Viewing SyncE/ESMC Port Statistics
  • 14 Apr 2022
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Viewing SyncE/ESMC Port Statistics

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Article summary

If your equipment has this optional hardware feature, you can view a summary and/or detailed SyncE/ESMC port statistics for each port.

To view a summary of SyncE/ESMC statistics for all ports

  1. Access the page Port ▶SyncE.

  2. Ensure that the option ESMC QL Mode is selected.
    Summary statistics and the port status for all ports are displayed in the SyncE/ESMC Port Statistics Summary section at the bottom of the page.

  3. To view detailed SyncE/ESMC statistics for a port, select its name from the list.

For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following tables.

SyncE/ESMC Port Statistics (Port ▶SyncE)

Current QL to Clock Selection ProcessThe current QL (Quality Level) used for the clock selection process with the time elapsed in seconds (with millisecond resolution) since the last change occurred.
Last QL ReceivedIndicates the last QL received on the port with the time elapsed in seconds (with millisecond resolution) since it was last received.
Last QL SentIndicates the last QL sent to the port with the time elapsed in seconds (with millisecond resolution) since it was last sent.
Wait-to-restore RemainingIndicates the remaining wait-to-restore period, expressed in seconds.
Minimum QL Received Inter- Arrival TimeIndicates the minimum time between any two consecutively received QL for ESMC PDU of type informational.
Maximum QL Received Inter- Arrival TimeIndicates the maximum time between any two consecutively received QL for ESMC PDU of type informational.
Averaged QL Received Inter- Arrival TimeIndicates the averaged time between any two consecutively received QL for ESMC PDU of type informational
Count of ESMC PDU ReceivedIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received.
Count of ESMC PDU Malformed ReceivedIndicates the number of ESMC PDU Malformed that have been received.
Count of ESMC PDU of Type Event ReceivedIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the type event (event flag set to 1).
Count of ESMC PDU Received with Valid QL and Extended TLVsIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with valid QL and extended TLVs.
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-STU/UNKIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the Quality Level STU/UNK:
  • (Option 2) QL-STU: Synchronized – Traceability unknown.
  • (Option 3) QL-UNK: This synchronization trail transports a timing quality generated by an unknown clock source. It is at least of quality SSU.
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-PRSIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the Quality Level PRS:
  • (Option 1) QL-PRS: Primary reference source traceable [ITU-T G.811].
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-PRCIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the Quality Level PRC:
  • (Option 1) QL-PRC: This synchronization trail transports a timing quality generated by a primary reference clock that is defined in [ITU-T G.811].
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-INV3Indicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with* Quality Level Invalid Code 3*.
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-SSU-A/TNCIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the Quality Level SSU-A/TNC:
  • (Option 1) QL-SSU-A: This synchronization trail transports a timing quality generated by a type I or V slave clock that is defined in [ITU-T G.812].
  • (Option 2) QL-TNC: Traceable to transit node clock ([ITU-T G.812], type V).
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-INV5Indicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with Quality Level Invalid Code 5.
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-INV6Indicates the number of ESMC PDU received with Quality Level Invalid Code 6.
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-ST2Indicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the Quality Level ST2:
  • (Option 2) QL-ST2: Traceable to stratum 2 (ITU-T G.812], type V).
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-SSU-BIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the Quality Level SSU-B:
  • (Option 1) QL-SSU-B: This synchronization trail transports a timing quality generated by a type VI slave clock that is defined in [ITU-T G.812].
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-INV9Indicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with Quality Level Invalid Code 9.
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-EEC2/ST3Indicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the Quality Level EEC2/ST3:
  • (G.8264) QL-EEC2: Synchronous Ethernet equipment clock option 2. This clock option is treated like an ITU-T G.812 type IV clock [i.e. QL-SEC and QL-ST3, respectively]).
  • (Option 2) QL-ST3: Traceable to stratum 3 ([ITU-T G.812], type IV).
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-EEC1/SECIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the Quality Level EEC1/SEC:
  • (G.8264) QL-EEC2: Synchronous Ethernet equipment clock option 1 (is treated as a ITU-T G.813 option 1).
  • (Option 3) QL-SEC: This synchronization trail transports a timing quality generated by a synchronous equipment clock (SEC) that is defined in [ITU-T G.813] or [ITU-T G.8262], option I.
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-SMCIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the Quality Level SMC:
  • (Option 2) QL-SMC: Traceable to SONET clock self-timed ([ITU-T G.813] or [ITU-T G.8262], option II).
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-ST3EIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the Quality Level ST3E:
  • (Option 2) QL-ST3E: Traceable to stratum 3 ([ITU-T G.812], typeIV)
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-PROVIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the Quality Level PROV:
  • (Option 2) QL-PROV: Provisionable by the network operator.)
Count of ESMC PDU Received with QL-DNU-DUSIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been received with the Quality Level DNU-DUS:
  • (Option 1) QL-DNU: This signal should not be used for synchronization.
  • (Option 2) QL-DUS: This signal should not be used for synchronization.
Count of ESMC PDU SentIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been sent.
Count of ESMC PDU of Type Event SentIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been sent with the type event (event flag set to 1).
Count of ESMC PDU Sent with Extended TLVsIndicates the number of ESMC PDU that have been sent with extended TLV forwarded.
Count of ESMC Failure DetectionIndicates the number of times an ESMC failure was detected (no QL for five-second timeout).
Count of Signal Failure DetectionIndicates the number of times a signal failure was detected.

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