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Setting Up a System Time Configuration Job
You can set the system date and time of a managed element using a configuration job.
To set up the System Time Job
Access the page Commission ▶ Jobs.
Set all common configuration job settings, as described in "Creating Configuration Jobs in GUI Mode" and in "Creating Configuration Jobs Using Data Sets".
Select System Time in the left pane. The System Time tab is displayed.
Complete all fields of the System time tab as required. For more information on specific parameters, see the table below.
Click Apply, then click Close.
Click the Refresh
button to refresh the user interface.
System time tab (Commission ▶ Jobs)
Parameter | Description |
Enable daylight saving time | Select to use daylight saving time (DST). Note: Services such as syslog that timestamp events with the current time and date are affected during DST transitions. As such, you may observe 60-minute gaps or duplicate timestamps around the time when the clock was changed. |
TAI offset | The offset to add to UTC time to convert to Temps Atomique International (TAI)—atomic international time. In early 1972, TAI was exactly 10 seconds ahead of UTC. From 1972 until June 30, 2015, 26 leap seconds were added to the difference. Since the last second was added on December 31, 2016, TAI has been exactly 37 seconds ahead of UTC. It is important that the TAI offset value be consistent throughout your network in order to ensure valid measurements and avoid synchronization issues. This is particularly true if Accedian products are being used with equipment from other vendors that support leap seconds. If there is a TAI mismatch between units, the one-way delay measurements will show an offset of one second. In most cases, it is preferable to allow the unit to update its TAI offset value through a firmware upgrade (during a maintenance window to minimize impact) instead of manually changing the value here. |
Clock name | On the Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor Control units, it is possible to set up Time of Day (ToD) clocks. Use this parameter to select a clock that is available on the unit being configured. It is possible to use a configuration job to set up a clock on a Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor Control. See "Setting Up a Clocks Configuration Job". |
UTC Offset
Parameter | Description |
Hours Minutes | The offset from Coordinated Universal Time to apply to the time zone:
Daylight saving time offset
Parameter | Description |
Hours Minutes | The time adjustment to apply to the GMT offset during the daylight saving period. This value is typically one hour. |
Daylight saving time configuration
Parameter | Description |
Start, End Month Week Day Hours Minutes | The period during which daylight saving time is in effect. DST start and end times are defined using values for the month, week, day, hour and minute. Note: To specify the last day of the month, enter "week=5". |
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