- Print
Step 2: Configuration and Deployment
Follow the steps in this article to configure and deploy the default "out of the box" IOS XR and IOX XE Telemetry Collector and Sensor Collector, as well as to set up the gNMI dial-out on the IOS device(s) so that they are streaming telemetry to the Telemetry Collector.
Sensor Collector
Sensor Collector is the data collector for the Provider Connectivity Assurance (formerly Accedian Skylight analytics) solution. It receives the series performance monitoring data from the Telemetry Collector, performs transformations, and uploads the data to Provider Connectivity Assurance.
We must deploy a Sensor Collector instance to a location that will be accessible to the Telemetry Collector and have access to the Provider Connectivity Assurance deployment in the cloud.
Note that the Sensor Collector and Telemetry Collector are both docker containers. They are deployed and installed slightly differently, as you will see in the steps below. To summarize the installation difference:
- The Sensor Collector must be downloaded from the tenant via the user interface, then the .tar file is copied to the target machine, extracted and run using a shell script (which connects to the tenant to authenticate, collect the binary and start the Sensor Collector running)
- The Telemetry Collector is installed via docker compose which pulls the binary for you automatically.
Creating a Connector
To deploy a Sensor Collector instance
Use the User Interface to create a New Sensor Collector, select Gateway in the Type field.
Give the Sensor Collector a meaningful name (needs to be a unique name on the tenant)
In the Metric configuration field, select telemetry-collector as per the screenshot below.
Populate the zone value, using a unique value (suggestion is to use the same value used as the name)
Click the checkmark to save.
Click the ellipsis (three dots) in the upper right corner and choose "Download (docker)". This triggers the download to your local machine, and you must transfer the .tar file to your target machine. Be patient, the package is built dynamically and it takes a few minutes to complete.
The banner at the top shows "preparing file for download... (this may take a minute)" as a reminder that patience is required:
- On the target machine, after you have transferred the .tar file, execute these commands:
mkdir sensorCollectorDir
mv sensorCollectorArchive.tar.gz sensorCollectorDir
cd sensorCollectorDir/
gunzip sensorCollectorArchive.tar.gz
tar xvf sensorCollectorArchive.tar
Complete Sensor Collector documentation and instructions can be found here for reference.
Note: It is recommended to deploy the Sensor Collector before the Telemetry Collector. Deploying them in reverse order may trigger warning messages if the Telemetry Collector cannot locate a Sensor Collector to which it can connect. Therefore, the instruction is to deploy the Sensor Collector first.
Telemetry Collector
Every Telemetry Collector must have its' run time configuration defined in Provider Connectivity Assurance. This will be pushed down to the Telemetry Collector when it first connects and "phones home".
Configuring the Telemetry Collector
There are two option to create the Telemetry Collector: via the User Interface or via the API method.
Option 1: User Interface Method
To deploy a Telemetry Collector instance, you can use the User Interface to create a Telemetry Collector instance with Transform configuration set to either Cisco-Telemetry-IOS-XR or Cisco-Telemetry-IOS-XE depending on your data source.
Complete instructions can be found here
Option 2: API Method
Alternatively, the following API call can be used to create a Telemetry Collector configuration which includes the appropriate configuration for the default telemetry objects defined above:
- The
{{ your Data Collector IP }}
placeholder must be replaced with the IP address of the Data Collector instance that your Telemetry Collector will connect to. - The
field contains the Telemetry configuration TOML that tells the Telemetry Collector how to ingest and transform the telemetry data. If you were using this Telemetry Collector to ingest something other than the default supported Cisco telemetry objects (ie: for a POC or exploratory activity) you could replace the contents of that field with your own Telemetry configuration (after base 64 encoding it). However, to use the agent “out of the box” with the default service assurance objects, leave this as-is. - ❗The response to the Create Agent Configuration API call includes the agentId that was created for your new Telemetry Collector. Keep this as you will need it later.
Deploying the Telemetry Collector
Setting up Your Telemetry Collector Working Directory
Create a working directory for your Telemetry Collector to operate from.
In that directory, you will create a docker-compose.yml file that resembles the following:
container_name: "telemetry-collector"
image: "gcr.io/sky-agents/agent-telemetry-amd64:r24.09"
AGENT_MANAGEMENT_PROXY: "{{ sensorcollector-ip }}"
- "57000:57000"
- ./secrets/secrets.yaml:/run/secrets/secrets.yaml
corresponds to your local Sensor Collector. The{{ sensorcollector-ip }}
placeholder should be replaced with the IP of your deployed Sensor Collector.AGENTMANAGEMENTPROXY_PORT
corresponds to the Agent Proxy port you chose when creating your Sensor Collector configuration.55777
is the default value. However, if you choose something else, then this must match.- You will notice we created a volume mount which references a file on the host called
. Don’t worry—we’ll create that file in the next step.
Retrieve Your Telemetry Collector Secrets
Your Telemetry Collector still needs one thing before we can successfully start it: the secrets.yaml file containing its agent identifier, and an initial Java Web Token (JWT) for its handshake when connecting to the Management web socket in Sensor Collector.
There are two options for creating the secrets.yaml file, via either the User Interface method or API method.
Option 1: User Interface Method
Selecting the Generate Auth Token button on the Sensors ▶ Telemetry Collector page will create the file contents for you. You must copy the results (see screenshots below), create a secrets.yaml file, and store it in the path that you specified in the Docker compose file in the previous step (i.e. ./secrets/secrets.yaml:/run/secrets/secrets.yaml).
Option 2: API Method
These are both retrieved by the same API call to the Provider Connectivity Assurance deployment (this is where you need the Telemetry Collector ID you saved earlier):
POST /api/orchestrate/v3/agents/{agent-id}/secrets
Your result will look similar to the following:
agentId: 879eaa3e-a9b7-4486-9d25-184b3a82e651
authenticationToken: eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJhY2NlZGlhbi5jb20iLCJzdWIiOiJhZG1pbkBkYXRhaHViLmNvbSIsImV4cCI6MTY5MjczNDYyOSwiYXVkIjoiIiwidG9rZW5JRCI6MTEzLCJ0ZW5hbnRJRCI6IjE1MDM1NGRmLTQ3ZjctNGYxNy1hM2JhLTkzMzU3OWQ4OGZiMyJ9.oL2B_VprfUFmy5SecBlUbSwclKoaBj1lBRPc_YbaJic
In your Telemetry Collector's working directory, create a subdirectory called Telemetry Collector and create a YAML file in that directory named secrets.yaml.
Starting the Telemetry Collector
You are now ready to start your Telemetry Collector:
❯ docker compose up -d
If all went as expected, you should see Telemetry Collector logs indicating that your Telemetry Collector has started and connected both its Management and Data links to your Sensor Collector.
Below are some logs to monitor; these show our blue box app starting (telemetry
is our application):
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:05.918387+00:00 info telemetry Blue Box application Telemetry Collector
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:05.923348+00:00 info monitor Received signal from ciscomdt, continuing start sequence!
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:05.923435+00:00 info monitor Starting Telemetry
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:05.923552+00:00 info telemetry Blue Box application starting on agent c390d231-1376-4aae-8a7b-59c0a77ed85e.
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:05.923858+00:00 info telemetry Waiting for system
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:05.924103+00:00 info monitor Startup sequence completed
These show the Telemetry Collector successfully establishing its management connection with Sensor Collector:
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:09.515127+00:00 info management Connecting to management server: host.docker.internal:55777; Attempt: 1
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:09.632144+00:00 info management Connection to management established: Compression is Enabled
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:12.933773+00:00 info telemetry ix Subscribe topic service/telemetry/config client telemetry
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:15.740444+00:00 info agentHealth Starting CPU monitoring thread
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:16.528192+00:00 info management Authenticating to management server: host.docker.internal:55777; Attempt: 1
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:16.532611+00:00 info management Sending identification
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:16.532694+00:00 info management Waiting for configuration
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:16.980984+00:00 info management Authentication successful!
These show the Telemetry Collector sending a configuration request to Provider Connectivity Assurance over the Sensor Collector Management link and getting back its configuration:
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17.239656+00:00 info management Received configuration Update from management: TenantId: 9ca4447b-e32a-4dc2-af71-2a1219cc3373; Revision: 150da539-2ca2-4b9e-90bd-fdeb3da97939
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17.240925+00:00 info data Configuration update: Server: 'host.docker.internal'; Port: '55888'; Use SSL: true; Allow Self Signed; Allow Invalid Certs; Allow Expired Certs; Skip Cert Hostname Check;
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17.242900+00:00 info data Updated metadata
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Config file modified
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Reloading Telemetry config
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17.949130+00:00 info telemetry applying new Telemetry configuration: [[inputs.cisco_telemetry_mdt]] ## Telemetry transport can be "tcp" or "grpc". TLS is only supported when ## using the grpc transport. transport = "tcp" ## Address and port to host telemetry listener service_address = ":57000" ## Grpc Maximum Message Size, default is 4MB, increase the size. max_msg_size = 104857600 # 100 MB in bytes ## Enable TLS; grpc transport only. # tls_cert = "/etc/Telemetry/cert.pem" # tls_key = "/etc/Telemetry/key.pem" ## Enable TLS client authentication and define allowed CA certificates; grpc ## transport only. # tls_allowed_cacerts = ["/etc/Telemetry/clientca.pem"] ## Define (for certain nested telemetry measurements with embedded tags) which fields are tags embedded_tags = [ "Cisco-IOS-XR-man-ipsla-oper:ipsla/operation-data/operations/operation/statistics/latest/target/specific-stats/op-type", "Cisco-IOS-XR-qos-ma-oper:qos/interface-table/interface/input/service-policy-names/service-policy-instance/statistics/class-stats/class-name", "Cisco-IOS-XR-qos-ma-oper:qos/interface-table/interface/input/service-policy-names/service-policy-instance/statistics/class-stats/child-policy/policy-name", "Cisco-IOS-XR-qos-ma-oper:qos/interface-table/interface/input/service-policy-names/service-policy-instance/statistics/class-stats/child-policy/class-stats/class-name", "Cisco-IOS-XR-qos-ma-oper:qos/interface-table/interface/output/service-policy-names/service-policy-instance/statistics/class-stats/class-name", "Cisco-IOS-XR-qos-ma-oper:qos/interface-table/interface/output/service-policy-names/service-policy-instance/statistics/class-stats/child-policy/policy-name", "Cisco-IOS-XR-qos-ma-oper:qos/interface-table/interface/output/service-policy-names/service-policy-instance/statistics/class-stats/child-policy/class-stats/class-name", ] ## Define aliases to map telemetry encoding paths to simple measurement names [inputs.cisco_telemetry_mdt.aliases] if_stats = "Cisco-IOS-XR-pfi-im-cmd-oper:interfaces/interface-xr/interface" policy_out_stats = "Cisco-IOS-XR-qos-ma-oper:qos/interface-table/interface/output/service-policy-names/service-policy-instance/statistics" policy_in_stats = "Cisco-IOS-XR-qos-ma-oper:qos/interface-table/interface/input/service-policy-names/service-policy-instance/statistics" sla_stats = "Cisco-IOS-XR-infra-sla-oper:sla/protocols/Cisco-IOS-XR-ethernet-cfm-oper:ethernet/statistics-historicals/statistics-historical" cpu_util = "Cisco-IOS-XR-wdsysmon-fd-oper:system-monitoring/cpu-utilization" node_summary = "Cisco-IOS-XR-nto-misc-oper:memory-summary/nodes/node/summary" channel_stats = "Cisco-IOS-XR-telemetry-model-driven-oper:telemetry-model-driven/channel-statistics" twamp_lite = "Cisco-IOS-XR-perf-meas-oper:performance-measurement/nodes/node/interfaces/interface-details/interface-detail" ipsla = "Cisco-IOS-XR-man-ipsla-oper:ipsla/operation-data/operations/operation/statistics/latest/target" [[processors.template]] order = 1 namepass = ["if_stats*"] tag = "sessionName" template = '{{ .Tag "source" }}_{{ .Tag "interface_name" }}' [[processors.template]] order = 2 namepass = ["if_stats*"] tag = "sessionId" template = '{{ .Tag "source" }}_{{ .Tag "interface_name" }}' [[processors.template]] order = 3 namepass = ["if_stats*"] tag = "objectType" template = 'cisco_mdt_interface' [[processors.template]] order = 3 namepass = ["if_stats*"] tag = "direction" template = "0" [[processors.starlark]] order = 4 namepass = ["if_stats*"] source = ''' def apply(metric): if metric.fields.get("state") == "im-state-up": metric.fields["availability_percent"] = 100 else: metric.fields["availability_percent"] = 0 if metric.fields.get("interface_statistics/stats_type") == "basic": metric.fields["interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_received_rate"] = metric.fields.get("interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_received") metric.fields["interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_received_delta"] = metric.fields.get("interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_received") metric.fields["interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_sent_rate"] = metric.fields.get("interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_sent") metric.fields["interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_sent_delta"] = metric.fields.get("interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_sent") elif metric.fields.get("interface_statistics/stats_type") == "full": metric.fields["interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_received_rate"] = metric.fields.get("interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_received") metric.fields["interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_received_delta"] = metric.fields.get("interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_received") metric.fields["interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_sent_rate"] = metric.fields.get("interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_sent") metric.fields["interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_sent_delta"] = metric.fields.get("interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_sent") return metric ''' # Template config pertaining to Environment Objects # Template for constructing object ID for node environmentals [[processors.template]] namepass = ["cpu_util*", "node_summary*"] tag = "sessionName" template = '{{ .Tag "source" }}_{{ .Tag "node_name" }}' [[processors.template]] namepass = ["cpu_util*", "node_summary*"] tag = "sessionId" template = '{{ .Tag "source" }}_{{ .Tag "node_name" }}' [[processors.template]] namepass = ["cpu_util*", "node_summary*"] tag = "objectType" template = 'cisco_mdt_environment' [[processors.template]] namepass = ["cpu_util*", "node_summary*"] tag = "direction" template = '-1' [[processors.rename]] order = 5 namepass = ["if_stats"] [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/input_errors" dest = "interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/input_errors" [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/output_errors" dest = "interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/output_errors" [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/packets_received" dest = "interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/packets_received" [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/packets_sent" dest = "interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/packets_sent" [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/input_drops" dest = "interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/input_drops" [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/output_drops" dest = "interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/output_drops" [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_received_rate" dest = "interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_received_rate" [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_received_delta" dest = "interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_received_delta" [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_sent" dest = "interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_sent" [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_sent_rate" dest = "interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_sent_rate" [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_sent_delta" dest = "interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_sent_delta" [[processors.rename.replace]] field = "interface_statistics/basic_interface_stats/bytes_received" dest = "interface_statistics/full_interface_stats/bytes_received" # Restricts the number of tags that can pass through this filter and chooses which tags to preserve when over the limit. [[processors.tag_limit]] order = 6 ## Maximum number of tags to preserve limit = 4 ## List of tags to preferentially preserve keep = ["sessionId", "sessionName", "objectType","direction"]
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Config watcher started
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Config watcher started
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loading config: /etc/Telemetry/Telemetry.conf
These show the Telemetry Collector successfully establishing its data connection with Sensor Collector:
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17.982056+00:00 info data Connecting to data broker: host.docker.internal:55888; Attempt: 0
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loading config: /etc/Telemetry/Telemetry.d/cisco_mdt_dialout.conf
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Starting Telemetry 1.29.4 brought to you by InfluxData the makers of InfluxDB
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Available plugins: 241 inputs, 9 aggregators, 30 processors, 24 parsers, 60 outputs, 6 secret-stores
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loaded inputs: cisco_telemetry_mdt
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loaded aggregators:
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loaded processors: rename starlark tag_limit template (8x)
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loaded secretstores:
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loaded outputs: health websocket
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Tags enabled: host=telemetry-agent
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"telemetry-agent", Flush Interval:10s
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! [outputs.health] Listening on http://[::]:57001
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17.998119+00:00 info telemetry Received connection request from Telemetry
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17.999413+00:00 info telemetry Listener connected to Telemetry instance
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:18.026599+00:00 info data Connection to data broker established: Compression is Enabled
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:18.026641+00:00 info data Waiting batches: 0
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:24.924867+00:00 info data Authenticating data path: Attempt: 1
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:28.034204+00:00 info data Broker message chunck size changed to 3000.
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:28.039446+00:00 info data Sent authentication request, waiting for confirmation.
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:28.687240+00:00 info data Authentication successful!
These show the embedded Telemetry instance successfully starting:
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loading config: /etc/Telemetry/Telemetry.conf
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loading config: /etc/Telemetry/Telemetry.d/cisco_mdt_dialout.conf
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Starting Telemetry 1.29.4 brought to you by InfluxData the makers of InfluxDB
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Available plugins: 241 inputs, 9 aggregators, 30 processors, 24 parsers, 60 outputs, 6 secret-stores
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loaded inputs: cisco_telemetry_mdt
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loaded aggregators:
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loaded processors: rename starlark tag_limit template (8x)
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loaded secretstores:
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Loaded outputs: health websocket
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! Tags enabled: host=telemetry-agent
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! [agent] Config: Interval:10s, Quiet:false, Hostname:"telemetry-agent", Flush Interval:10s
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17Z I! [outputs.health] Listening on http://[::]:57001
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17.998119+00:00 info telemetry Received connection request from Telemetry
telemetry-agent | 2024-04-12T15:44:17.999413+00:00 info telemetry Listener connected to Telemetry instance
At this point, if all went as intended, your Telemetry Collector is running and connected to Provider Connectivity Assurance via the Sensor Collector instance that you have deployed.
Now all we need is some telemetry.
IOS XR Devices
IMPORTANT: Configuring the desired service assurance tests and policies on the IOS XR Router
In order to analyze the Cisco telemetry service assurance and utilization metrics in Provider Connectivity Assurance, the IOS XR router must be set up to perform the tests and stream the telemetry that corresponds to our "default" service assurance metrics:
- IPSLA or Y.1731 DMM / SLM performance tests
- Policy utilization
- Interface utilization
- Environment (CPU and Memory) utilization
The IOS XR router must be running either Layer 3 IPSLA tests or Layer 2 Y.1731 SOAM DMM and SLM performance tests for those metrics to be available for ingestion by Provider Connectivity Assurance. If the tests are not running on the IOS XR router, there will not be any data pushed to the Telemetry Collector for those test types.
If service policies are not defined on the IOS Router, no telemetry metrics will be streamed to the Telemetry Collector to report policy utilization.
Interface and Environment will be streamed out from the device without requiring any specific configuration steps.
This procedure does not explain how to set up Policies, IPSLA, or Y.1731 on Cisco routers.
IMPORTANT: Configuring the correct time on the XR Device is important. If the router does not have an accurate clock time configured, it can cause problems in the data ingestion process and show inaccurate timestamps in the Analytics dashboards
Cisco IOS XR Configuration
Once Sensor Collector and a Telemetry Collector are running, the target IOS-XR routers must be configured to stream our desired data.
The IOS XR device is enabled for streaming telemetry via gNMI dial-out communication by configuring:
- Destination configuration
- Sensor Path configuration
- Subscription Group configuration
Required data:
- Desired Sensor path
- IP Address of Telemetry Collector
- Desired Port for transmission of data matches template ServiceAddress value
Note: In between configuration steps, “root” will reset to the top of the configuration tree.
CAUTION: You need to enable IPSLA and/or Y.1731 tests, otherwise the corresponding objects will be empty.
- Configure Destination Group: Defines where data will be broadcasted; run the following commands:
- destination-group-id: Chosen name for destination group; note this for later use.
- agent ip address: IP address of cisco-mdt-agent
- agent listener port: Chosen port for communication to Telemetry Collector, matches ServiceAddress in Telemetry Collector configuration and exposed port in docker-compose.
> configure (only if not already ran)
> telemetry model-driven
> destination-group {destination-group-id}
> address-family ipv4 {agent ip address} port {agent listener port}
> encoding self-describing-gbp
> protocol tcp
> commit
- Configure Sensor Group: Defines Sensor path of router to poll data from; run the following commands:
- sensor-group-id: Chosen name for sensor group; note this for later use.
- sensor-path: Chosen Sensor path desired for reporting
> configure
> telemetry model-driven
> sensor-group {sensor-group-id}
> sensor-path {sensor-path}
> commit
- Configure Subscription Group: Defines connection between destination and sensor to allow for polled data to be transferred to destination; run the following commands:
- subscription-id: Chosen Name for subscription group
- sensor-group-id: Sensor ID from previous step
- sample-interval: Desired Frequency for sampling data in milliseconds (ms). Choose something sensible (i.e. 60000).
- strict-timer:Mmake the interval absolute. By default, XR start to measure the interval when the last collection ended, making the sampling nondeterministic. strict timer enforces the timer to count from the beginning instead, making it reliable and predictable. See https://xrdocs.io/telemetry/tutorials/2018-01-16-sample-intervals-in-telemetry-configuration/
- destination-id: Destination ID from previous step
> configure
> telemetry model-driven
> subscription {subscription-id}
> sensor-group-id {sensor-group-id} sample-interval {sample interval}
> sensor-group-id {sensor-group-id} strict-timer
> destination-id {destination-id}
> commit
Helpful Router Commands
View Existing Configuration
# Displays all configured subscirption groups, subscription can be
# Replaced with other things like destination-group
> show telemetry model-driven subscription
# Display specific chosen subscription or other element
> show telemetry model-driven subscription {subscription-id}
sh telemetry model-driven subscription erm-mdt1-sub
Subscription: erm-mdt1-sub
State: NA
Sensor groups:
Id: erm-mdt1-sg
Sample Interval: 30000 ms
Heartbeat Interval: NA
Sensor Path: Cisco-IOS-XR-nto-misc-oper:memory-summary/nodes/node/summary
Sensor Path State: Resolved
Destination Groups:
Group Id: erm-mdt1-dst
Destination IP:
Destination Port: 10009
Encoding: json
Transport: tcp
State: NA
TLS : False
Collection Groups:
No active collection groups
- State: Defines if subscription is in use; once a agent connects and begins sending data this will become active
- Sensor Path State: If this is not Resolved it implies that the chosen sensor path DNE on this machine; this often means a spelling mistake occurred.
- Collection Groups: When running, it will display where data is being pulled and statistics on results.
Change or Remove Configuration Values
Example using changing sensor Path for above show example
> configure
> telemetry model-driven
> sensor-group erm-mdt1-sg
> no sensor-path Cisco-IOS-XR-nto-misc-oper:memory-summary/nodes/node/summary
> sensor-path Cisco-IOS-XR-pfi-im-cmd-oper:interfaces/interface-xr/interfac
> commit
is the keyword for removing items; this can be applied to any of the groups defined above or remove entire groups
no subscription-group erm-mdt1-sub
Sample Data for a Sensor Path
run mdt_exec -s {sensor-path}
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