each CoS profile defined. This example will use the following traffic pattern:

CoS Profile Definition

The test requires nine units: one MetroNODE 10GE and eight MetroNID units. We will set up the MetroNODE 10GE with a different VLAN interface with IP address (source) configured for each cell site. We will also need to set up a corresponding VLAN interface with IP address (destination) on each cell site (MetroNID). A different source UDP port will be used for the test traffic sent to each cell site. This port must be defined in the SAT protocol configuration of each cell site (MetroNID).

The figure below shows a typical configuration for this scenario.


Configure the Interfaces of the performance element to communicate with each Cell Site

  1. Connect to performance element.

  2. Go to System ▶ Configuration ▶ Interface.

  3. Click the Add button to add a new interface. This displays the screen shown in the figure below.


  1. Enter the interface settings as shown in the figure above and click Apply.

  2. Repeat the steps above for each other (seven) remaining interfaces using the corresponding interface settings as shown in the CoS Profile Definition.

Configure the Interface for Each Cell Site (Remote site)
:::Accuracy check

  1. Connect to one Unit.

  2. Go to System ▶ Configuration ▶ Interface.

  3. Click the Add button to add a new interface. This displays the screen shown in the figure below.


  1. Enter the interface settings as shown in the figure above and click Apply.

  2. Repeat the steps above for each other (seven) remaining units using the corresponding interface settings as shown in the CoS Profile Definition.

We can then ping each remote unit from the performance element, to make sure the interfaces are correctly configured:

  1. Connect to the performance element.

  2. Go to System ▶ Maintenance ▶ System Tools.

  3. Enter the IP address of the first remote unit ( and the timeout and then click the Ping button.

  4. Repeat the steps above for each other (seven) remaining units using its corresponding IP address.

Configure the SAT Protocol on Each Cell Site

  1. Connect to one remote unit.
    :::accuracy check
    your content goes here

  2. Go to SAT ▶ Protocol ▶ Configuration. This displays the screen shown in the figure below.


  1. Enter the SAT protocol setting as shown in the figure above and click Apply.

Configure the Y.1564 Test
We will set up a Y.1564 test with eight services (test flows), one for each cell site, as defined above.

Note: This configuration is used only to verify the circuit conformance to what was first established. The circuit configuration is not covered in this application note.

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration.
  2. Click the Add button to add a new test.
  3. Enter the test configuration as shown in the figure above. Use the IP address of any interface to which the performance element sends the packets (e.g. the Interface IP address of cell site 1).
    This is a general destination IP address, which you will be able to o4. If you wish to measure the one-way delay and delay variation, check Device time SYNC mandatory . Note that to enable this option the units must be synchronized using NTP or PTP.
    4.. Click Apply.

Next, will set up the Y.1564 services as follows:

  1. Go to SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration. This displays a summary of all tests set up.
  2. Click the Name of the test (Multi-site Test) to edit its settings.
  3. Click the Name of a service (e.g. Service_1 ) from the Service List to edit its settings.
  4. Enter the service configuration for the Cell_Site_1 service as shown in the figure above, and then click Apply.

Note: The Far- End verification options are not enabled in this example as we do not expect the priority of the packets to change through the network. However, you can use these options if you expect a change of priority and need to validate it.

  1. Repeat the steps above to set up all eight services (cell sites) using the corresponding VLAN ID, and IP address. The following figure shows the eight services once they are defined.


Once the configuration in completed, you can run the test and view the report as described in the previous examples.

Test Report from Example 1


Y.1564 Service Activation Test


Test description:

File name	: SLA_2012-07-18_17h30m11s Description	: SLA validation Technician name :


Device description:

Product name	: AMO-10000-NE Unit identifier : G068-0004
Firmware version : AMO_10GE_5.5_26203 Serial number	: G068-0004
Assembly	: 500-018-03:9:16:0F


Test settings: Definitions:
Name	: Test1

Description	: Service validation Configuration
test	: Enabled

step time	: 10 (seconds) parallel testing : Enabled

test	: Enabled testing time	: 15 (minutes)
Delay Measurement

Type	: Two Way



Service 1:

Name	: Real-Time

CIR Step Load	: enable Policing	: enable DSCP-PCP preserve: disable

Bandwitdh Profile (L2 Rate) CIR	: 5 Mbps
CBS	: 2 KB

EIR	: 0 Mbps

EBS	: 0 KB
Packet Size	512

Service Acceptance Criteria FTD	: 100 us
FDV	: 25 us

FLR	: 1.00e-06

M factor	: 1 Mbps


Peer settings:

Testing layer	: Layer-2

Peer MAC address : 00:15:AD:00:60:5E NID MAC address : 00:15:AD:04:E1:5C

Ethertype	: 0x8902

Opcode	3

VLAN 1 Information

Protocol	: C-VLAN (0x8100) Identifier	1000

Priority	5



Started at: 2012-07-18 17:30:30+00:00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IR	FL	FTD	FDV
-------------------------- ------------- ----------------------- ----------------------

Pass/ Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean  Max Fail (Mbps)  (Mbps)  (Mbps)  Cnt  FLR	(usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec)
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- CIR
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 1.250 PASS	1.246	1.249	1.250	0 0.0e+00	10	10	11	0	0	1
2.500 PASS	2.497	2.499	2.501	0 0.0e+00	10	10	11	0	0	1
3.750 PASS	3.748	3.749	3.752	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0
5 PASS	4.998	4.999	5.003	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0

-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- CIR/EIR
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -------


-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- POLICING
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 6.250 PASS	4.998	5.001	5.003 2911 2.0e-01	10	10	11	0	0	1
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- CIR*(1-FLRsac) <= IR <= CIR+EIR+M
5*(1-0.000001) <= 5.001 <= 5+0+1

-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- Ended at: 2012-07-18 17:31:39+00:00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERFORMANCE
Started at: 2012-07-18 17:31:53+00:00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IR	FL	FTD	FDV
-------------------------- ------------- ----------------------- ----------------------

Pass/ Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean  Max Fail (Mbps)  (Mbps)  (Mbps)  Cnt  FLR	(usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec)
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 5 PASS	4.997	4.999	5.003	0 0.0e+00	10	10	11	0	0	0
Ended at: 2012-07-18 17:46:21+00:00


-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -------

Service Overall Result: PASSED




Service 2:

Name	: Interactive

CIR Step Load	: enable Policing	: enable DSCP-PCP preserve: disable

Bandwitdh Profile (L2 Rate) CIR	: 15 Mbps
CBS	: 4 KB

EIR	: 5 Mbps

EBS	: 4 KB
Packet Size	512

Service Acceptance Criteria FTD	: 100 us
FDV	: 25 us

FLR	: 1.00e-06

M factor	: 1 Mbps


Peer settings:

Testing layer	: Layer-2

Peer MAC address : 00:15:AD:00:60:5E NID MAC address : 00:15:AD:04:E1:5C

Ethertype	: 0x8902

Opcode	3

VLAN 1 Information

Protocol	: C-VLAN (0x8100) Identifier	1000

Priority	3

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONFIGURATION
Started at: 2012-07-18 17:30:30+00:00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IR	FL	FTD	FDV
-------------------------- ------------- ----------------------- ----------------------

Pass/ Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean  Max Fail (Mbps)  (Mbps)  (Mbps)  Cnt  FLR	(usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec)
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- CIR
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 3.750 PASS	3.748	3.749	3.752	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0
7.500 PASS	7.496	7.499	7.501	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0

11.250 PASS  11.247  11.249  11.252	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0

15 PASS  14.996  14.998  15.003	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0

-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -------


-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 20 PASS  19.998  19.998  20.001	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- POLICING
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 22 PASS  19.995  20.003  20.004 4654 9.1e-02	10	10	10	0	0	0
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- CIR*(1-FLRsac) <= IR <= CIR+EIR+M
15*(1-0.000001) <= 20.003 <= 15+5+1

-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- Ended at: 2012-07-18 17:31:51+00:00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERFORMANCE
Started at: 2012-07-18 17:31:53+00:00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IR	FL	FTD	FDV
-------------------------- ------------- ----------------------- ----------------------

Pass/ Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean  Max Fail (Mbps)  (Mbps)  (Mbps)  Cnt  FLR	(usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec)
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 15 PASS  14.995  14.999  15.004	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0
Ended at: 2012-07-18 17:46:21+00:00


-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -------

Service Overall Result: PASSED




Service 3:

Name	: Business Critical

CIR Step Load	: enable Policing	: enable DSCP-PCP preserve: disable

Bandwitdh Profile (L2 Rate) CIR	: 20 Mbps
CBS	: 8 KB

EIR	: 10 Mbps

EBS	: 8 KB
Packet Size	512

Service Acceptance Criteria FTD	: 100 us
FDV	: 25 us

FLR	: 1.00e-06

M factor	: 1 Mbps


Peer settings:

Testing layer	: Layer-2

Peer MAC address : 00:15:AD:00:60:5E NID MAC address : 00:15:AD:04:E1:5C

Ethertype	: 0x8902

Opcode	3

VLAN 1 Information

Protocol	: C-VLAN (0x8100) Identifier	1000

Priority	1



Started at: 2012-07-18 17:30:30+00:00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IR	FL	FTD	FDV
-------------------------- ------------- ----------------------- ----------------------

Pass/ Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean  Max Fail (Mbps)  (Mbps)  (Mbps)  Cnt  FLR	(usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec)
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- CIR
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 5 PASS	4.998	4.999	5.003	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0
10 PASS	9.997	9.998  10.002	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0

15 PASS  14.996  14.998  15.003	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0

20 PASS  19.996  19.998  20.003	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0

-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- CIR/EIR
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 30 PASS  29.997  29.998  30.002	0 0.0e+00	10	10	11	0	0	0
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- POLICING
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 33 PASS  29.995  30.007  30.007 6977 9.1e-02	10	10	10	0	0	0
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- CIR*(1-FLRsac) <= IR <= CIR+EIR+M
20*(1-0.000001) <= 30.007 <= 20+10+1

-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- Ended at: 2012-07-18 17:31:51+00:00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERFORMANCE
Started at: 2012-07-18 17:31:53+00:00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IR	FL	FTD	FDV
-------------------------- ------------- ----------------------- ----------------------

Pass/ Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean  Max Fail (Mbps)  (Mbps)  (Mbps)  Cnt  FLR	(usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec)
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 20 PASS  19.995  19.999  20.004	0 0.0e+00	10	10	11	0	0	1
Ended at: 2012-07-18 17:46:21+00:00


-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -------

Service Overall Result: PASSED




Service 4:

Name	: Best Effort

CIR Step Load	: enable Policing	: enable DSCP-PCP preserve: disable

Bandwitdh Profile (L2 Rate) CIR	: 0 Mbps
CBS	: 0 KB

EIR	: 30 Mbps

EBS	: 8 KB
Packet Size	512

Service Acceptance Criteria FTD	: 100 us
FDV	: 25 us

FLR	: 1.00e-06

M factor	: 1 Mbps


Peer settings:

Testing layer	: Layer-2

Peer MAC address : 00:15:AD:00:60:5E NID MAC address : 00:15:AD:04:E1:5C

Ethertype	: 0x8902

Opcode	3

VLAN 1 Information

Protocol	: C-VLAN (0x8100) Identifier	1000

Priority	0

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CONFIGURATION
Started at: 2012-07-18 17:30:30+00:00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IR	FL	FTD	FDV
-------------------------- ------------- ----------------------- ----------------------

Pass/ Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean  Max Fail (Mbps)  (Mbps)  (Mbps)  Cnt  FLR	(usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec)
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- CIR
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -------

-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -------


-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 30 PASS  29.992  29.997  30.001	0 0.0e+00	10	10	11	0	0	1
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- POLICING
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 38 PASS  29.995  30.005  30.005 18640 2.1e-01	10	10	10	0	0	0
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- CIR*(1-FLRsac) <= IR <= CIR+EIR+M
0*(1-0.000001) <= 30.005 <= 0+30+1

-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- Ended at: 2012-07-18 17:30:58+00:00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ PERFORMANCE
Started at: 2012-07-18 17:31:53+00:00

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ IR	FL	FTD	FDV
-------------------------- ------------- ----------------------- ----------------------

Pass/ Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean	Max	Min	Mean  Max Fail (Mbps)  (Mbps)  (Mbps)  Cnt  FLR	(usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec) (usec)
-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- 30 PASS  29.995  29.999  30.003	0 0.0e+00	10	10	10	0	0	0
Ended at: 2012-07-18 17:46:21+00:00


-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -------

Service Overall Result: PASSED


-------- ----- -------- -------- -------- ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------ -------

Test Overall Result: PASSED

Ended at: 2012-07-18 17:46:21+00:00



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