Disabling VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler for a Virtual Machine
  • 27 Jan 2025
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Disabling VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler for a Virtual Machine

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Article summary

The following procedure disables VMware Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS) for a Skylight orchestrator virtual machine. This is required to prevent migration of live orchestrator virtual machines on the VMware ecosystem.

Virtual Machine Override

This configuration will prevent all vMotion migrations that would normally be triggered by DRS.

To override the virtual machine

  1. In vSphere, log in as the administrator, then go to Inventory ▶ Hosts and Clusters.

  2. Select the cluster where the Skylight orchestrator virtual machine is running.

  3. Click Configure ▶ VM Overrides, then click Add.

  4. Select the Skylight orchestrator virtual machine you want to override, then click Next.

  5. Override DRS completely for this virtual machine by selecting Disabled for the DRS automation level.
    Procedure for disabling VMWare DRS for a SO VM_1.png

  6. Click Finish.

Modifying the Administrator Role

To modify the administrator role

  1. In vSphere, go to Administration ▶ Roles.

  2. Select the Administrator Role, then click on Clone.

  3. Name the new role accordingly, and add a description. This helps administration of the vSphere.
    Procedure for disabling VMWare DRS for a SO VM_2.png

  4. Select the new cloned role and click on Edit.

  5. Navigate to the Resource permissions, then unselect Migrate powered on virtual machine.
    Procedure for disabling VMWare DRS for a SO VM_3.png

  6. Click Save.

  7. Go to Inventory ▶ Hosts and Clusters, then navigate to the Skylight orchestrator virtual machine.

  8. Click Permissions.

  9. Select the Administrators user group, then click Edit.

  10. Select the new Administrator Role you created, then click OK.

Once complete, no vCenter Administrators will have the permission to migrate the Skylight orchestrator virtual machine while it is running. Migrating is still possible when the virtual machine is powered off.

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