Setting Up the Primary Appliance for Standby Operations
  • 21 Jun 2024
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Setting Up the Primary Appliance for Standby Operations

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Article summary

This article contains the procedures required to set up the primary Skylight orchestrator appliance to prepare it for standby operations.

Procedure Requirements

A. Certain procedures in this section require access to the primary Skylight orchestrator appliance through its web user interface. Other procedures require accessing the appliance through its console interface.

B. Access to the console requires the user to log in as the visionems user. To execute this procedure, you must know the account’s credentials.

Logging in on the Skylight orchestrator Web Interface on the Primary Appliance

  1. Open a web browser and use the following information to log in to Skylight orchestrator web interface:
  • URL: http://serverIPaddress:6080/businessweb
    (you must replace serverIPaddress with the IP address of your primary appliance)
  • Username: admin (default)
  • Password: 2admin$admin (default)
  1. Check the Skylight orchestrator version by clicking the logo (in the upper right corner of the page). Take note of the build number: you will need it in a later procedure (Setting Up the Secondary Appliance for Standby Operations).

Stay logged in on Skylight orchestrator on the primary appliance. You need it for the next procedure.

Enabling the Primary Appliance as the Collection Server

  1. Access the CollectionServer Configuration page in the Skylight orchestrator web interface on the appliance.
  2. Check the checkbox that is labeled as follows:
    Button_Refresh-Autorefresh.pngUse Skylight orchestrator as default server for metrics collection
    Enabling this setting on the primary appliance causes all managed elements to send their performance metrics data to the primary appliance.

Stay logged in to Skylight orchestrator on the primary appliance. You need it for the next procedure.

Enabling the Primary Appliance as the SNMP Trap Receiver

  1. Go to the SNMP fault receiver configuration in AdminSNMP page.
  2. Check the following checkbox:
    Button_Refresh-Autorefresh.png Use Skylight orchestrator as default SNMP trap receiver
    Enabling this setting on the primary appliance causes all SNMP trap events coming from managed elements to be sent to the primary appliance.

Stay logged in to Skylight orchestrator on the primary appliance. You need it for the next procedure.

Scheduling Periodic Backups of the Primary Appliance

The primary appliance must be backed up regularly to the secondary appliance so that if the primary appliance fails, the secondary appliance has up-to-date information and can take over the primary appliance’s functions.

This procedure assumes that you are still logged in to Skylight orchestrator on the primary appliance.

  1. In the AdminBackup tab, select the settings icon.png icon.

  2. Set the parameters as follows:

  • User: visionems
  • Password: password of the visionems account on the secondary appliance.
  • Host: IP address of the secondary appliance.
  • Port: 22
  • Directory: /opt/accedian/backups
  • Frequency: every 15 minutes
  1. Select Apply to execute the changes.
    This configures the primary appliance to create a backup of its data store every 15 minutes. After each 15 minute interval, the primary appliance will push the new backup in the /opt/accedian/backups directory on the secondary appliance.

  2. Log out of Skylight orchestrator on the primary appliance by selecting the X (in the upper left corner of the page).

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