Telemetry Commands
  • 06 Jul 2023
  • 7 Minutes to read
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Telemetry Commands

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Article summary

Telemetry CLI commands are categorized as follows:

Enable and Disable Command

This section includes the telemetry enable and disable commands.

set telemetry

Command Objective:
This command enables and disables the telemetry module.

set telemetry {enable|disable}

Parameter Description:

  • enable - Enables the telemetry module.
  • disable - Disables the telemetry module.

Global Configuration



Your Product# set telemetry enable

Configuration Commands

This section includes telemetry configuration commands.


Command Objective:
This command configures the DMM Sensors measurement interval.

measurement-interval { all }

Parameter Description:

  • all - All Sensors types (SLM and DMM)

Telemetry Configuration


 Your Product(telemetry)# measurement-interval 60 all

set dmm enable

Command Objective:
This command configures the DMM sensors.

set dmm {enable|disable}

Parameter Description:

  • enable - Enables DMM
  • disable - Disables DMM

Telemetry Configuration


Your Product(telemetry)# set dmm enable

set reporter-type

Command Objective:
This command configures the reporter object.

set reporter-type {openmetrics} [status {enable|disable}]
[ip ]
[port <integer(1-65535)>]

Parameter Description:

  • reporter-type - List of currently defined reporters.
  • enable - Enables Reporter streaming.
  • disable - Disables Reporter streaming.
  • ip - Destination IP address (IPv4 or IPv6 format).
  • port - Destination Port used by Reporter streaming.

Telemetry Configuration


Your Product(acd-telemetry)# set reporter-type openmetrics status enable ip port 11000 

set slm enable

Command Objective:
This command configures the SLM sensors.

set dmm {enable|disable}

Parameter Description:

  • enable - Enables SLM
  • disable - Disables SLM

Telemetry Configuration


Your Product(telemetry)# set slm enable

Display Commands

This section includes telemetry display commands.

show telemetry

Command Objective:
This command displays the telemetry information.

show telemetry

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show telemetry
Telemetry Information
  Status               : Enable
Sensor DMM
  Status               : Disable
  Measurement interval : 60 second
Sensor SLM
  Status               : Disable
  Measurement interval : 60 second
  Type                 : OpenMetrics
  Status               : Enable
  Destination IP       :
  Destination Port     : 11000
  Operation Status     : Connected
  Notice               : Conneted

show telemetry dmm

Command Objective:
This command displays the telemetry sensor DMM status.

show telemetry dmm

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show telemetry dmm
Status             : Disable
Mesurement-interval: 60 sec.

show telemetry reporter-type

Command Objective:
This command displays the reporter-type configuration.

show telemetry reporter-type

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show telemetry reporter-type
  Type                 : OpenMetrics
  Status               : Enable
  Destination IP       :
  Destination Port     : 11000
  Operation Status     : Connected
  Notice               : Connected

Operation Status value can be:

  • Connected
  • Not Connected

Notice can be:

  • Connected
  • Connecting
  • Disconnected
  • Connection Failed due to IP/Port
  • Connection Failed due to Certificate not yet valid
  • Connection Failed due to Authentication
  • Connection Failed due to Unknown

show telemetry slm

Command Objective:
This command displays the telemetry sensor SLM status.

show telemetry slm

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show telemetry slm
Status             : Enabled
Mesurement-interval: 60 sec.

show telemetry statistics current dmm

Command Objective:
This command displays the current statistics for a DMM sensor.

This is the statistics aggregate for the record in progress.

show telemetry statistics current dmm domain <string(43)>
service <string(45)>
local-mpid <integer(1-8191)>
remote-mpid <integer(1-8191)>
test-id <integer(1-65535)>

Parameter Description:

  • domain - Domain related configuration.
  • service - Service related configuration.
  • local-mpid - Local MEP ID value range from 1 to 8191.
  • remote-mpid - The remote MEP ID value range from 1 to 8191.
  • test-id - The test ID value range from 1 to 65535.

Privilege EXEC Mode


Your Product# show telemetry statistics current dmm domain MD-0 service MA-0-1000 mpid 1000 rmpid 2000 test-id 1 
Current statistics for DMM

ifindex      : 5
level        : 0
vlanid       : 1000
mepid        : 1000
rmepid       : 2000
testid       : 1

  Start time : 12-09-2021 15:01:28
Current time : 12-09-2021 15:02:09

Suspect flag         : false

Samples              :         42

One-Way Frame Delay
  Valid              : false
  Instant value (us) :  963322392
  Min value (us)     :  963322240
  Max value (us)     :  963322392
  Average value (us) :   42972181

One-Way Inter Frame Delay Variation
  Instant value (us) :          4
  Min value (us)     :          4
  Max value (us)     :          4
  Average value (us) :          4

Two-Way Frame Delay
  Instant value (us) :          0
  Min value (us)     :          0
  Max value (us)     :          0
  Average value (us) :          0

Two-Way Inter Frame Delay Variation
  Instant value (us) :          0
  Min value (us)     :          0
  Max value (us)     :          0
  Average value (us) :          0

show telemetry statistics current slm

Command Objective:
This command display the current statistics for a DMM sensor.

This is the statistics aggregate for the record in-progress.

show telemetry statistics current slm domain <string(43)>
service <string(45)>
local-mpid <integer(1-8191)>
remote-mpid <integer(1-8191)>
test-id <integer(1-65535)>

Parameter Description:

  • domain - Domain related configuration.
  • service - Service related configuration.
  • local-mpid - Local MEP ID value range from 1 to 8191.
  • remote-mpid - The remote MEP ID value range from 1 to 8191.
  • test-id - The test ID value range from 1 to 65535.

Privilege EXEC Mode


Your Product# show telemetry statistics current slm domain MD-0 service MA-0-1000 mpid 1000 rmpid 2000 test-id 1
Current statistics for SLM

ifindex      : 5
level        : 0
vlanid       : 1000
mepid        : 1000
rmepid       : 2000
testid       : 1

  Start time : 12-09-2021 15:11:28
Current time : 12-09-2021 15:11:52

Suspect flag                   : false

Packet lost near-end           :          0
Total received near-end        :         24
Packet lost far-end            :          0
Total received far-end         :         24
Near-end packet loss ratio (%) :          0
Far-end packet loss ratio (%)  :          0
Number of gaps                 :          0
Largest gaps                   :          0

show telemetry statistics history dmm

Command Objective:
This command displays the history statistics for a DMM sensor.

This is the statistics aggregate for the record in progress.

show telemetry statistics history dmm domain <string(43)>
service <string(45)>
local-mpid <integer(1-8191)>
remote-mpid <integer(1-8191)>
test-id <integer(1-65535)>
{latest|record-id <integer(1-480)>}

Parameter Description:

  • domain - Domain related configuration.
  • service - Service related configuration.
  • local-mpid - Local MEP ID value range from 1 to 8191.
  • remote-mpid - The remote MEP ID value range from 1 to 8191.
  • test-id - The test ID value range from 1 to 65535.
  • latest - Displays the lastest record statistics.
  • record-id - Displays a specific record from the archive. Value from 1 to 480;
    1 is the most recent archived data and 480 is the oldest archived data.

Privilege EXEC Mode


Your Product# show telemetry statistics history dmm domain MD-0 service MA-0-1000 mpid 1000 rmpid 2000 test-id 1 latest
History statistics for DMM

ifindex      : 5
level        : 0
vlanid       : 1000
mepid        : 1000
rmepid       : 2000
testid       : 1

  Start time : 01-01-1970 00:00:00
    End time : 12-09-2021 14:59:28
   Period id :          1

Suspect flag         : true

Samples              :         45

One-Way Frame Delay
  Valid              : false
  Min value (us)     :  963321634
  Max value (us)     :  963321795
  Average value (us) :          0

One-Way Inter Frame Delay Variation
  Min value (us)     :          4
  Max value (us)     :          4
  Average value (us) :          0

Two-Way Frame Delay
  Min value (us)     :          0
  Max value (us)     :          0
  Average value (us) :          0

Two-Way Inter Frame Delay Variation
  Min value (us)     :          0
  Max value (us)     :          0
  Average value (us) :          0

show telemetry statistics history slm

Command Objective:
This command displays the history statistics for a SLM sensor.

This is the statistics aggregate for the record in progress.

show telemetry statistics history slm domain <string(43)>
service <string(45)>
local-mpid <integer(1-8191)>
remote-mpid <integer(1-8191)>
test-id <integer(1-65535)>
{latest|record-id <integer(1-480)>}

Parameter Description:

  • domain - Domain related configuration.
  • service - Service related configuration.
  • local-mpid - Local MEP ID value range from 1 to 8191.
  • remote-mpid - The remote MEP ID value range from 1 to 8191.
  • test-id - The test ID value range from 1 to 65535.
  • latest - Displays the lastest record statistics.
  • record-id - Displays a specific record from the archive. Value from 1 to 480;
    1 is the most recent archived data and 480 is the oldest archived data.

Privilege EXEC Mode


Your Product# show telemetry statistics history slm domain MD-0 service MA-0-1000 mpid 1000 rmpid 2000 test-id 1 latest
History statistics for SLM

ifindex      : 5
level        : 0
vlanid       : 1000
mepid        : 1000
rmepid       : 2000
testid       : 1

  Start time : 12-09-2021 15:10:28
    End time : 12-09-2021 15:11:28
   Period id :         13

Suspect flag                   : false

Packet lost near-end           :          0
Total received near-end        :         60
Packet lost far-end            :         60
Total received far-end         :          0
Near-end packet loss ratio (%) :          0
Far-end packet loss ratio (%)  :         na
Number of gaps                 :          0
Largest gaps                   :          0

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