Viewing Loop Detection Counter Instances
  • 04 Apr 2022
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Viewing Loop Detection Counter Instances

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Article summary

Use this page to view the statistical counters that provide an overview of the loop detection instances created on the unit.

To view the counters of all loop detection instances

  1. Access the page Loop Detection ►Counters ►Instances.
    A summary of all loop detection instances that have been configured is displayed. The total number of instances found in the system is given in the lower-left corner of the page, as well as the index values of the items currently displayed on-screen (for example, [1–25] of 54). Use the page navigation links in the lower-right corner of the page to move between the pages of results.

  2. (Optional) To clear the counters for all loop detection instances at the same time, click the Clear button.

  3. Click the Name of an existing loop detection instance to view its counters' details.

Tip: Select the Poll Every n Seconds box, then enter a number representing the frequency with which the loop detection instance’s counters will be automatically refreshed. You can also update the counters manually by clicking the Refresh button.

For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.

Loop Detection Counters (Loop Detection ►Counters ►Instances)

IndexThe unique identifier assigned to the loop detection instance. You cannot modify this value.
NameThe name used to uniquely identify the loop detection instance.
StateThe state of this loop detection instance. Acceptable values are either Enabled or Disabled.
TypeThe type of loop detection instance. Acceptable values are:
  • Link: A loop detection instance that polls either a physical or a logical port.
  • Tunnel: A loop detection instance that polls an OLO for either untagged frames (no VLAN) or loops on a specific VLAN.
ResourceThe name of the physical/logical port or interface polled by this loop detection instance.
Sent FramesThe total number of loop detection beacons that have been transmitted by this instance, but have not returned. This value is calculated for the period since either the loop detection instance was created or since the counters were last cleared, whichever is more recent.
Received FramesThe total number of loop detection beacons that have been transmitted and received by this instance.

This value is calculated for the period since either the loop detection instance was created or since the counters were last cleared, whichever is more recent.

Note: The number of received frames does not always equal the number of loop detected frames. A frame could be received for reasons other than a detected loop, such as a change of VLAN ID.

Loop Detected FramesThe total number of loop detection beacons transmitted by this instance that have successfully detected a loop on the specified resource.

This value is calculated for the period since either the loop detection instance was created or since the counters were last cleared, whichever is more recent.

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