PM Telemetry
  • 28 Jun 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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PM Telemetry

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Article summary

The following article details the Telemetry feature supported by Assurance Sensor F100 and F25.


The Telemetry application collects raw Performance Monitoring (PM) data from various entities in the unit. The data is aggregated and transformed into PM records suitable for external consumption (i.e. End Users, Data Collection). Put differently, Telemetry is responsible for gathering PM data into reporting intervals and sending the data to Data Collector.

The Telemetry application is configured and managed by End Users via the existing management interfaces (CLI, SNMP, etc.). The figure below provides an example of the Telemetry application as deployed in a Assurance Sensor F100 and F25 platform.

Assurance Sensor F telemetry figure.PNG

Configuring Telemetry to Collect PM Measurement Data

The following procedure and commands are used to configure the Telemetry application in order to collect PM measurement data.

To configure Telemetry

  1. Enable the Telemetry feature using the following commands:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# set telemetry enable 

your product(config)# end
your product# 
  1. Use the following commands to enable which metric type(s) you wish to collect PM data (e.g. DMM or SLM). This is under the CLI’s Telemetry context.
your product# configure terminal

your product(config)# telemetry
your product(telemetry)# 

your product(telemetry)# set dmm enable
your product(telemetry)# set slm enable 
  1. Configure the measurement interval (in seconds) over which the PM data is aggregated. You can configure the measurement interval per PM metric type (DMM or SLM), or use the keyword all to apply the same measurement interval uniformly to both metric types.
your product(telemetry)# measurement-interval 900 all
your product(telemetry)# end
your product#

Retrieving Current and Historical PM Records

Once a DMM or SLM instance has been configured in the system (see above), the measurement data can be retrieved for the current and historical measurement intervals.

Retrieving the Current Measurement Interval

To retrieve the current measurement interval

  1. Use the following as an example:
your product# show telemetry statistics current dmm domain none service abc mpid 1 rmpid 2 test-id 1
Current statistics for DMM

ifindex      : 5
level        : 2
vlanid       : 5
mepid        : 1
rmepid       : 2
testid       : 1

Start time : 02-03-2023 17:00:00
Current time : 02-03-2023 17:01:18

Suspect flag         : false

Samples              :         78

One-Way Frame Delay
  Valid              : false
  Instant value (us) :        ---
  Min value (us)     :        ---
  Max value (us)     :        ---
  Average value (us) :        ---

One-Way Inter Frame Delay Variation
  Instant value (us) :          3
  Min value (us)     :          3
  Max value (us)     :          3
  Average value (us) :          3

Two-Way Frame Delay
  Instant value (us) :          5
  Min value (us)     :          5
  Max value (us)     :          5
  Average value (us) :          5

Two-Way Inter Frame Delay Variation
  Instant value (us) :          0
  Min value (us)     :          0
  Max value (us)     :          0
  Average value (us) :          0

Retrieving a History Measurement Interval

To retrieve a history measurement record

  1. Use the following as an example:
your product#  show telemetry statistics history dmm domain none service abc mpid 1 rmpid 2 test-id 1 latest
History statistics for DMM

ifindex      : 5
level        : 2
vlanid       : 5
mepid        : 1
rmepid       : 2
testid       : 1

Start time : 02-03-2023 16:45:00
End time : 02-03-2023 17:00:00
Period id :      16110

Suspect flag         : false

Samples              :        900

One-Way Frame Delay
  Valid              : false
  Min value (us)     :        ---
  Max value (us)     :        ---
  Average value (us) :        ---

One-Way Inter Frame Delay Variation
  Min value (us)     :          3
  Max value (us)     :          3
  Average value (us) :          3

Two-Way Frame Delay
  Min value (us)     :          5
  Max value (us)     :          5
  Average value (us) :          5

Two-Way Inter Frame Delay Variation
  Min value (us)     :          0
  Max value (us)     :          0
  Average value (us) :          0

Retrieving a Specific Record

Alternatively, it is possible to retrieve a specific record you may be interested in, and not only the latest history measurement record (example 2).

To retrieve a specific record

  1. Use the keyword record-id instead of ‘latest’ as follows:
your product#  show telemetry statistics history dmm domain none service abc mpid 1 rmpid 2 test-id 1 record-id 2
History statistics for DMM

ifindex      : 5
level        : 2
vlanid       : 5
mepid        : 1
rmepid       : 2
testid       : 1

  Start time : 02-03-2023 16:45:00
    End time : 02-03-2023 17:00:00
   Period id :      16110

Suspect flag         : false

Samples              :        900

One-Way Frame Delay
  Valid              : false
  Min value (us)     :        ---
  Max value (us)     :        ---
  Average value (us) :        ---

One-Way Inter Frame Delay Variation
  Min value (us)     :          3
  Max value (us)     :          3
  Average value (us) :          3

Two-Way Frame Delay
  Min value (us)     :          5
  Max value (us)     :          5
  Average value (us) :          5

Two-Way Inter Frame Delay Variation
  Min value (us)     :          0
  Max value (us)     :          0
  Average value (us) :          0

Configuring Telemetry to Stream PM Data to Data Collector

Telemetry can also stream the PM history data to a remote device running an instance of the Data Collector. The Data Collector is tasked with collecting the PM history records from each Assurance Sensor F100 and F25 device in the network and then generates corresponding CSV (comma-separated value) files containing the PM history records.

This functionality must be configured in addition to the basic telemetry configuration.

To configure Telemetry in order to stream PM data to the Data Collector

  1. Use the following commands:
your product# configure terminal         
your product(config)# telemetry
your product(telemetry)# set reporter-type openmetrics status enable ip port 32155
your product(telemetry)# end
your product# 

Saving the Configuration

Lastly, once everything is configured and running properly, save your running configuration using the write startup-config command.

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