Skylight sensor: capture 23.11 Release Notes
  • 01 Nov 2023
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Skylight sensor: capture 23.11 Release Notes

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Article summary


Accedian is pleased to announce release 23.11 of Skylight sensor capture.

Headline Features

  1. SaaS Application database
    • The sensor capture now contains a database of common SaaS application definitions that is updated every major releaes. In 23.11 it contains over 5000 applications that if enabled will be auto-detected and classified.


  1. New configuration parameter "vmagent"
    • Health monitoring of the capture sensors have been added for troubleshooting purposes. There is now a new toggle switch to enable / disable this feaure under Sensor configuration


Versions and upgrading

This release has version number 23.11.10_r2 for the capture sensor.

Upgrading from previous sensor capture releases is supported back to release 21.12
Upgrades from versions older than 21.12 should go through 21.12 before being upgraded to 23.11.

Notable Feature Deprecations

The following features will no longer be available once your system is upgraded to analytics 23.11.

  • None in this release

Known Issues

none at this time
User interfaceData - Cipher suites and TLS version display the numerical value instead of the corresponding text fieldnone
User interfaceSave button for sensor configuration is enabled even if there are validation errors of the form contentsBe alert on error messages when entering configuration in the fields, and check before clicking the Save button
User interfaceCheckbox selection under Sensors clears if you click outside of the checkbox which can be irritatingBe steady on the hand when selecting multiple items using the checkboxes
User interfaceSorting on status for PCAP schedules does not sort in order of time createdUse search function to find the PCAP instead of column header sort
User interfaceChanging sensor host name is not reflected immediately in the table viewWait 30 seconds after changing the host name and saving the change, use the refresh button

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