SNMP Agent Management
  • 21 Jun 2024
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SNMP Agent Management

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Article summary

This article provides information regarding an SNMP agent in relation to Skylight orchestrator and explains how to set up an SNMP trap configuration job that can be applied to all managed Skylight elements.

SNMP Agent on Skylight orchestrator

Skylight orchestrator appliances have an active SNMP agent that can be used to retrieve statistics on the appliance itself.

The agent is configured to run on port 161 of the MGMT interface. The read community string for the agent is: accedian

The following table lists the monitoring points that can be retrieved from this interface. These monitoring points can be retrieved at a maximum frequency of five minutes. Polling at higher intervals may interfere with regular operations of the appliance.

Monitoring PointMIBObject / Table
CPU Load for all ProcessorsHOST-RESOURCES-MIBhrProcessorTable
Temperature for the ProcessorsLM-SENSORS-MIBlmTempSensorsTable
RAID Controller StatusLSI-AdapterSAS-MIBphysicalDriveTable


Power Supply StatusACD-DESC-MIBacdDescPwrEntry.10

192: Both Power Supplies normal

064: Power supply 1 abnormal

032: Power supply 2 abnormal

000: Both power supplies abnormal

Disk Utilization for the root (/) and data (/data) PartitionsHOST-RESOURCES-MIB




Disk I/O LoadUCD-DISKIO-MIBdiskIOTable
Network I/ORFC-1213MIBifTable
Fan SpeedsLM-SENSORS-MIBlmFanSensorsTable
Active ProcessesHOST-RESOURCES_MIBhrSWRunPath

The following processes should be monitored for their presence:




Skylight orchestrator SNMP Alarm Forwarding

Skylight orchestrator can forward its raise and clear events as SNMP (v2 or v3) notifications or informs.

This section describes the structure of the MIB used in conjunction with these events.
It also explains how to set up an SNMP trap configuration job that can be applied to all managed Skylight elements.

MIB Structure

Skylight orchestrator events are defined in the following file:
which is located in the following directory on the Skylight orchestrator appliance:
/opt/accedian/skylight/snmpmibs directory
The MIB file defines three events that can be sent by Skylight orchestrator:
alarmRaiseEvent, alarmClearEvent and keepAliveEvent.

The tables below describe the bindings for each of the three events.


Represents a new alarm detected by Skylight orchestrator. This event contains the following bindings:

Binding NameDescription
eventTypeX.733 event type of the alarm
eventTimeTimestamp of the alarm, as defined in SNMPv2-TC
eventCountCount of all events generated to this receiver by this system
managedElementNameDNS name of the network element, as displayed in Skylight orchestrator under the NE Name column of the Managed Elements tab.
managedObjectInstanceMOI. Unique identifier for the entity that caused the alarm on an element. Maps to the Source Entity field of alarms in the Skylight orchestrator web interface, prefixed by the managedElementName. For Skylight orchestrator alarms, the managedElementName is the Skylight orchestrator system name, as defined for the receiver.
probableCauseProbable Cause displayed in the Skylight orchestrator web interface.
perceivedSeverityDisplayed in the Severity field in the Skylight orchestrator web interface.
serviceAffectingIndicates if this alarm has an impact on the capacity of the network to carry traffic. Displayed in the Service Affecting field in the Skylight orchestrator web interface.
additionalTextA text describing the alarm. Displayed in the Description field in the Skylight orchestrator web interface.
notificationIdMaps to the alarm number generated by the network element. Combined with MOI, this value uniquely identifies an alarm in the network. The same alarm reported by multiple Skylight orchestrator systems will have the same MOI and notificationId values.


Represents a clear alarm condition detected by Skylight orchestrator. This event contains the same bindings as the alarmRaiseEvent, with one difference; it contains correlatedNotificationId.

Binding NameDescription
correlatedNotificationIdMaps to the alarm number, as generated by the network element. Combined with the managedObjectInstance, this value can be used to uniquely identify the alarm in the network for which this clear event is intended. The same clear reported by multiple Skylight orchestrator systems will have the same MOI and correlated notification ID values.


Represents a heartbeat from the Skylight orchestrator system. Keep alive events are always sent as notification messages. They contain the following bindings:

Binding NameDescription
eventTypeWill always be set to communications.
eventTimeTimestamp of the keep alive event.
eventCountCount of all events generated to this receiver by this system.
totalAlarmCountIndicates the total count of alarms in Skylight orchestrator at the time of the event.
criticalAlarmCountIndicates the total count of critical alarms in Skylight orchestrator at the time of the event.
majorAlarmCountIndicates the total count of major alarms in Skylight orchestrator at the time of the event.
minorAlarmCountIndicates the total count of minor alarms in Skylight orchestrator at the time of the event.
warningAlarmCountIndicates the total count of warning alarms in Skylight orchestrator at the time of the event.
locAlarmCountIndicates the total count of loss of connectivity alarms in Skylight orchestrator at the time of the event.

Note: These alarms are a subset of the warning alarms and are not counted in the totalAlarmCount value.

Setting Up a Configuration Job for SNMP Alarm Handling

In order for Skylight orchestrator to receive alarms from Skylight elements in a timely fashion, the SNMP trap destinations of the Skylight elements should be configured to send their traps to Skylight orchestrator.

To use Skylight orchestrator as default SNMP trap receiver

By default, Skylight orchestrator is the default SNMP trap receiver for all its managed elements.

You can change or check this setting in the Alarm Management application in the Skylight orchestrator web user interface.

  1. Access the SNMP trap receiver configuration in Admin ▶ SNMP ▶ Configuration page under the SNMP fault receiver configuration section:
    square.png Use Skylight orchestrator as default SNMP fault receiver

  2. Ensure you check the checkbox to enable the use of Skylight orchestrator as the default trap receiver for all managed elements.

  3. Click Apply, then Close.

To create a configuration job to set Skylight orchestrator as an SNMP trap receiver

If you choose to disable Skylight orchestrator as the default SNMP trap receiver, you can set up a configuration job to set up an SNMP trap receiver on all managed Skylight elements.

The image below shows how you can create a configuration job in Skylight orchestrator that can be applied to all Skylight elements that Skylight orchestrator is monitoring. The job will configure the Skylight elements to send their traps to Skylight orchestrator.

This setup is only a guideline. It assumes that the SNMP agents on your Skylight elements are already enabled and that the V2C-1 slot is not used for other purposes. You should adapt it accordingly.

For detailed information on how to set up configuration jobs, see the Skylight orchestrator Features / User Material section.


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