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Deploying Sensor Collector in Kubernetes
You can run Sensor Collector in either plain docker or Kubernetes. This article walks through how to get you up and running in Kubernetes. The instructions leverage the use of helm.sh and helm charts for simplified installation.
Helm is advertised as a package manager for Kubernetes, and allows operators to define services and their dependencies using yaml files. Cisco (formerly Accedian) provides the necessary helm charts and pre-seeded values files needed to deploy Sensor Collector (formerly Roadrunner) as a pod in a Kubernetes cluster.
Working knowledge of Kubernetes should be considered as a pre-requisite for this workflow.
For StorageClass requirements, you can consult the documentation in the link below to use the right configuration for your specific environment (including Kubernetes engine, risk tolerances, preferred solution, etc.).
Environment Requirements
Ensure you have the following:
- Kubernetes v1.26 or later running on the compute resource where you want Sensor Collector to run
- A Kubernetes cluster created where you want to deploy Sensor Collector
- A default StorageClass that supports dynamic creation of RWO PersistentVolumes
- A dedicated Kubernetes namespace for Roadrunner
(this is optional, and can be created by Helm is operators) - kubectl with config to manage the Kubernetes cluster
- Helm v3 or later available on the compute where the installation will be performed, and that has connectivity to your Kubernetes cluster.
- A minimum of:
- 2 vCPU
- 4 GB of RAM
- 100GB of storage
To start, you'll need to grab two artifacts and make them available to the working directory for helm.
- Sensor Collector Helm chart bundle
- Helper file bundle with Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance (formerly Skylight) connector configuration
Getting Roadrunner Helm Charts
The Sensor Collector helm charts can be downloaded from our software page here:
Or downloaded via CLI (replacing the release and version tags as necessary):
> curl https://software.accedian.io/roadrunner/analytics/23.04/helm/roadrunner-23.04-helm-0.456.17.tgz --output roadrunner-23.04-helm-0.456.17.tgz
> helm pull https://software.accedian.io/roadrunner/analytics/23.04/helm/roadrunner-23.04-helm-0.456.17.tgz
The above example results in a file named roadrunner-23.04-helm-0.456.17.tgz
being downloaded into your working directory.
SFTP this file to the deployment location in the working directory that you will perform the install from (should be the same location as where the helper artifacts from the next step were downloaded). There is no need to untar this file as helm can consume it as is.
Internet access
- If the environment you are planning to deploy Sensor Collector from has access to the internet, you can skip the downloading of the helm chart, and use the URL directly in your helm install command as shown in the pull example above.
Future helm chart location
- We will soon be making the Helm charts available via the Accedian artifact registry, which should allow helm to list Accedian as a repo for direct chart navigation.
Getting Helm Helper Artifacts
Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance (formerly Skylight performance analytics) provides an endpoint for downloading a helper bundle with some pre-populated artifacts which can be used during the Sensor Collector Helm install. The helper files can be accessed via the UI or API.
Helm helper artifacts via UI
Navigate to the Sensor Collector / connector configuration screen in Settings, find your connector config, and select the ellipsis icon for more options.
Select the download option for Kubernetes as shown in the example below:
Helm helper artifacts via API
After authenticating, you can download the artifacts by submitting a GET REST API request to Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance as follows:
GET https://{{analytics tenant url}}/api/v2/distribution/download-roadrunner-helm?zone={{your zone}}
- analytics tenant url = The tenant URL for your Analytics deployment
- zone = The zone for the Roadrunner instance you wish to deploy (corresponds to the connector created in Analytics for your Roadrunner)
Helm helper artifact preparation
The result of either download option will be a tarball with some pre-populated files the deployment of your Sensor Collector instance. Unpack the tarball into the working directory that you will perform your Helm install from:
> tar -xzvf <connector config name>-<download date>-helm.tar.gz
This will produce 2 files:
- bootstrapToken
- JWT to allow initial connection to Provider Connectivity Assurance to exchange certs and keys
- Token is generated on download, and is only valid for a short period afterwards
- values.yml
- Sensor Collector configuration around ports, mount points, where Provider Connectivity Assurance is deployed
- It also specifies whether the Sensor Collector mode of operation requires the deployment of any sidecars services. More on sidecars later.
Deploying with Helm
Once you have downloaded the Helm artifacts for your connector and placed them in a location where helm can access them and your Kubernetes cluster, you're ready to deploy.
Via a terminal connected to the compute where the helm client is available, run the following:
> helm install {deployment name} ./{roadrunner helm artifact} --create-namespace --namespace {namespace} --values ./values.yaml --set bootstrapToken=$(cat ./bootstrapToken)
> helm install agent-rr-in-k8s {URL to file} --values values.yaml --set bootstrapToken=$(cat ./bootstrapToken)
- The
deployment name
is the label Helm will apply to your Sensor Collector deployment.
This can be anything you want... but cannot contain capitals or spaces as per helm rules. {roadrunner helm artifact}
is the helm chart that you downloaded earlier (i.e. roadrunner-23.04-helm-0.456.17.tgz)
Alternatively you can specify the URL to the file if the helm environment has outbound internet connectivity.--create-namespace
is optional if the namespace does not exist--namespace {namespace}
tells Helm which Kubernetes namespace you want Sensor Collector deployed into.
Omitting this will deploy to thedefault
is the pre-populated values file that was downloaded from Provider Connectivity Assurance (the above example assumes you are invoking Helm from the working directory which you downloaded and untarred the helper bundle to).--set bootstrapToken=$(cat ./bootstrapToken)
applies the short lived JWT included in the helper artifacts bundle. Roadrunner needs this for its initial authentication with Analytics.
A successful deployment will look like the following:
> helm install agent-rr-in-k8s https://software.accedian.io/roadrunner/analytics/23.04/helm/roadrunner-23.04-helm-0.456.17.tgz --values values.yaml --set bootstrapToken=$(cat ./bootstrapToken)
NAME: agent-rr-in-k8s
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon May 15 13:13:35 2023
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
Roadrunner application version 0.456.17 installed for zone cf_agent_RR_K8S.
General Notes:
Analytics Endpoints:
- Deployment: medley.medley.npav.accedian.net:443
- Tenant : united.medley.npav.accedian.net:443
Sensor Agent Gateway Notes:
Sensor Agent Admin Proxy : agent-rr-in-k8s-connector:55777
Sensor Agent Metrics Gateway: agent-rr-in-k8s-connector:55888
Use helm to view all of your deployments:
> helm list
agent-rr-in-k8s default 1 2023-05-15 13:13:35.872792 -0400 EDT deployed roadrunner-0.456.17 0.456.17
Checking new pod status
Use kubectl to confirm the new pod is running correctly.
- Find out the pod name:
> kubectl get pods
connector-for-cf-agent-rr-k8s-0 1/1 Running 0 11m
- Look it up:
> kubectl describe pod connector-for-cf-agent-rr-k8s-0
Name: connector-for-cf-agent-rr-k8s-0
Namespace: default
Priority: 0
Service Account: default
Node: docker-desktop/
Start Time: Mon, 15 May 2023 13:13:36 -0400
Labels: app=roadrunner
Annotations: checksum/config: 91230865df6342dbe39c162dba8c869757e4c7dbe1090d171916bf5a2366433c
Status: Running
Controlled By: StatefulSet/connector-for-cf-agent-rr-k8s
Init Containers:
Container ID: docker://55a7345a2fa62db3360548204332e770535f0abf85aabe554b73081b2a476d23
Image: gcr.io/npav-172917/adh-roadrunner:0.456.17
Image ID: docker-pullable://gcr.io/npav-172917/adh-roadrunner@sha256:4e35d73d3606e32a7ff37af1cc098be8587024eed9a94a06476916a4eac0dc48
Port: <none>
Host Port: <none>
State: Terminated
Reason: Completed
Exit Code: 0
Started: Mon, 15 May 2023 13:13:37 -0400
Finished: Mon, 15 May 2023 13:13:37 -0400
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
Environment: <none>
/roadrunner-app from roadrunner-app (rw)
/tmp/auth from bootstrap-secret (rw)
/tmp/config from roadrunner-config-volume (rw)
/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-api-access-kbmp9 (ro)
Container ID: docker://2c84780c4338b7a84b87f779c3ce3aa738461b3ec6c0be2665e9d6bb331a94bc
Image: gcr.io/npav-172917/adh-roadrunner:0.456.17
Image ID: docker-pullable://gcr.io/npav-172917/adh-roadrunner@sha256:4e35d73d3606e32a7ff37af1cc098be8587024eed9a94a06476916a4eac0dc48
Ports: 55777/TCP, 55888/TCP
Host Ports: 0/TCP, 0/TCP
State: Running
Started: Mon, 15 May 2023 13:13:38 -0400
Ready: True
Restart Count: 0
Environment: <none>
/roadrunner-app from roadrunner-app (rw)
/roadrunner-data from roadrunner-data (rw)
/tmp/auth from bootstrap-secret (rw)
/tmp/config from roadrunner-config-volume (rw)
/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount from kube-api-access-kbmp9 (ro)
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready True
ContainersReady True
PodScheduled True
Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
ClaimName: roadrunner-data-connector-for-cf-agent-rr-k8s-0
ReadOnly: false
Type: PersistentVolumeClaim (a reference to a PersistentVolumeClaim in the same namespace)
ClaimName: roadrunner-app-connector-for-cf-agent-rr-k8s-0
ReadOnly: false
Type: ConfigMap (a volume populated by a ConfigMap)
Name: agent-rr-in-k8s-config
Optional: false
Type: Secret (a volume populated by a Secret)
SecretName: agent-rr-in-k8s-bootstrapjwt
Optional: false
Type: Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
TokenExpirationSeconds: 3607
ConfigMapName: kube-root-ca.crt
ConfigMapOptional: <nil>
DownwardAPI: true
QoS Class: BestEffort
Node-Selectors: <none>
Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 9m14s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/connector-for-cf-agent-rr-k8s-0 to docker-desktop
Normal Pulled 9m13s kubelet Container image "gcr.io/npav-172917/adh-roadrunner:0.456.17" already present on machine
Normal Created 9m13s kubelet Created container roadrunner-init
Normal Started 9m13s kubelet Started container roadrunner-init
Normal Pulled 9m12s kubelet Container image "gcr.io/npav-172917/adh-roadrunner:0.456.17" already present on machine
Normal Created 9m12s kubelet Created container roadrunner
Normal Started 9m12s kubelet Started container roadrunner
- Check the logs:
> kubectl logs -f {pod name}
Defaulted container "roadrunner" out of: roadrunner, roadrunner-init (init)
17:13:38.285 initConfig ▶ DEBU 001 Using config file: /tmp/config/adh-roadrunner.yml
17:13:38.285 Run ▶ INFO 002 starting roadrunner version: 0.456.17
17:13:38.285 checkConfigVersion ▶ DEBU 003 Checking config version
17:13:38.285 checkConfigVersion ▶ DEBU 004 Adapting to old config format
17:13:38.286 mergeJWT ▶ WARN 005 Missing some or all required parameters from JWT, ignoring them: dhhost: , tenantHost: , zone: , tenantID: 9ca4447b-e32a-4dc2-af71-2a1219cc3373
17:13:38.286 Run ▶ WARN 006 config file is missing connectorId - falling back to using the zone (cf_agent_RR_K8S) as the connectorId
17:13:38.286 Run ▶ INFO 007 Setting log level from config to INFO
17:13:38.286 Run ▶ INFO 008 meta runner pointing to united.medley.npav.accedian.net:443
17:13:38.286 Run ▶ INFO 009 data runner pointing to united.medley.npav.accedian.net:443
17:13:38.286 certExpiryChecker ▶ INFO 00a checking certs for renewal in: /roadrunner-app/.ssh/
17:13:38.286 RenewCert ▶ INFO 00b Renewing client cert
17:13:38.293 SendCSRWithCert ▶ INFO 00c sending CSR to DH on host: united.medley.npav.accedian.net:443
17:13:38.673 RequestRuntimeToken ▶ INFO 00d Runtime token on file is valid.
17:13:38.673 connect ▶ INFO 00e Attempting to establish meta connection with DH on host medley.medley.npav.accedian.net in zone: cf_agent_RR_K8S
17:13:38.673 GetCerts ▶ INFO 00f found cert and private key
17:13:38.799 connect ▶ INFO 010 Successfully connected to DataHub (meta connection) on host: medley.medley.npav.accedian.net in zone: cf_agent_RR_K8S for tenant: 9ca4447b-e32a-4dc2-af71-2a1219cc3373.
Upgrading a deployment
> helm upgrade {deployment name} {new chart package or URL}
For example:
> helm upgrade agent-rr-in-k8s https://software.accedian.io/roadrunner/analytics/23.04/helm/roadrunner-23.04-helm-0.456.17.tgz
Release "agent-rr-in-k8s" has been upgraded. Happy Helming!
NAME: agent-rr-in-k8s
LAST DEPLOYED: Mon May 15 13:35:08 2023
NAMESPACE: default
STATUS: deployed
Roadrunner application version 0.456.17 installed for zone cf_agent_RR_K8S.
General Notes:
Analytics Endpoints:
- Deployment: medley.medley.npav.accedian.net:443
- Tenant : united.medley.npav.accedian.net:443
Sensor Agent Gateway Notes:
Sensor Agent Admin Proxy : agent-rr-in-k8s-connector:55777
Sensor Agent Metrics Gateway: agent-rr-in-k8s-connector:55888
In the case where you are replacing an existing Docker-based Sensor Collector deployment with a Kubernetes deployment, depending on the type of Sensor Collector being migrated, there are a few addition details to be aware of:
For Filewatcher type Roadrunners, the Kubernetes deployment includes an SFTP server which is used for injecting files into a persistent volume within the Kubernetes cluster which acts as the ingestion directory for Sensor Collector. You'll notice this sidecar definition in your connector config values.yaml file like follows:
> cat cat values.yaml
## Put templates for custom sidecars here ##
## SFTP Server sidecar for filewatcher.
## ------------------------------------
## To change username/password for SFTP server access:
## - replace args with your desired credentials
- name: atmoz-sftp
image: docker.io/atmoz/sftp:latest
- containerPort: 22
args: ["*{USERNAME}*:*{PASSWORD}*:10001::upload"]
- name: roadrunner-monitored
mountPath: /home/roadrunner
Any data sources which are providing .csv files for ingestion will need to transfer them via this SFTP server. The deployment notes will provide instructions for determining the IP address and port to use for accessing the SFTP server.
Roadrunner Filewatcher Notes:
An SFTP sidecar service is included as part of this Roadrunner deployment to enable files to be submitted to Roadrunner for processing.
The Roadrunner container is configured to monitor a shared volume which maps to the location '**home/roadrunner/upload**' on the SFTP server.
This is the location which files should be SFTP'd to in order for Roadrunner to ingest them.
The exposed Node Port for the SFTP service can be found by executing the following command at the command line:
`kubectl -n default get -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="sftp-server")].nodePort}{"\n"}' svc file-rr-in-k8s-connector`
To get monitored volume shared between the Roadrunner and SFTP services, run the following command:
`kubectl get pv | grep default/roadrunner-monitored-connector-for-cf-filewatcher-rr-k8s-zone`
For example
> kubectl -n default get -o jsonpath='{.spec.ports[?(@.name=="sftp-server")].nodePort}{"\n"}' svc file-rr-in-k8s-connector
Testing the SFTP service
Testing that connection out using ssh to make sure the port is open (following example is run on the Kubernetes node directly):
> ssh roadrunner@ -p 30312
The authenticity of host '[]:30312 ([]:30312)' can't be established.
ED25519 key fingerprint is SHA256:PmRG***MjqbMywSRxk.
This key is not known by any other names
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
Warning: Permanently added '[]:30312' (***) to the list of known hosts.
roadrunner@'s password:
Connection from user roadrunner 192.***.***.4 port 52400: refusing non-sftp session
This service allows sftp connections only.
Connection to closed.
Test out SFTP itself by:
- SFTPing to the service
> sftp -P 30312 roadrunner@
roadrunner@'s password:
Connected to
- Confirming that there is a "upload" folder in the SFTP user's home directory
sftp> pwd
Remote working directory: /
sftp> ls
- Use "put" to upload an Accedian CSV
sftp> put *{CSV file from local machine}* upload/.
Uploading *{CSV file from local machine}* to /upload/./*{CSV file from local machine}*
*{CSV file from local machine}* 100% 2599 502.2KB/s 00:00
sftp> exit
- Check out the roadrunner logs to confirm it picked up the file.
Notice theroadrunner
is appended to the kubectl command as in filewatcher mode this command would have defautled to the sftp server logs.
> kubectl logs -f connector-for-cf-filewatcher-rr-k8s-zone-0 roadrunner
16:05:28.684 sendMetrics ▶ INFO 0cf Sending metrics to DH on host: {analytics URL} in zone: cf_filewatcher_RR_K8S_zone
16:05:35.559 queueFileForProcessing ▶ INFO 0d0 Queuing File: /monitored-dir/upload/*{CSV FILE}* for processing
16:05:35.561 processFile ▶ INFO 0d1 Processing: /monitored-dir/upload/*{CVS FILE}* of type: eth-vs
If you are replacing an existing Docker based Sensor Collector with a Kubernetes deployment, and .csv files left in the monitored directory for the legacy Sensor Collector should be SFTP’d into the Kubernetes cluster so that they will be picked up by the new Sensor Collector deployment.
Updating Skylight Orchestrator
Reminder that metric export settings are configured in Skylight Orchestrator.
More info on that configuration:
Sensor Agent Sensor Collectors
The Kubernetes Roadrunner deployment for Sensor Agents exposes the Agent Proxy and Metrics Gateway endpoints (ie: the admin and management channels for the agents) via Node Ports.
The deployment notes provide instructions for determining those port assignments. Any existing sensor agents will need to have their configurations updated to point to the new deployment.
> kubectl -n default get -o jsonpath='{range .spec.ports[*]}[{.name}, {.nodePort}] {end}' svc agent-rr-in-k8s-connector
[pprof, 31048] [agent-proxy, 31580] [metrics-gateway, 31156]
Be sure to specify the correct port in your docker compose file as well using the AGENT_MANAGEMENT_PROXY_PORT
environment variable:
❯ cat agent-sending-to-k8s.yml
version: '3'
container_name: "demo-actuate"
image: "gcr.io/sky-agents/agent-actuate-arm64:r23.04"
- "5862:5862/udp"
hostname: "MAC"
restart: "always"
- /home/agent_k8s/{UID-secret-file}.yaml:/run/secrets/secrets.yaml
Care should be taken to ensure that in-flight data that may have been cached by the legacy Sensor Collector doesn’t get ‘orphaned’. Best practice would be to stop all of the agents which are sending data to the legacy Sensor Collector and wait until Sensor Collector stops sending data.
Once the Sensor Collector logs indicate that no data batches are being sent to Fedex, the legacy Roadrunner can be stopped and the new Assurance Sensor Agent can be deployed into Kubernetes and the agents restarted (with their configs updated to point to the new deployment).
Open Metrics Scraper
Nothing special for this one! No sidecars or Node Ports to expose.
Stop the old one, deploy to Kubernetes, start scrapping and shipping data!
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