Skylight sensor control Release Notes 22.06
  • 31 Oct 2022
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Skylight sensor control Release Notes 22.06

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Article summary

These release notes cover the requirements, new features, and changes for this release of the Skylight sensor: control firmware version 22.06. Please read all the notes prior to installing this firmware version.


This firmware version applies to the following products from Accedian:

Product NameProduct IDFirmware NameImage or Firmware File
Skylight sensor: controlsensor control-1000VCX_22.06VCX_22.06.0_24886_VMWARE.ova
Skylight sensor: controlsensor control-1000VCX_22.06VCX_22.06.0_24886_KVM.tar.bz2
Skylight sensor: controlsensor control-1000VCX_22.06VCX_22.06.0_24886_SingleDiskVMWARE.ova
Skylight sensor: controlsensor control-1000VCX_22.06VCX_22.06.0_24886_SingleDiskKVM.tar.bz2
Skylight sensor: controlsensor

Note: This firmware release includes the images needed to deploy the Skylight sensor: control using a KVM or VMware Hypervisor, as well as the .afl upgrade file that is typically part of a Skylight sensor: control release.

Skylight sensor: control 22.06 requires Skylight orchestrator 20.05 as its minimum. Customers using SD Vision must first upgrade to Skylight orchestrator 20.05 before upgrading to Skylight sensor: control 20.05.

Important Notes

Skylight sensor: control upgrades

In Skylight sensor: control 22.06, any module upgrades from firmware versions previous to VCX 2.2 FWSuite (FWSUITE_VCX_2.2_10190) have been blocked, in order to protect against a potential complete loss of connectivity/functionality that cannot be recovered. In order to upgrade a module from an older FWSuite version, an older version of Skylight sensor: control must be used to first upgrade the module to FWSUITE_VCX_2.2_10190:

Skylight sensor: control 22.06VCX_22.06.0_24886

FWSUITE_VCX_ 22.06_15926

Skylight sensor: control 21.12VCX_21.12.0_24458


Skylight sensor: control 20.11.1VCX_20.11.1_23836


Skylight sensor: control 20.11VCX_20.11_23687


Skylight sensor: control 20.05FWSUITE_VCX_20.05.0_22954
Skylight sensor: control 19.12FWSUITE_VCX_19.12_15659
Skylight sensor: control 19.07FWSUITE_VCX_19.07_15467
VCX 2.7FWSUITE_VCX_2.7_15346
VCX 2.6FWSUITE_VCX_2.6_15213
VCX 2.5FWSUITE_VCX_2.5._15076
VCX 2.4FWSUITE_VCX_2.4_11337
VCX 2.3FWSUITE_VCX_2.3_10553
VCX 2.2FWSUITE_VCX_2.2_10190

Skylight sensor: control upgrade consideration

When upgrading the Skylight sensor: control software, the modules firmware is not upgraded automatically. It is not recommended to operate Skylight sensor: control with a different module firmware version since the functionality is limited to management. The management includes:

  • Module discovery
  • Connect to module and have a management Link state
  • Upgrade module firmware version using feature suite
  • Update module interface (IP address, VLAN, and DHCP)

CAUTION: The upgrade process was hardened in VCX 2.7. Under specific circumstance the module upgrade can still fail. This happens if the module management is lost and the module performs an automatic rollback. The module can brick if the power is lost in a critical short time period. This was seen in a lab environment only and never reported by a customer.
Before doing the upgrade, it is recommended to enable Extra Reconnection Delay with the previous release (refer to the Skylight sensor: control User Manual, section 4.3, “Adding Remote Devices” for more details on how to enable Extra Reconnection Delay).
The downgrade is still executed using the previous software that still has the update process deficiencies. The downgrade can still cause remote devices to fail and should be avoided at the exception of VCX and VCX for which the downgrade is supported without issue.

It is not recommended to change any other module configuration when operating with a different firmware version. Changing the configuration could result in unknown behavior. A factory reset using AMD could be required in some cases. In a future release, the Skylight sensor: control software will prevent changing configuration for modules running a different firmware version.
For cases where all modules cannot be upgraded at the same time, it is recommended to run different Skylight sensor: control instances with different software versions. Modules to be upgraded should be moved between Skylight sensor: controls.
When downgrading Skylight sensor: control software, the modules firmware version shall also be downgraded. The downgrade process shall follow these steps in order to successfully downgrade Skylight sensor: control software and modules firmware. Note that downgrades are not recommended (see CAUTION above).

CAUTION: The downgrade is still executed using the previous software that still has the update process deficiencies. The downgrade can still cause remote devices to fail and should be avoided.
Before doing the downgrade, it is recommended to enable Extra Reconnection Delay with the previous release (refer to the Skylight sensor: control User Manual, section 4.3, “Adding Remote Devices” for more details on how to enable Extra Reconnection Delay).

Scenario 1: downgrade using Skylight sensor: control rollback

  • The modules firmware must be downgraded first using the newest Skylight sensor: control software.
  • Perform Skylight sensor: control rollback.

Scenario 2: downgrade using a different Skylight sensor: control instance

  • The modules firmware must be downgraded first using the newest Skylight sensor: control software.
  • Delete modules from the newest Skylight sensor: control instance.
  • Discover the modules using the older Skylight sensor: control instances.

Firmware Version 22.06_24886 (2022-07-06)

New Features and Enhancements

Support for Skylight sensor: SFP compute 10G duplex 40km
This release supports the Skylight sensor: SFP compute 10G duplex 40km module.

Support for Skylight sensor: SFP compute 10G BiDir 10km and 40km
This release supports the Skylight sensor: SFP compute 10G BiDir 10km and 40km modules.

CLI command sync-group enable iptos auto
Use the CLI command sync-group enable iptos auto to select the session with the highest iptos value as syncmaster.

Second TWAMP UDP port for sensor control reflection
Manage up to two TWAMP UDP ports for reflectors on Skylight sensor: control with UDP/IPv4 and UDP/IPV6 encapsulation that do not use the same UDP destination.

Multiple module firmware suite versions with the same Skylight sensor: control instance
You can upgrade portions of the network to the latest module firmware suite and maintain the older module firmware suite versions (from 19.12 and up) of the remaining portions.
For Skylight sensor: control 22.06, the oldest supported module firmware suite version is 19.12. After Skylight sensor: control 22.06, only module firmware suite versions of up to two years before the current firmware release will be supported.
New features are only supported by the latest Skylight sensor: control firmware with the corresponding module firmware suite version.

Use a different name for a remote device
You can specify a name other than the module name (serial number) by using the inventory add remote-device command.

Configurable TWAMP Control TCP TTL value
This release supports a TWAMP Control TCP TTL value of from 1 to 255. Previously, this value was hardcoded to 64.

Support for udp/ipv6 and icmp/ipv6 encapsulation methods for echo reflectors
This release supports udp/ipv6 and icmp/ipv6 encapsulation methods for echo reflectors.
This feature requires Skylight orchestrator 22.10 or newer.

Enhanced TACACS+ authentication
Added support for Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) and ASCII user name and password authentication.

System capabilities

The Skylight sensor: control offers the following system capabilities:

FeatureMaximumChanges in Skylight sensor: control 22.06
Remote Device
Remote devices configured and supported1500
Remote device ports6000
Interfaces, remote devices3000
Discovery instances500
Discovered remote devices2000
Skylight sensor: control Local Port & Interface
Local ports (typically referred to as LOCAL-xyz)10 (including the Management port)
Skylight sensor: control local route4092
Interfaces, local ports100
Number of modules supporting CFM MEP session500
CFM MEP session per second generation module8
CFM Maximum number of Remote MEP99
CFM MEP smallest interval1 second
Number of CFM MEP per Skylight sensor: control4000
Number of Packet loss per Skylight sensor: control4000
Number of Packet loss per second generation module8
Number of DMM session per Skylight sensor: control4000
Number of DMM session per second generation module8
DMM smallest interval1 second
Number of SLM session per Skylight sensor: control4000
Number of SLM session per Skylight sensor: control4000
Number of SLM session per second generation module8
SLM smallest interval100 ms
SAT Traffic Generation configuration (up to four flows)1000
SAT Traffic Generation execution (up to four flows)500
SAT Test Suites in the system (one test suite per device)500
Y.1564 (8 flows)500 (tested 4)
SAT reports500
TWAMP reflection instances (module)1500
TWAMP reflection, stateful per module16Policies and traffic filters per remote device, TWAMP reflection, stateful per module, and Flowmeter flows supported per remote port use a shared pool of resources. For SFP compute 10G, do not max out TWAMP reflection, stateful per module, and Flowmeter flows supported per remote port to allow for Policies and traffic filters per remote device.
DMM reflection instances (module)1500
Loopback reflection per remote device2
Flowmeter flows supported per remote port28 per devicePolicies and traffic filters per remote device, TWAMP reflection, stateful per module, and Flowmeter flows supported per remote port use a shared pool of resources. For SFP compute 10G, do not max out TWAMP reflection, stateful per module, and Flowmeter flows supported per remote port to allow for Policies and traffic filters per remote device.
Flowmeter flows supported per Skylight sensor: control instance4000
Flow broker
Flow broker Analyzers100
Flow broker Analyzers in an Analyzer set4
Flow broker rules per Skylight sensor: control1000
Flow broker capture bandwidth per 1G module300 Mbps with 1 ms RTT

50 Mbps with 20 ms RTT

Flowbroker capture bandwidth per 10G module700 Mbps with 1 ms RTT

100 Mbps with 8 ms RTT

Flow broker capture bandwidth per Skylight element: FSX100 Mbps with 1 ms RTT
Flow broker ERSPAN streaming bandwidth200 Mbps
Flowbroker PCAP streaming bandwidth150 Mbps using SCP

500 Mbps using FTP

Flowbroker Port Streaming bandwidth150 Mbps
Flow Probes
PM Accuracy direct actuation (i350)50 us
NFV PM Accuracy15 us
PM Accuracy with SR-IOV500 µs for P99
Skylight sensor: control Actuator maximum number of probes4000
Skylight sensor: control Actuator maximum number of packets per second (receive and transmit)80 K in TX and 80 K in RX
Maximum number of probe reflection4000
Maximum number of probes per module2000
Maximum number of packets per second (receive and transmit) per module40 K in TX and 40K in RX
PPS accuracy± 1.0 %
NFV TWAMP supportYes
NFV ETH-DM supportYes
NFV UDP Echo supportYes
NFV ICMP Echo supportYes
NFV ETH-VSP supportYes
NFV ETH-LB supportYes
NFV CFM maximum number of PPSE-Line 500 remote device per Skylight sensor: control.

E-LAN 100 remote device per Skylight sensor: control.

CFM instances: E-LAN :

1 MEP (each 99 RMEP) per RD

1 SLM per MEP per RD

1 DMM per MEP per RD.

Tx: 11 pps, RX: 111 pps per RD

CFM instances: E-LINE :

8 MEP per Module

6 SLM@10pps for 1 MEP per Module

8 DMM@1pps for 1 MEP per Module

Tx: 76 pps, Rx: 76 pps per Module

NFV Tunnel
Packet loss requirement10^-6
RTT requirementValidated with RTT between 5 ms and 50 ms
VCE with IP domain enabled500
VCE without IP domain50000
Number of VCEs route2500
PTP TC layer-2Yes (Ant2, Ant 10G, Nano2 Copper and Nano2 Optical)
SyncEYes (Ant2, Nano2 Copper and Nano2 Optical)
No (Ant 10G)
PTP OC for moduleNA
Service Creation
Policies and traffic filters per remote device

10 for second generation

2 for SFP compute 10G

Policies and traffic filters per remote device, TWAMP reflection, stateful per module, and Flowmeter flows supported per remote port use a shared pool of resources. For SFP compute 10G, do not max out TWAMP reflection, stateful per module, and Flowmeter flows supported per remote port to allow for Policies and traffic filters per remote device.
Bandwidth Regulator per second generation module16
Bandwidth Regulator per Skylight sensor: control24000
PCP CoS mapping per port1
CoS mapping per Skylight sensor: control50
DSCP CoS mapping per port1
Number of trap alarm per second1000
Local users15
User groups8
CLI sessions5
WEB UI sessions15
Total maximum sessions20
Supported Filters
Layer-2 filter6500
Ipv4 filter6500
Ipv6 filter6500
Total maximum sessions19500

Skylight sensor: control 22.06 Lifecycle

This section lists the planned lifecycle dates of this software release. See the table below outlining the following milestones:

General AvailabilityDate where the product is available for general field deployment for both new installations and upgrades.2022-07-06
End of Security SupportDate where security patches will no longer be delivered for this release. Any correctives for security defects required after this date will be delivered using the next major release of the software.Next Major Release
Last Time Buy / Last Time ShipDate where this release can no longer be purchased from Accedian.2024-07-06
End of Product SupportDate where functional patches will no longer be delivered for this release. Any correctives for functional defects required after this date will be delivered using the next major release of the software.2024-07-06
End of Technical SupportDate where technical assistance is no longer available from the Accedian Technical Assistance Center for this release.2027-07-06

For lifecycle dates of previous Skylight sensor control releases and module firmware suites, refer to the release notes for that specific release.

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