Skylight Flex Command Line Interface Overview
  • 25 Apr 2024
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Skylight Flex Command Line Interface Overview

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Article summary

This article provides a directory of all base CLI commands supported by Skylight Flex. They are intended to be a reference for users and system administrators who will configure Skylight Flex through the CLI interface.

The scope of these articles is limited to Skylight Flex release 21.09 or above. They detail all the Base CLI commands provided by the Skylight Flex software. Commands that are not applicable for a specific hardware platform are indicated wherever necessary.


CLI command descriptions and procedures:

  • Command and argument keywords are displayed in bold:
    dns show

  • Set of possible arguments are enclosed in curly brackets { }:
    gps edit state { enable | disable }

  • Arguments that must be replaced with a value are in angle brackets < > or italics:
    dns edit hostname < hostname >
    dns edit hostname hostname

  • Optional arguments are enclosed in square brackets [ ]:
    interface show [< interface-name >]

  • Screen output in CLI procedures is displayed as follows:
    Command executed successfully

The CLI (Command Line Interface) is used to configure Skylight Flex from a console attached to the serial port of the switch or from a remote terminal using SSH or Telnet (see Enabling Telnet).


The maximum number of CLI users that can be defined on a Skylight Flex 100 device is 15.

The maximum number of simultaneous SSH/Telnet sessions is 8.

A new user can be created or an existing user can be deleted, and one's own password or password of the other users can only be modified, if logged in as a root user.

Usernames do not support special characters (only A to Z, a to z, 0 to 9 ).

Supported characters for passwords are: ~ ` @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } : ‘ , . < > /

Supported characters for hostnames are: ~ # % ^ * - _ = + . [ ] { }

In SFTP configurations, the backslash (\) is also supported in the password field (but not the hostname field) for SFTP command operation.

The following table lists the generic CLI command modes.

Command Line Interface Parameters

Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit Method
User EXECThis is the initial mode to start a session.Your Product>The logout method is used.
Privileged EXECThe User EXEC mode command enable is used to enter the Privileged EXEC mode.Your Product#To return from the Privileged EXEC mode to User EXEC mode, the disable command is used.
Global ConfigurationThe Privileged EXEC mode command configure terminal is used to enter the Global Configuration mode.Your Product(config)#To exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
Interface ConfigurationThe Global Configuration mode command interface < interface-type >< interface-id > is used to enter the Interface configuration mode.Your Product(config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
Config-VLANThe Global configuration mode command vlan vlan-id is used to enter the Config-VLAN mode.Your Product(config-vlan)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.

Note: To login into the User Exec mode, enter your username (default is root) and password (default is admin123). To login to the Privileged mode, use the enable command or login with admin username and password.

Configuring the Skylight Flex using the Command Line Interface.

The Command Line Interface (CLI) can be used to configure Skylight Flex from a console attached to the serial port of the switch or from a remote terminal using SSH, after an IP address is configured (see Installation Procedure for Accedian Board).

The Skylight Flex CLI supports a simple login authentication mechanism. The authentication is based on a user name and password provided by the user during login. The user "root" is created by default with password "admin123".

When Skylight Flex is started, the user name and password have to be given at the login prompt to access the CLI shell:

Login: root

Password: ********

Your Product>

The user-exec mode is now available to the user. CLI command modes provide a detailed description of the various modes available for Skylight Flex.

The command prompt always displays the current mode.

CLI commands need not be fully typed. The abbreviated forms of CLI commands are also accepted by the Skylight Flex CLI. For Example, commands like "show ip global config" can be typed as "sh ip gl co".

CLI commands are case insensitive.

CLI commands will be successful only if the dependencies are satisfied for a particular command that is issued. The general dependency is that the module specific commands are available only when the respective module is ‘enabled’. Appropriate error messages will be displayed, if the dependencies are not satisfied.

Note: The Ethernet type of an interface is determined during System Startup. While configuring interface-specific parameters, its Ethernet type needs to be specified correctly. A fastethernet interface cannot be configured as a gigabit-ethernet interface and vice-versa.

Context Sensitive Help

Skylight Flex CLI framework offers context sensitive help; The user can type a question mark (?) anytime during a session to get help. The help can be invoked in several ways. It is not displayed as a whole and is available only for the specific token from where it is invoked.

  • Examples of possible scenarios are given below.

User keys in a character followed immediately by a question mark (?). This displays the current possible tokens without a help string.

Your Product(config)# bo?


User enters a keyword at the command prompt and enters a question mark (?) after hitting a space. This displays the next possible tokens along with the corresponding help string.

Your Product(config)# service ?

dhcp DHCP related configuration

dhcp-relay DHCP relay related configuration

dhcp-server DHCP server related configuration

timestamps Timestamp configuration for logged messages

Some of the basic concepts implemented for the context sensitive help are:

  • The next possible tokens are listed only in the lexical order and not in the order as available in the syntax or command structure.

  • All possible tokens are listed along with the help string, even though the command is ambiguous. Any ambiguous command errors and value range errors are taken care only during the execution of the command.

  • The help tokens provided within <> brackets denote that the user should input values of specified format. For Example,

  • The help tokens provided within () brackets denote that the user should input only the values represented. For Example, (1-4094) represents that the user should input value within the mentioned range alone.

  • The format is directly provided as a help token for some non-keyword such as IP address, IP mask, MAC address and so on. For Example, aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa represents that a MAC address of this format should be provided.

  • Only the most commonly used format is provided as a help token for some non-keywords such as IPv6 address. But the command supports most of the valid formats. For Example, AAAA::BBBB represents the IPv6 address, but the command will accept the format AAAA:B::BBBB.

  • The help token along with a help string explaining the operation of the command is displayed, if the command can be executed at that point (errors are handled only during the execution).

CLI Command Modes

The following table format lists the different CLI command modes. Depending on the CLI mode, your product prompt will be specific. This cannot be changed by the end user.

For Example; If your product label is ABC and the command mode is Global Configuration, the prompt display will be ABC (config) #

User Exec

Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit method
User EXECThis is the initial mode to start a sessionYour Product>The logout method is used.


Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit method
Privileged EXECThe User EXEC mode command enable is used to enter the Privileged EXEC mode.Your Product>The logout method is used.


Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit method
Global ConfigurationThe Privileged EXEC mode command configure terminal is used to enter the Global Configuration mode.Your Product (config)#To exit to the Privileged EXEC mode the end command is used.


Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit method
Switch ConfigurationThe Global Configuration mode command switch <context_name> is used to enter the Switch Configuration mode.Your Product (config-switch)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.

PMON Policy

Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit method
PMON Policy ConfigurationThe Global Configuration mode command PMON Policy Configuration (config-pmon-policy)# is used to enter the PMON Policy Configuration.your product(config-pmon-policy)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.


Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit method
Telemetry ConfigurationThe Global Configuration mode command Telemetry is used to enter in the Telemetry Configuration mode.your product(config-telemetry)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.

Platform Monitor

Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit method
Platform Monitor ConfigurationThe Global Configuration mode command platform-monitor is used to enter in the Platform Monitor Configuration mode.your product(platform-monitor)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.


Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit method
Interface Configuration

Note: To know the sub category of Interface configuration Modes, see Interface Configuration Modes table.

The Global Configuration mode command switch <context_name> is used to enter the Switch Configuration mode.Your Product (config-switch)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.

Interface Configuration Modes

Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit method
Port Channel Interface Modeinterface port channel command from the Global Configuration mode is used to enter Tunnel Interface Configuration ModeYour Product (config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
Tunnel Interface Modetunnel mode command from the Interface Configuration mode is used to enter Tunnel Interface Configuration ModeYour Product (config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
Interface Range ModeThe Global Configuration mode command interface range ( { <slot/port-port>} {vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> - <vlan-id(2-4094)>}) is used to enter the Interface range modeYour Product(config-if-range)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
Sub Interface ModeThe Global Configuration mode command enables to access of sub Interface mode commandsYour Product (config-subif)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
VLAN Interface Configuration ModeThe Global Configuration mode command interface Vlan < vlan id > is used to enter the VLAN Interface Configuration mode.Your Product (config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
Openflow port Interface Configuration Modeopenflowport command from the Interface Configuration mode is used to enter the Openflow port Interface Configuration modeYour Product (config-ofcl)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
PPP Interface Configuration Modeinterface ppp < ppp-id > command from the Global Configuration mode is used to enter PPP interface configuration modeYour Product (config-ppp)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
NVE Interface Configuration Modeinterface nve < nve-id > command from the Global Configuration mode is used to enter NVE Interface Configuration ModeYour Product (config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
Offload Engine Switch Virtual Interface Configuration ModeThe Global Configuration mode command is used to enter Offload Engine Switch Virtual Interface Configuration ModeYour Product (config-oe-svi)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.


Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit method
Hardware configuration modeThe Global Configuration mode command enables to access to hardware commands.Your Product(config-hw)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.


Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit method
Controller configuration modeThe Global Configuration mode command enables to access to controller configuration commandsYour Product(config- controller)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.

Protocol Specific Modes

Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit method
ACL Extended Access List Configuration Modeinterface port channel command from the Global Configuration mode is used to enter Tunnel Interface Configuration ModeYour Product (config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
ACL MAC Configuration Modetunnel mode command from the Interface Configuration mode is used to enter Tunnel Interface Configuration ModeYour Product (config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
ACL Standard Access List Configuration ModeThe Global Configuration mode command interface range ( { <slot/port-port>} {vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> - <vlan-id(2-4094)>}) is used to enter the Interface range mode.Your Product(config-if-range)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
Client Information Configuration ModeThe Global Configuration mode command interface {vlan <vlan-id (1-4094)> / < interface-type > < interface-id >} is used to enter the RSVP Interface Configuration modeYour Product (config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
Config-VLANThe Global Configuration mode command interface Vlan is used to enter the VLAN Interface Configuration modeYour Product (config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
DHCP Pool Configuration Modeinterface nve command from the Global Configuration mode is used to enter NVE Interface Configuration ModeYour Product (config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
DiffSrv ClassMap Configuration modeThe Global configuration mode command class-map <short(1-65535)> is used to enter the DiffSrv ClassMap Configuration modeYour Product(config-cmap)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
DiffSrv Policy-Map Class Configuration ModeThe Global configuration mode command class-map is used to enter the DiffSrv ClassMap Configuration mode, and policy-map <short(1-65535)> command is used to enter the DiffSrv Policy-Map Class Configuration modeYour Product(config-pmap-c)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
DiffSrv Policy-Map Configuration ModeThe Global configuration mode command class-map <short(1-65535)> is used to enter the DiffSrv ClassMap Configuration modeYour Product(config-pmap)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
ECFM Configuration ModeThe switch configuration mode command ethernet cfm domain is used to enter the ECFM Configuration mode.Your Product(config-ether-ecfm)#To exit to the Switch Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
ECFM MEP Configuration ModeThe Interface configuration mode command ethernet cfm mep is used to enter the ECFM MEP Configuration modeYour Product(config-pmap)#To exit to the Interface Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
IP Explicit PathThe global configuration mode command ip explicit-path identifier is used to enter the IP Explicit Path modeYour Product(cfg-ip-expl-path)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration ModeThe global configuration mode command ipv6 dhcp pool is used to enter the IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration modeYour Product(config-d6pool)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
PIM Component ModeThe Global Configuration Mode command ip pim comp < componentid > is used to enter PIM Component Configuration ModeYour Product(pim-comp)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
Protection Group Configuration ModeThe switch configuration mode command aps [linear] group < group-number > is used to enter the Protection Group Configuration modeYour Product (config-switch-pg)#To exit to the Switch Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
Service-level Agreement (SLA) Configuration ModeThe Global Configuration Mode command y1564 sla < sla-id (1-255) > is used to enter SLA Configuration ModeYour Product(config-sla-2544)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
SNTP Configuration ModeThe Global Configuration Mode command sntp is used to enter SNTP Configuration ModeYour Product(config-sntp)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
Traffic Profile Configuration ModeThe Global Configuration Mode command y1564 traffic-profile <traffic-profile-id (1-255)> is used to enter Traffic profile Configuration ModeYour Product(config-traffic-profile-2544)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
TWAMP Reflector Configuration ModeThe Offload Engine Switch Virtual Interface Configuration Mode command config-oe-svi is used to enter TWAMP Reflector Configuration Mode ModeYour Product(config-twamp-reflector)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
TWAMP Sender Configuration ModeThe Offload Engine Switch Virtual Interface Configuration Mode command config-oe-svi is used to enter TWAMP Sender Configuration ModeYour Product(config-twamp-sender)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used
Vendor Specific Information Configuration ModeThe IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration Mode command vendor-specific is used to enter Traffic profile Configuration ModeYour Product(d6pool-vendor)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used

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