SNMP Commands
  • 10 Jul 2024
  • 18 Minutes to read
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SNMP Commands

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Article summary

SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) CLI commands are categorized as follows:

Configuration Commands

This section includes SNMP configuration commands.

snmp access

Command Objective:
This command configures the SNMP group access details. To configure an SNMP access along with the group, a group must have already been created using the snmp group command.

The no form of the command removes the SNMP group access details.

snmp access < GroupName > {v1 | v2c | v3 {auth | noauth | priv}} [read <ReadView | none>] [write <WriteView | none>] [notify <NotifyView | none>] [{volatile | nonvolatile}] [context <string(32)> ]

no snmp access {v1 | v2c | v3 {auth | noauth | priv}}

Parameter Description:

  • < GroupName > - Sets the name of the group for which access is to be provided.
  • v1 | v2c | v3 – Sets the SNMP verison.
    • v1 – Sets the SNMP version as Version 1
    • v2c – Sets the SNMP version as Version 2
    • v3 – Sets the SNMP version as Version 3
  • auth - Enables Message digest (MD5) or Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) packet authentication.
  • noauth - Sets no-authentication.
  • priv - Sets both authentication and privacy.
  • read - Mentions the MIB view of the SNMP context to which read access is authorized by this entry.
  • write - Mentions the MIB view of the SNMP context to which write access is authorized by this entry.
  • notify - Mentions the MIB view of the SNMP context to which notification access is authorized by this entry.
  • volatile | nonvolatile – Sets the required storage type for the group entry
    • volatile – Sets the storage type as temporary. Erases the configuration setting on restarting the system.
    • nonvolatile – Sets the storage type as permanent. Saves the configuration to the system. The saved configuration is viewed on restarting the system.
  • context< string(32) > - Configures the name of the SNMP context. The maximum length of the string is 32.

Global Configuration Mode


  • Group Name - iso
  • Read/Write/Notify view - iso
  • Storage Type - volatile
  • Row status - Active
  • Group Name - initial
  • Read/Write/Notify View - restricted
  • Storage Type - non-volatile
  • Group Name - Initial
  • Read/Write/Notify View - iso
    Storage Type - non-volatile


Your Product (config)# snmp group myv3group user myv3user security-model v1 volatile

snmp community index

Command Objective:
This command configures the SNMP community details.

The no form of this command removes the SNMP community details.

snmp community index < CommunityIndex > name < CommunityName > security < SecurityName > [context < Name >] [{volatile | nonvolatile}] [transporttag < TransportTagIdentifier | none >] [contextengineid < ContextEngineID >]

no snmp community index < CommunityIndex >

Parameter Description:

  • < CommunityIndex > - Creates a community index identifier which stores the index value of the row. This ID must be unique for every community name entry.
  • name< CommunityName > - Creates a community name which stores the community string.
  • security< SecurityName > - Stores the security model of the corresponding Snmp community name.
  • Context < Name >- Enables traps when MEP receives atleast one invalid CCM whose CCM interval is not timed out.
  • volatile | nonvolatile – Sets the storage type as either volatile or non volatile.
    • volatile – Sets the storage type as temporary and erases the configuration setting on restarting the system.
    • nonvolatile – Sets the storage type as permanent and saves the configuration to the system. The saved configuration can be viewed on restarting the system.
  • < Passwd > - Sets the authentication password that will be used for the configured authentication algorithm.
  • priv – Sets the DES encryption and also the password to be used for the encryption key. Options are:
    • DES – Configures the data encryption standard algorithm related configuration.
    • TDES – Configures triple data encryption standard algorithm related configuration.
    • AES_CFB128 – Configures Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm for encryption.
    • AES_CFB192 – Configures Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm for encryption in 192 bits cipher feedback (CFB) mode.
    • AES_CFB256 – Configures Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm for encryption in 256 bits cipher feedback (CFB) mode.
    • AESCTR – Configures Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm for encryption in counter (CTR) mode.
    • AESCTR192 – Configures Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm for encryption in 192 bits counter (CTR) mode
    • AESCTR256 – Configures Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) algorithm for encryption in 256 bits counter (CTR) mode.
    • < Passwd > – Sets the authentication password that will be used for the configured authentication algorithm.
    • None – Sets encryption configuration as none.
  • volatile - Sets the storage type as temporary. Erases the configuration setting on restarting the system.
  • nonvolatile - Sets the storage type as permanent. Saves the configuration to the system. You can view the saved configuration on restarting the system.
  • EngineId < EngineID > - Sets the engine ID that is utilized as a unique identifier of a SNMPv3 engine. This engine ID is used to identify a source SNMPv3 entity and a destination SNMPv3 entity to coordinate the exchange of messages between the source and the destination.

Global Configuration Mode


  • UserName - Initial
  • Authentication Protocol - None
  • Privacy Protocol - None
  • Storage type - Non-volatile


Your Product (config)# snmp user user1

snmp group

Command Objective:
This command configures SNMP group details.

The no form of the command removes the SNMP group details.

snmp group < GroupName > user < UserName > security-model {v1 | v2c | v3 } [{volatile | nonvolatile}]

no snmp group < GroupName > user < UserName > security-model {v1 | v2c | v3 }

Parameter Description:

  • < GroupName > - Creates a name for an SNMP group.
  • user< UserName > - Sets an user for the configured group.
  • security-model – Sets the security model for SNMP
    • v1 – Sets the SNMP version as Version 1
    • v2c – Sets the SNMP version as Version 2
    • v3 – Sets the SNMP version as Version 3
  • volatile | nonvolatile – Sets the required storage type for the group entry
    • volatile – Sets the storage type as temporary. Erases the configuration setting on restarting the system.
    • nonvolatile – Sets the storage type as permanent. Saves the configuration to the system. The saved configuration is viewed on restarting the system.

Global Configuration Mode


  • Security model - V3
  • Security Name - none / initial / templateMD5 / templateSHA
  • Group Name - iso/initial
  • Storage Type - non volatile
  • Row status - Active


Your Product (config)# snmp group myv3group user myv3user security-model v1 volatile

snmp notify

Command Objective:
This command configures the SNMP notification details.

The no form of this command removes the SNMP notification details.

snmp notify < NotifyName > tag < TagName > type {Trap | Inform} [{volatile | nonvolatile}]

no snmp notify < NotifyName >

Parameter Description:

  • < NotifyName > - Configures an unique identifier associated with the entry.
  • tag< TagName >- Sets a notification tag, which selects the entries in the Target Address Table.
  • type – Sets the notification type. The list contains:
    • Trap – Allows routers to send traps to SNMP managers. Trap is a one-way message from a network element such as a router, switch or server; to the network management system.
    • Inform – Allows routers / switches to send inform requests to SNMP managers.
  • volatile - Sets the storage type as temporary. Erases the configuration setting on restarting the system.
  • nonvolatile - Sets the storage type as permanent. Saves the configuration to the system. The saved configuration can be viewed on restarting the system.

Global Configuration Mode


  • Notify Name - iss/iss1
  • Notify Tag - iss/iss1
  • Storage type - volatile


Your Product (config)# snmp notify note1 tag tag1 type Inform

snmp targetaddr

Command Objective:
This command configures the SNMP target address. This is the transport address used in generation of SNMP messages.

The no form of the command removes the configured SNMP target address.

snmp targetaddr < TargetAddressName > param < ParamName > {< ucast_addr > | < IP6Address > | < dns_host_name >} [timeout < Seconds(1-1500) >] [retries < RetryCount(1-3) >] [taglist < TagIdentifier | none >] [{volatile | nonvolatile}] [port < integer (1-65535) >]no snmp targetaddr < TargetAddressName >

Parameter Description:

  • < TargetAddressName > - Configures a unique identifier of the Target. This value is a string of maximum size 32.
  • param< ParamName >- Configures the parameters when generating messages to be sent to transport address. This value is a string of maximum size 32.
  • ucast_address - Configures a unicast target address to which the generated SNMP notifications are sent.
  • IP6Address- Configures a IP6 target address to which the generated SNMP notifications are sent.
  • dns_host_name - Configures the DNS host name to which the generated SNMP notifications are sent. This value is a sting of maximum size 255.
  • timeout< Seconds(1-1500) > - Configures the time in which the SNMP agent waits for a response from the SNMP Manager before retransmitting the Inform Request Message. This value ranges from 1 to 1500 seconds.
  • retries< RetryCount(1-3) > - Configures the default number of retries to be attempted when a response is not received for a generated message. This value ranges from 1 to 3.
  • taglist< TagIdentifier | none > - Configures the tag identifier that selects the target address for the SNMP. This value is an octet string of maximum size 255.The taglist can also be set as none using the none option.
  • volatile - Sets the storage type as temporary. This action erases the configuration setting on restarting the system.
  • nonvolatile – Sets the storage type as permanent. This action saves the configuration to the system. The saved configuration can be viewed on restarting the system.
  • port < integer (1-65535) > - Configures a port number through which the generated SNMP notifications are sent to the target address. The value ranges from 1 to 65535.

Global Configuration Mode


  • Timeout - 1500
  • retries - 3
  • volatile | nonvolatile - nonvolatile

Note: This configuration is effective only if Target param is configured.


Your Product (config)# snmp targetaddr ad1 param p1 timeout 1 volatile port 2

snmp targetparams

Command Objective:
This command configures the SNMP target parameters.

The no form of the command removes the SNMP target parameters.

snmp targetparams < ParamName > user < UserName > security-model {v1 | v2c | v3 {auth | noauth | priv}} message-processing {v1 | v2c | v3} [{volatile | nonvolatile}] [filterprofile-name < profilename > [filter-storagetype {volatile | nonvolatile}]]

no snmp targetparams < ParamName >

Parameter Description:

  • < ParamName > - Configures a unique identifier of the parameter. This value is a string of maximum size 32.
  • User < UserName >- Configures an user for which the target parameter is to be configured. This value is a string of maximum size 32.
  • security-model – Sets the security model for the SNMP version.
    • v1 – Sets the SNMP version as Version 1.
    • v2c – Sets the SNMP version as Version 2.
    • v3 – Sets the SNMP version as Version 3.
    • auth – Enables Message digest (MD5) or Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA) packet authentication.
    • noauth – Sets no-authentication
    • priv – Specifies both authentication and privacy.
  • message-processing – Sets the message processing model.
    • v1 – Sets the SNMP version as Version 1.
    • v2c – Sets the SNMP version as Version 2.
    • v3 – Sets the SNMP version as Version 3.
  • volatile - Sets the storage type as temporary. Erases the configuration setting on restarting the system.
  • nonvolatile - Sets the storage type as permanent. Saves the configuration to the system. The saved configuration can be viewed on restarting the system.
  • filterprofile-name < profilename > - Configures the profile name. This value is a string of maximum size 32.
  • filter-storagetype – Sets the required storage type for the filter profile
    • volatile – Sets the storage type as temporary. Erases the configuration setting on restarting the system.
    • nonvolatile – Sets the storage type as permanent. Saves the configuration to the system. The saved configuration is viewed on restarting the system.

Global Configuration Mode

Note: User information should be configured prior to the configuration of SNMP target parameters.


Your Product (config)# snmp targetparams param1 user user1 security-model v3 noauth message-processing v3

snmp user

Command Objective:
This command configures the SNMP user details.

The no form of the command removes the SNMP user details.

snmp user < UserName > [auth {md5 | sha | sha256 | sha384 | sha512} < passwd > [priv {{{DES | TDES | AES_CFB128 | AES_CFB192 | AES_CFB256 | AESCTR | AESCTR192 | AESCTR256} < passwd >} | None}]] [{volatile | nonvolatile}] [EngineId < EngineID >]

no snmp user < UserName > [EngineId < EngineID >]

Parameter Description:

  • < UserName > - Configures an user name which is the User-based Security Model dependent security ID.
  • auth – Sets an authentication Algorithm. Options are:
    • md5 – Sets the Message Digest 5 based authentication.
    • sha – Sets the Security Hash Algorithm based authentication.
    • sha256 – Sets the Security Hash Algorithm based authentication as SHA 256.
    • sha384 – Sets the Security Hash Algorithm based authentication as SHA 384.
    • sha512 – Sets the Security Hash Algorithm based authentication as SHA 512.
  • name< CommunityName > - Creates a community name which stores the community string.
  • security< SecurityName > - Stores the security model of the corresponding Snmp community name.
  • Context < Name >- Enables traps when MEP receives atleast one invalid CCM whose CCM interval is not timed out.
  • volatile | nonvolatile – Sets the storage type as either volatile or non volatile.
    • volatile – Sets the storage type as temporary and erases the configuration setting on restarting the system.
    • nonvolatile – Sets the storage type as permanent and saves the configuration to the system. The saved configuration can be viewed on restarting the system.
  • < TransportTagIdentifier > - Specifies a set of transport endpoints from which a command responder application can accept management request.
  • contextengineid - Indicates the location of the context through which the management information is accessed when using the community string specified by the corresponding instance of SNMP community name.

Global Configuration Mode


  • Community Index - NETMAN/PUBLIC
  • CommunityName - NETMAN/PUBLIC
  • Security Name - None
  • ContextName - Null
  • Context EngineID -
  • Transport Tag - Null
  • Storage type - Non Volatile
  • Row Status - Active


Your Product (config)# snmp community index myv3com name myv3com security xyz context myinst nonvolatile transporttag myv3tag

snmp view

Command Objective:
This command configures the SNMP view.

The no form of the command removes the SNMP view.

snmp view < ViewName > < OIDTree > [mask < OIDMask >] {included | excluded} [{volatile | nonvolatile}]

no snmp view < ViewName > < OIDTree >

Parameter Description:

  • < ViewName > - Specifies the view name for which the view details are to be configured. This is a string value with maximum size as 32.
  • < OIDTree > - Specifies the sub tree value for the particular view.
  • mask < OIDMask > - Specifies a mask value for the particular view.
  • included - Allows access to the subtree.
  • excluded - Denies access to the subtree.
  • volatile - Sets the storage type as temporary. Erases the configuration setting on restarting the system.
  • nonvolatile - Sets the storage type as permanent. Saves the configuration to the system. The saved configuration can be viewed on restarting the system.

Global Configuration Mode


  • View Name - iso/restricted
  • OIDTree - 1
  • OIDMask - 1
  • View type - included
  • Storage type - non-volatile
  • Row status - Active

Note: To configure an SNMP view (read/write/notify), a group must have already been created using the snmp group command and SNMP group access must be configured using the snmp access command.


Your Product (config)# snmp view v2readview mask included nonvolatile

Display Commands

This section includes SNMP display commands.

show snmp

Command Objective:
This command displays the status information of SNMP communications.

show snmp

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show snmp
 0 SNMP Packets Input
     0 Bad SNMP Version errors
     0 Unknown community name
     0 Get request PDUs
     0 Get Next PDUs
     0 Set request PDUs
  0 SNMP Packets Output
     0 Too big errors
     0 No such name errors
     0 Bad value errors
     0 General errors
     0 Trap PDUs
  0 SNMP Rollback failures
 SNMP Manager-role output packets
     0 Drops
 SNMP Informs:
     0 Inform Requests generated
     0 Inform Responses received
     0 Inform messages Dropped
     0 Inform Requests awaiting Acknowledgement
 SNMP Trap Listen Port is 162
 snmp agent port : 170

show snmp community

Command Objective:
This command displays the configured SNMP community details.

show snmp community

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show snmp community
Community Index: NETMAN
Community Name: NETMAN
Security Name: none
Context Name:
Transport Tag:
Storage Type: volatile
Row Status: active
Community Index: PUBLIC
Community Name: PUBLIC
Security Name: none
Context Name:
Transport Tag:
Storage Type: volatile
Row Status: active

show snmp engineID

Command Objective:
This command displays the Engine Identifier.

show snmp engineID

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show snmp engineID


show snmp group

Command Objective:
This command displays the configured SNMP groups.

show snmp group

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show snmp group
Security Model: v1
Security Name: none
Group Name: iso
Storage Type: volatile
Row Status: active
Security Model: v2c
Security Name: none
Group Name: iso
Storage Type: volatile
Row Status: active
Security Model: v3
Security Name: initial
Group Name: initial
Storage Type: nonVolatile
Row Status: active
Security Model: v3
Security Name: templateMD5
Group Name: initial
Storage Type: nonVolatile
Row Status: active
Security Model: v3
Security Name: templateSHA
Group Name: initial
Storage Type: nonVolatile
Row Status: active

show snmp group access

Command Objective:
This command displays the configured SNMP group access details.

show snmp group access

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show snmp group access
Group Name: iso
Read View: iso
Write View: iso
Notify View: iso
Storage Type: volatile
Row Status: active
Group Name: iso
Read View: iso
Write View: iso
Notify View: iso
Storage Type: volatile
Row Status: active
Group Name: initial
Read View: restricted
Write View: restricted
Notify View: restricted
Storage Type: nonVolatile
Row Status: active
Group Name: initial
Read View: iso
Write View: iso
Notify View: iso
Storage Type: nonVolatile
Row Status: active

show snmp notif

Command Objective:
This command displays the configured SNMP Notification types.

show snmp notif

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show snmp notif
Notify Name: iss
Notify Tag: iss
Notify Type: trap
Storage Type: volatile
Row Status: active
Notify Name: iss1
Notify Tag: iss1
Notify Type: trap
Storage Type: volatile
Row Status: active

show snmp-server traps

Command Objective:
This command displays the set of traps that are currently enabled.

show snmp-server traps

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show snmp-server traps
Currently enabled traps:

show snmp targetaddr

Command Objective:
This command displays the configured SNMP target Addresses.

show snmp targetaddr

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show snmp targetaddr
Target Address Name : ht231
IP Address          :
Port                : 150
Tag List            : tg231
Parameters          : pa231
Storage Type        : Non-volatile
Row Status          : Active

show snmp targetparam

Command Objective:
This command displays the configured SNMP Target Address Params.

show snmp targetparam

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show snmp targetparam
Target Parameter Name    : internet
Message Processing Model : v2c
Security Model           : v2c
Security Name            : none
Security Level           : No Authentication, No Privacy
Storage Type             : Non-volatile
Row Status               : Active
Filter Profile Name      : None
Row Status               : Active
Target Parameter Name    : pa231
Message Processing Model : v3
Security Model           : v3
Security Name            : u231
Security Level           : No Authentication, No Privacy
Storage Type             : Volatile
Row Status               : Active
Filter Profile Name      : filter1
Row Status               : Active
Target Parameter Name    : test1
Message Processing Model : v2c
Security Model           : v1
Security Name            : none
Security Level           : No Authentication, No Privacy
Storage Type             : Non-volatile
Row Status               : Active
Filter Profile Name      : None
Row Status               : Active

show snmp tcp

Command Objective:
This command displays the configuration for SNMP over TCP.

show snmp tcp

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show snmp tcp
snmp over tcp disabled
snmp trap over tcp disabled
snmp listen tcp port 161
Snmp listen tcp trap port 162

show snmp user

Command Objective:
This command displays the configured SNMP users.

show snmp user

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show snmp user
Engine ID               :
User                    : user1
Authentication Protocol : None
Privacy Protocol        : None
Storage Type            : Nonvolatile
Row Status              : Active
Engine ID               :
User                    : noAuthUser
Authentication Protocol : None
Privacy Protocol        : None
Storage Type            : Nonvolatile
Row Status              : Active
Engine ID               :
User                    : templateMD5
Authentication Protocol : MD5
Privacy Protocol        : None
Storage Type            : Nonvolatile
Row Status              : Active
Engine ID               :
User                    : templateSHA
Authentication Protocol : SHA
Privacy Protocol        : AES_CFB128
Storage Type            : Nonvolatile
Row Status              : Active

show snmp viewtree

Command Objective:
This command displays the configured SNMP Tree views.

show snmp viewtree

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# show snmp viewtree
View Name: iso
Subtree OID: 1
Subtree Mask:
View Type: included
Storage Type: nonVolatile
Row Status: active
View Name: restricted
Subtree OID: 1
Subtree Mask:
View Type: included
Storage Type: nonVolatile
Row Status: active

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