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Preparing to Migrate
This procedure contains instructions on how to migrate from one of the following releases:
- Legacy Orchestrator Docker 24.09 (old operating system version: Ubuntu 20.04/Red Hat 8.8) to the Legacy Orchestrator Docker 24.09 (new operating system version: Ubuntu 22.04/Red Hat 9.3)
Notes: If Legacy Orchestrator Docker is running a previous version, the system needs to be upgraded to the 24.09 version before starting the migration process.
Legacy Orchestrator Docker 24.09 does not support cross-operation system migration between Docker hosts, which means it will NOT allow:
- Migration from Ubuntu 20.04 to Red Hat 9.3 operating system version
- Migration from Red Hat 8.8 to Ubuntu 22.04 operating system version
Migration involves setting up a new Legacy Orchestrator Docker 24.09 with the new operation system version (target installation) that will be used to import the database configuration of the Legacy Orchestrator Docker 24.09 with the old operating system version (source installation). This requires, at a minimum:
- The deployment of the Legacy Orchestrator Docker
- The configuration of its hostname, IP addresses, NTP time sources (highly recommended), timezone (highly recommended)
- The selection of its deployment profile.
For redundant environments, two new Legacy Orchestrator Dockers will be required and for hot standby environments, the need for three interfaces per appliance on distinct subnets remains.
These procedures are written assuming the target installation will be hosted in a new environment with new net IP addresses. It is expected that new firewall implementations will be required to ensure the application can connect to the network and that end users can access the application interfaces.
The installation of these new Legacy Orchestrator Dockers is beyond the scope of this article. These procedures are already captured in the Docker Deployment article and should be used in the preparation for your migrating activity. The important point to consider while installing your Legacy Orchestrator Docker is the deployment profile. The software ships with four deployment profiles:
- 5K profile (default)
- 15K profile
- 30K profile
- 60K profile.
The profiles reference the number of network elements the system can manage. Larger profiles have larger memory, CPU, and disk requirements. The selection of the profile is dictated by the current number of network elements in your source installation.
Please consult your sales engineer if you need guidance on the profile to choose for your Legacy Orchestrator Docker. The deployment profile can be changed (during a maintenance window) at any time, but when doing so, adequate memory, CPU, and disk resources need to be assigned to the Docker host.
Once the Legacy Orchestrator Docker is in place, with IP addresses assigned, deployment profile selected, and networking rules in place, the high level process of migrating entails the following tasks:
- Taking a database backup of your source installation
- Stopping the software on your source installation
- Transferring all resync DAT files on each mediation folder to your target installation
- Transferring the performance session data to your target installation
- Importing the database backup into the target installation
- Starting up the software on your target installation.
Note: In redundant deployments, these steps are only required on the preferred appliance.
Migration Procedure
Source Installation Procedures
On the source installation, ensure that the Internal License Server key needs to be added before performing the migration process.
Note: From release 23.04, all activation keys are preinstalled by default. Skip the procedure below if using release 23.04.
To import an Internal License Server key
- Obtain the appropriate key file from Technical Support.
- Save the key file on the local file system (for example, on the desktop) and extract this file.
- Access the Admin ▶ Feature Activation page.
- Click the Choose File button.
- Select the Internal License Server key file on your local file system from the file selector dialog.
- Click the Import button.
Backing up the Data Store
In order to rehome, a database backup of the source installation is required. If running a hot standby configuration, the hot standby license file must be copied as well.
To back up and transfer the data store
Open an SSH terminal session to the Legacy Orchestrator CLI on port 2200.
Log in as the skylight user.
Create a backup of the data store by entering:
database backup
Notes: On the Non-Hot Standby configuration system, the backup is generated as a tar.gz file in the folder ‘backups’ of the ‘so-mysql’ volume.
On the Hot Standby configuration system:
- The backup must be taken from the active site
- The backup is generated as a tar.gz file in the folder '/home/skylight/so/mysql-ha/backups'
If you are rehoming a redundant configuration, the backup must be taken from the active site.
- Rename the database backup file to migrate.tar.gz and transfer it to the new Legacy Orchestrator Docker (target installation) under the /tmp directory.
Note: If you are migrating a redundant configuration, the file should be transferred to both Legacy Orchestrator Dockers of the target installation.
Stopping the Legacy Orchestrator Services
It is best to stop the Legacy Orchestrator services on the source installation while doing the migrating procedure. The procedure to stop the Legacy Orchestrator services differs for hot standby setups.
Note: If you are migrating a redundant configuration, these steps must be run on the active site.
If you are operating in a Hot Standby configuration
- Open an SSH terminal session to the Legacy Orchestrator on port 2200.
- Log in as the skylight user.
- Stop the Hot Standby process by entering:
redundancy control stop
- Open an SSH terminal session to the Legacy Orchestrator on port 2200.
- Log in as the skylight user.
- Stop the application by entering:
services stop
Transferring All Resync DAT Files
To preserve the historical performance monitoring data, it must be transferred over to the target installation by following these steps.
Note: If you are migrating a redundant configuration, these steps must be run on the active site.
- Open an SSH terminal session to Legacy Orchestrator on port 22.
- Log in as the skylight user.
- Initiate the transfer by entering:
cd <path_of_data_volume_for_mediation1>
rsync -R -v medn1instance/s*/datfiles/*/*_RESYNC.* skylight@<ip_docker_host>:<path_of_data_volume_for_mediation1>
cd <path_of_data_volume_for_mediation2>
rsync -R -v s*/datfiles/*/*_RESYNC.* skylight@<ip_docker_host>:<path_of_data_volume_for_mediation2>
cd <path_of_data_volume_for_mediation3>
rsync -R -v s*/datfiles/*/*_RESYNC.* skylight@<ip_docker_host>:<path_of_data_volume_for_mediation3>
cd <path_of_data_volume_for_mediation4>
rsync -R -v s*/datfiles/*/*_RESYNC.* skylight@<ip_docker_host>:<path_of_data_volume_for_mediation4>
cd <path_of_data_volume_for_mediation5>
rsync -R -v s*/datfiles/*/*_RESYNC.* skylight@<ip_docker_host>:<path_of_data_volume_for_mediation5>
cd <path_of_data_volume_for_mediation6>
rsync -R -v s*/datfiles/*/*_RESYNC.* skylight@<ip_docker_host>:<path_of_data_volume_for_mediation6>
If migrating to a redundant configuration, transfer the files over to the virtual appliance that will be used as the preferred site.
Transferring the Performance Session Data
To preserve the historical performance session data, it must be transferred over to the target installation by following these steps.
Note: If you are migrating a redundant configuration, these steps must be run on the active site.
- Open an SSH terminal session to Legacy Orchestrator on port 22.
- Log in as the skylight user.
- Initiate the transfer by entering:
cd <path_of_data_volume_for_mediation1>
rsync -av bizn1instance/sdmm skylight@x.x.x.x:/<directory>
Where x.x.x.x is the IP address of the target installation.
Where < directory > is the bizn1instance directory under so-data volume
If migrating to a redundant configuration, transfer the files over to the virtual appliance that will be used as the preferred site.
Target Installation Procedures
These procedures guide you through the database import and rebalancing process that is to be executed on the target installation of Legacy Orchestrator Docker.
Ensure that all configurations related to network, interface, NTP server, Hamon, timezone (highly recommended), and so on will be configured manually and same as the configuration on the virtual appliances (source installation) to ensure all devices are reachable on the Legacy Orchestrator Docker (target installation). Please refer to the Docker Deployment articles for additional information.
Ensure the data volume(s) is configured to store all performance session data and performance metrics data.
Stopping the Legacy Orchestrator Services
Stopping Hot Standby Process and Legacy Orchestrator Services on Hot Standby Configuration
Active Site
- Open an SSH terminal session to the Legacy Orchestrator CLI on port 2200.
- Log in as the skylight user.
- Stop the Hot Standby process by entering:
redundancy control stop
Stopping Legacy Orchestrator Services on Non-Hot Standby Configuration
- Open an SSH terminal session to the Legacy Orchestrator CLI on port 2200.
- Log in as the skylight user.
- Stop services by entering:
services stop
Note: If the services are stopped, skip this step.
Importing the Database
Ensure the user ‘skylight’ has read access to the archive that was copied in the /tmp folder. The backup file that needs to be restored must be placed on the appliance file system in the /tmp directory.
- Open an SSH terminal session to the Legacy Orchestrator CLI on port 2200.
Note: If you are rehoming a redundant configuration, log into the target installation virtual appliance you have designated to be the preferred active site.
- Log in as the skylight user.
- Restore the backup by entering:
database restore <filename_of_the_backup_archive>
Note: You must provide only the filename of the archive, not the path which is assumed to be /tmp.
Starting the Legacy Orchestrator Services
This procedure will start the application.
Starting the application for Hot Standby configuration
Open an SSH terminal session to the Legacy Orchestrator designated as the preferred active site on port 2200.
Log in as the skylight user.
Configure the preferred site, the site which transferred the files at ‘Transferring All Resync DAT Files’ step, enter:
redundancy config preferred {site-a | site-b}
- Start the Hot Standby process by entering:
redundancy control start
- Verify redundancy status, enter:
redundancy show status
Starting Legacy Orchestrator services on Non-Hot Standby configuration
- Open an SSH terminal session to the Legacy Orchestrator CLI on port 2200.
- Log in as the skylight user.
- Start services by entering:
services start
Rollback Procedure
The migrating operation can be rolled back by stopping the application on the target installation and restarting the application on the source installation.
Target Installation Procedures
Stopping Hot Standby Process and Legacy Orchestrator Services on Hot Standby Configuration
Active Site
- Open an SSH terminal session to the Legacy Orchestrator CLI on port 2200.
- Log in as the skylight user.
- Stop the Hot Standby process by entering:
redundancy control stop
Stopping Legacy Orchestrator Services on Non-Hot Standby Configuration
- Open an SSH terminal session to the Legacy Orchestrator CLI on port 2200.
- Log in as the skylight user.
- Stop services by entering:
services stop
Source Installation Procedures
This procedure will start the application.
Starting the application for Hot Standby configuration
- Open an SSH terminal session to the Legacy Orchestrator designated as the preferred active site on port 2200.
- Log in as the skylight user.
- Configure the preferred site to the last active site, enter:
redundancy config preferred {site-a | site-b}
- Start the Hot Standby process by entering:
redundancy control start
- Verify redundancy status, enter:
redundancy show status
Starting the application for Non-Hot Standby configuration
- Open an SSH terminal session to the Legacy Orchestrator on port 2200.
- Log in as the skylight user.
- Start the application by entering:
services start
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