Viewing OAM Statistics
  • 30 Mar 2022
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Viewing OAM Statistics

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Article summary

To view a summary of the statistics of each OAM instance

  1. Access the page OAM ▶Statistics.

  2. For detailed OAM statistics, click the OAM instance Name in the list.

For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.

OAM Statistics (OAM ▶Statistics)

NameThe name given to the OAM instance.
Rcv OAMPDUThe number of OAMPDUs received by this instance, all types combined: info, var request, var response, loopback etc.
Txm OAMPDUThe number of OAMPDUs transmitted by this instance, all types combined: info, var request, var response, loopback etc.
Rcv Info OAMPDUsThe number of Info OAMPDUs received by this instance.
Txm Info OAMPDUsThe number of Info OAMPDUs transmitted by this instance.


Unsupported CodesA count of OAMPDUs received that contain an OAM code that is not supported by the device. This counter is incremented upon reception of a valid frame with the following:
  • Destination field value equal to the reserved multicast address for slow protocols.
  • Length Or Type field value equal to the reserved Type for slow protocols.
  • A slow protocols subtype equal to the subtype reserved for OAM.
  • An OAMPDU code for a function that is not supported by the device.
Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.
InformationA count of OAMPDUs received that contain the OAM Information code. This counter is incremented upon reception of a valid frame with the following:
  • Destination field value equal to the reserved multicast address for slow protocols.
  • Length Or Type field value equal to the reserved Type for slow protocols.
  • A slow protocols subtype equal to the subtype reserved for OAM.
  • An OAMPDU code for a function that is not supported by the device.
Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.
Loopback ControlA count of OAMPDUs received that contain the Loopback Control code. This counter is incremented upon reception of a valid frame with the following:
  • Length Or Type field value equal to the reserved Type for slow protocols.
  • A slow protocols subtype equal to the subtype reserved for OAM.
  • An OAMPDU code for a function that is not supported by the device.
  • Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.

    Variable RequestA count of OAMPDUs received that contain the Variable Request code. This counter is incremented upon reception of a valid frame with the following:
  • Length Or Type field value equal to the reserved Type for slow protocols.
  • A slow protocols subtype equal to the subtype reserved for OAM.
  • An OAMPDU code for a function that is not supported by the device.
  • Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.

    Variable ResponseA count of OAMPDUs received that contain the Variable Response code. This counter is incremented upon reception of a valid frame with the following:
  • Length Or Type field value equal to the reserved Type for slow protocols.
  • A slow protocols subtype equal to the subtype reserved for OAM.
  • An OAMPDU code for a function that is not supported by the device.
  • Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.

    Organization SpecificA count of OAMPDUs received that contain the Organization Specific code. This counter is incremented upon reception of a valid frame, with:
  • Length Or Type field value equal to the reserved Type for slow protocols.
  • A slow protocols subtype equal to the subtype reserved for OAM.
  • An OAMPDU code for a function that is not supported by the device.
  • Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.


    Unsupported CodesA count of transmitted OAMPDUs that have unsupported codes. This counter is incremented when a request service primitive is generated within the OAM sublayer with an OAM code for afunction that is not supported by the device.

    Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.

    InformationA count of transmitted OAMPDUs containing the OAM Information code. This counter is incremented when a request service primitive is generated within the OAM sublayer with an OAMPDU code indicating an Information OAMPDU.

    Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.

    Unique EventA count of transmitted OAMPDUs containing the OAM Unique Event code. This counter is incremented when a request service primitive is generated within the OAM sublayer.
    • A Slow_Protocols subtype equal to the subtype reserved for OAM.
    • The OAMPDU code equals the Event Notification code.
    • The Sequence Number is not equal to the Sequence Number of the last transmitted Event Notification OAMPDU.
    • Bullet
    • Bullet
    Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.
    Duplicate EventA count of transmitted OAMPDUs containing the OAM Duplicate Event code. This counter is incremented when a request service primitive is generated within the OAM sublayer.
    • The OAMPDU code equals the Event Notification code.
    • The Sequence Number is equal to the Sequence Number of the last transmitted Event Notification OAMPDU.
    Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.
    Loopback ControlA count of transmitted OAMPDUs containing the Loopback Control code. This counter is incremented when a request service primitive is generated within the OAM sublayer with an OAM code indicating a Loopback Control OAMPDU.

    Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.

    Variable RequestA count of transmitted OAMPDUs containing the Variable Request code. This counter is incremented when a request service primitive is generated within the OAM sublayer with an OAM code indicating a Variable Request OAMPDU.

    Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.

    Variable ResponseA count of transmitted OAMPDUs containing the Variable Response code. This counter is incremented when a request service primitive is generated within the OAM sublayer with an OAM code indicating a Variable Request OAMPDU.

    Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.

    Organization SpecificA count of transmitted OAMPDUs containing the Organization Specific code. This counter is incremented when a request service primitive is generated within the OAM sublayer with an OAM code indicating a Variable Request OAMPDU.

    Generalized and non-resettable, this counter has a maximum increment rate for slow protocol frames: no more than 10 frames are transmitted in any one-second period.

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