TWAMP Commands
  • 22 Mar 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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TWAMP Commands

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Article summary

TWAMP (Two-Way Active Measurement Protocol) CLI commands are categorized as follows:

  • Configuration Commands
  • Display Commands

Configuration Commands

This section includes TWAMP configuration commands.

test-session (TWAMP Sender)

Command Objective:
This command configures the TWAMP sender test-session.

test-session {[name <string(43)>}] [{admin-state { "disable" | "enable" } }] [{sender-udp-port <integer(1-65535)>} [{reflector-ip {<ipv4_addr>|<ip6_addr>}}] [{reflector-udp-port <integer(1-65535)>}] [{dscp <integer(0-63)>}] [{size-select {“padding-length“ | “payload-size“}}] [{padding-length <integer(27-1458)>}] [{payload-size <integer(41-1472)>}] [{padding-pattern “all-zero” | “random”}] [{periodic-interval {"10" | "20" | "33" | "50"| "100" | "1000"}}] [{measurement-interval {"60" | "300" | "600" | "900"| "3600"}}] [{metric-profile sla}]

Parameter Description:

  • name - TWAMP Session-Sender name. It should be unique.
  • admin-state - Used to enable or disable operation of a TWAMP Session-Sender. Default value is enable.
    Note: This is the only parameter that can be modified after creation.
  • reflector-ip - The reflector IP address (format IPv4 or IPv6)
  • sender-udp-port - UDP sender port number. Default value is 862.
  • reflector-udp-port - UDP sender port number. Default value is 862.
  • dscp - The DSCP value for this test session.
  • size-select - Define the length of the TWAMP-Test Packet by specifying the number of padding bytes to append or by specifying the UDP Payload size. Default value is “padding-length.
  • padding-length - The number of padding bytes added to the TWAMP-Test Packet. Default value is 36.
  • payload-size - The size of the TWAMP-Test Packet including any padding. Default value is 50.
  • padding-pattern - Padding pattern used for frame padding. Default value is all-zero.
  • periodic-interval - Time interval between transmission of two consecutive packets in millisecond. Default value is 1000 ms.
  • measurement-interval - Metric aggregation period time in Telemetry module in seconds. Default value is 15 minutes.
  • metric-profile - Telemetry metric profile.

TWAMP Sender (config-twamp-sender)

Note: The TWAMP sender session is created within the context of a specific Offload Engine Switch Virtual Interface (OE-SVI) instance and therefore implicitly inherits any needed attributes.


Your Product(config)# oe-svi 1

Your Product(config-oe-svi)# oe-twamp-session-sender 1

Your Product(config-twamp-sender) # test-session name TWPL_Sender_1 admin-state enable sender-udp-port 37266 reflector-ip padding-length 1381 measurement-interval 60


Command Objective:
This command enters the TWAMP sender test-session

The no form of the command deletes the TWAMP sender test-session.

oe-twamp-session-sender < integer >

no oe-twamp-session-sender < integer >

Parameter Description:

  • Id - Sender session ID

Offload Engine Switch Virtual Interface (config-oe-svi)


Your Product(config-oe-svi)# oe-twamp-session-sender

test-session (TWAMP Reflector)

Command Objective:
This command configures a TWAMP session reflector test-session.

By default the TWAMP reflector is started as soon as it is configured if status is enable.

test-session {[name <string(43)>} ] [{admin-state { "disable" | "enable" } }] [{sender-ip {<ipv4_addr>|<ip6_addr>}}] [{sender-udp-port <integer(1-65535)>}] [{reflector-udp-port <integer(1-65535)>}]

Parameter Description:

  • name - Session name
  • admin-state - Used to enable or disable operation of a TWAMP Session-Reflector. Default value is enable.
    Note: This is the only parameter that can be modified after creation.
  • sender-ip - IP address format IPv4 or IPv6 of the Sender.
  • reflector-udp-port - UDP local port number. Default value is 862.
  • sender-udp-port - UDP remote port number. Default value is 862.

TWAMP Reflector (config-twamp-reflector)

Notes: The TWAMP sender session is created within the context of a specific Offload Engine Switch Virtual Interface (OE-SVI) instance and therefore implicitly inherits any needed attributes.

Admin State:

  • enable: TWAMP Session is enabled

  • disable: TWAMP Session is disabled

Operational Status:

  • disabled: Admin State is not enabled

  • up: VLAN state is up AND Ethernet link state is up AND the ARP cache status is valid

  • down: VLAN state is down OR Ethernet link state is down OR ARP cache status is not valid


Your Product(config)# oe-svi 1

Your Product(config-oe-svi)# oe-twamp-session-reflector 1

Your Product(config-twamp-reflector) # test-session name TWPL_Reflector_1 sender-ip sender-udp-port 28051


Command Objective:
This command enters the TWAMP reflector test-session

The no form of the command deletes a TWAMP reflector test-session.

oe-twamp-session-reflector < integer(1-65535) >

no oe-twamp-session-reflector < integer(1-65535) >

Parameter Description:

  • Id - Session ID

Offload Engine Switch Virtual Interface (config-oe-svi)


Your Product(config-oe-svi)# oe-twamp-session-sender

Display Commands

This section includes TWAMP display commands.

show oe-svi object

Command Objective:
This command displays the list of oe-svi object(s) created.

show oe-svi

show oe-svi id {1-1000} { “configuration” | “status” | “te”}

show oe-svi name <string(43)> { “configuration” | “status” | “te” }

Parameter Description:

  • oe-svi ID object

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show oe-svi
Total number : 2 

 ID |   Name
  2 | Montreal_Quebec_corridor
  4 | Toronto_Montreal_corridor

show oe-twamp-session-sender

Command Objective:
This command displays the TWAMP sender test-session details.

show oe-twamp-session-sender

show oe-twamp-session-sender name <string(43)> {“configuration“ | “status“}

show oe-twamp-session-sender id <integer(1-65535)> {“configuration“ | “status“}

Parameter Description:

  • name - Session name
  • Id - Sender session ID

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show oe-twamp-session-sender
Total number  : 3

ID |   Name
  2 | Test_TWAMP_1
  4 | Test_TWAMP_2 

show oe-twamp-session-reflector

Command Objective:
This command displays the TWAMP sender test-session details.

show oe-twamp-session-reflector

show oe-twamp-session-reflector name <string(43)> {“configuration“ | “status“}

show oe-twamp-session-reflector id <integer(1-65535)> {“configuration“ | “status“}

Parameter Description:

  • name - Session name
  • Id - Session ID

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show oe-twamp-session-reflector
Total number  : 3

ID |   Name
  2 | Test_Reflector_1
  4 | Test_Reflector_2
  8 | Test_Reflector_3

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