Skylight Analytics 20.11 Release Notes
  • 27 Jul 2021
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Skylight Analytics 20.11 Release Notes

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Article summary

See more, clearly with crosstab widget, new capture metrics available for alerting on, improved application navigation and report management


Executive Summary

Seasons greeting! The Accedian team pushed hard to make sure our present was ready for the holidays. No need to shake the box, we'll tell you what's inside:

  1. Cross tab widget - an advanced table visualization that lets you see more data in a condensed form factor. Ideal for those macro dashboards or customer portals.
  2. Capture Alerts - augmented to support alerting on all of the same metrics that are available on the dashboards
  3. Support for N-1 versions of on-prem and cloud sensors - this release supports 20.08 and on
  4. Application navigation - decluttered menu that can now be hidden to get more out of your screen real estate
  5. Report Management - see your scheduled reports in one place!

Headline features

Crosstab Widget

Crosstab (cross tabular) is a new widget available for Dashboards which visualizes the relationship between multiple groupings for a chosen metric. It's ideal for showcasing source-destination performance.


The crosstab widget produces a table where each cell value corresponds to its row and column heading. Thresholds can be defined on the metric that will assign coloring to each cell. It's still an Interactive visualization that shows the supporting data for each cell and provides tools to drill down on potential issues.

Report Management

Inventory Listing

Report inventory is a new tab available for managing all reports in the system. A list of reports is displayed with name/schedule/filters and the next execution time. A search input is built to let the user narrow down the displayed results by filters against reports’ name/dashboard name/filters using a simple string match. A user can also edit the individual reports if you are either a sysadmin or the owner of the report.


Scheduled Dashboard Report Provisioning

Update of dashboard provisioning UI to include the option of overriding the dashboard's global filter.


Capture Alert Upgrades

To bring capture alerts in line with other capture data, alerts are now able to be provisioned based on the same capture field names that are in use through the rest of Skylight. Alerts provisioned using the old field names are backwards compatible and will still function normally but if you want to modify them, you'll be forced to migrate from the old field names to new metrics names. This allows for better correlation between alerts and dashboards.

alert migration bkgd.png

Additional features

Application Navigation Upgrades

Sizing of the application navigation bar width has been reduced and feature names moved to tooltips visible on hover. Users also have the option to collapse the navigation bar by hovering over the application logo and clicking the collapse button. The navigation bar can be restored by clicking on the button to the left of the logo which becomes available when the navigation bar is collapsed.

app nav.gif

N-1 Capture sensor support

Official support for running an on-prem/cloud sensor at a release behind the Analytics version its reporting to.

n-1 support.png

Notable fixes and minor improvements

Minor Features

  • analytics: Improve UX in dictionary search for IP addresses (client/server)

Bug Fixes

  • analytics: Use default value if alias lookup fails so values stay visible
  • analytics: Default to the top/bottom section from cataloged analysis on drilldown
  • analytics: Zone id filters send the correct query
  • analytics: Remove multi-select from topology drilldown, null guard table drilldown
  • analytics: Disable categorical entries in the data provisioning for pie charts
  • analytics: Deleting a dashboard card now only deletes the selected one vs clone
  • analytics: Drilldown details are no longer rendered off screen
  • analytics: Guard against undefined filters when querying object counts in legend
  • data: Identify '' and '' as capture based permission fields
  • data: Include object type filter for object count in topology widget
  • data: Increase the timeout for PVQL workers to 10 minutes
  • data: Return an empty array for a 404 response to GET connector-configs
  • data: Use source unit instead of unit type for display value conversions
  • data: Use the capture id as the raw value for capture id dictionary entry
  • data: Convert name values to id when using '*' keys
  • data: Extra guard for coming in as a string name
  • data: Guard against non-numeric zone ids
  • data: Don't alias/displayValue categorical counts in groupBy
  • data: Translate capture smbstatus and smbsubcommand values
  • report: Fallback image if custom logo can not be converted to image
  • report: Query SLA reports via GET instead of POST
  • settings: Improve UX for capture data restrictions
  • settings: Scroll on overflow for data cleaning policies

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