LA Commands
  • 10 Jul 2024
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LA Commands

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Article summary

LA (Link Aggregation) is a method of combining physical network links into a single logical link for increased bandwidth.

Link Aggregation CLI commands are categorized as follows:

Enable and Disable Commands

This section includes LA enable and disable commands.

set port-channel

Command Objective:
This command configures the admin status of LA in the switch. The LA feature is made available in the switch only if LA is enabled in the switch.

LA feature allows aggregating individual point-to-point links into a port channel group, so that the capacity and availability of the communications channel between devices are increased using the existing interface technology.

set port-channel { enable | disable }

Parameter Description:

  • enable - Enables LA feature in the switch. Also starts the LA in the switch if the LA is shutdown.
  • disable- Disables LA feature in the switch..

Global Configuration Mode



Your Product(config)# set port-channel enable

shutdown port-channel

Command Objective:
This command shuts down the LA feature in the switch and releases all resources allocated to the LA feature.

The no form of the command starts and enables the LA feature in the switch and allocates required memory to the LA module. The LA feature is only made available in the switch if LA is enabled in the switch.

LA feature allows aggregating individual point-to-point links into a port channel group, so that the capacity and availability of the communications channel between devices are increased using the existing interface technology.

shutdown port-channel

no shutdown port-channel

Global Configuration Mode

LA is started in the switch, but not enabled; LA operational status is disabled.

Note: LA cannot be started in the switch if the base bridge Mode is configured as transparent bridging.


Your Product(config)# shutdown port-channel

Configuration Commands

This section includes LA configuration commands.


Command Objective:
This command adds the port as a member of the specified port channel that is already created in the switch.

The no form of the command deletes the aggregation of the port from all port channels.

channel-group <channel-group-number(1-65535)> mode {auto [non-silent] | desirable [non-silent] | on | active | passive }

no channel-group

Parameter Description:

  • < channel-group-number(1-65535) > - Adds the port as a member of the specified port channel. This is a unique value that represents the specific port-channel created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.
  • mode – Configures the LACP activity for the port:.
    • auto – Places a port into a passive negotiating state in which the port responds to received PAgP packets, but does not initiate PAgP packet negotiation. This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.
    • desirable – Places a port into an active negotiating state in which the port initiates negotiations with other ports by sending PAgP packets. This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.
    • [non-silent] – Used with the auto or desirable keyword when traffic is expected from the other device. This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.
    • active – Starts LACP negotiation un-conditionally.
    • passive – Starts LACP negotiation only when LACP packet is received from peer.
    • on – Forces the interface to channel without LACP. This is equivalent to manual aggregation.

Mode :
Interface Configuration Mode (Physical Interface Mode)

Note: This command can only be executed successfully if the LA functionality is started and enabled in the switch.


Your Product(config-if)# channel-group 2 mode active


Command Objective:
This command enables link aggregation in the switch.

This command is a standardized implementation of the existing command; set port-channel. It operates similar to the existing command.

The no form of the command disables link aggregation in the switch.

channel-protocol { lacp }

no channel-protocol

Parameter Description:

  • lacp - Configures LACP (Link Aggregation Control Protocol) to manage channeling.

Global Configuration Mode

Link aggregation is disabled


Your Product(config)# channel-protocol lacp

default port

Command Objective:
This command configures the port that should be set as default port for a port channel.

The configured port attaches with the port channel and only participates in dynamic aggregation selection.

The no form of the command deletes the default port assigned for the port channel.

default port < interface-type > < interface-id >

no default port

Parameter Description:

  • < interface-type > - Configures the type of interface to be set as default port for the port channel. The interface can be:
    • fastethernet - Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.
    • gigabitethernet - A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 1 Gigabit per second.
    • extreme-ethernet - A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second. This Ethernet supports only full duplex links.
    • i-lan - Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.
  • < interface-id > - Configures the ID of the interface to be set as default port. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash for interface type other than i-lan. For Example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan ID is provided for interface type i-lan. For Example: 1 represents i-lan ID.

Interface Configuration Mode (Port Channel Interface Mode)


  • This command can be executed successfully only if the LA functionality is started and enabled in the switch.
  • Only one port can be set as a default port.
  • The port that is set as default port should have not been added as a member port for any of the port channels.


Your Product(config-if)# default port gigabitethernet 0/2

port-channel max-ports

Command Objective:
This command configures the maximum number of ports that can be attached to a port channel. This value ranges from 1 to 2.

The best ports are maintained in active state and other ports are maintained in standby state, if the total number of ports attached to the port-channel exceeds the configured value.

port-channel max-ports < integer (1-2) >

Interface Configuration Mode (Port Channel Interface Mode)


Note: This command can only be executed successfully if the LA functionality is started and enabled in the switch.


Your Product(config-if)# port-channel max-ports 1

port-channel rec-threshold-exceed-action

Command Objective:
This command configures the action to be performed on reaching the recovery threshold.

The no form of this command resets the action to be performed on reaching the recovery threshold.

port-channel rec-threshold-exceed-action {none | shutdown}

no port-channel rec-threshold-exceed-action

Parameter Description:

  • none - Sets the recovery threshold exceed action as None in the port channel. No action is performed on reaching the recovery threshold of the port; the port remains in the same state (admin up).
  • shutdown - Shuts down the recovery threshold exceed action in the port channel. The adminatrative status of the port is made as down when the recovery is triggered after reaching the threshold value.

Global Configuration Mode



Your Product(config)# port-channel rec-threshold-exceed-action none

Display Commands

This section includes LA display commands.

show etherchannel

Command Objective:
This command displays etherchannel information for port-channels created in the switch. This information contains admin and oper status of port-channel module, and status of protocol operate mode for each group.

show etherchannel

Privileged Exec Mode

Note: This command only executes if the LA functionality is started on the switch.


Your Product# show etherchannel
Port-channel Module Admin Status is enabled
Port-channel Module Oper Status is enabled
Port-channel Independent mode is enabled
Port-channel System Identifier is  00:01:02:03:04:05
LACP System Priority: 1
LACP Error Recovery Time: 90
LACP Error Recovery Threshold: 5
LACP Recovery Triggered count: 0
LACP Error Recovery Threshold for Defaulted State : 10
LACP Error Recovery Threshold for Hardware Failure : 10
LACP Same state threshold : 5 

                 Channel Group Listing
Group : 1
Group Status : L2
Protocol : LACP

show etherchannel - channel

Command Objective:
This command displays etherchannel information for the specified port-channel groups created in the switch.

If the switch L2RED_WANTED is set as no during compilation of exe:

show etherchannel <channel-group-number(1-65535)> { detail | port | port-channel | summary | protocol }

If the switch L2RED_WANTED is set as yes during compilation of exe:

show etherchannel <channel-group-number(1-65535)> { detail | port | port-channel | summary | protocol | redundancy}

Parameter Description:

  • <channel-group-number(1-65535)> - Displays Etherchannel information for the specified port-channel group. This is a unique value that represents the specific port-channel created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.
  • detail - Displays detailed Etherchannel information. The information contains admin and oper status of port channel module, LACP system priority, status of protocol operate mode for each group, port details for each group and port channel details. The port details contain port state, group to which the port belongs, port mode, aggregation state, port-channel ID, pseudo port-channel ID, admin key, oper key, port number, port state, and LACP port-priority, wait-time, port identifier, activity and timeout. The port channel details contain port channel ID, number of member ports, ID of hot standby port, port state, status of protocol operate mode, aggregator MAC and default port ID.
  • port - Displays the status of protocol operate mode and port details for each group. The port details contain port state, group to which the port belongs, port mode, aggregation state, port-channel ID, pseudo port-channel ID, admin key, oper key, port number, port state, and LACP port-priority, wait-time, port identifier, activity and timeout.
  • port-channel - Displays the admin and oper status of port channel module, and port channel details. The port channel details contain port channel ID, number of member ports, ID of hot standby port, port state, status of protocol operate mode, aggregator MAC and default port ID.
  • summary - Displays the admin and oper status of port channel module, number of channel groups used, number of aggregators, group IDs, and port channel ID, status of protocol operate mode and member ports for each group.
  • protocol - Displays the status of protocol operate mode for each port-channel group.
  • redundancy - Displays the actor information and synchronized partner information for the port, port state flags decode information, and aggregation state. The actor information contain channel group ID, pseudo port channel ID and currentwhile split interval timer count value. The partner information contains partner system ID, flags, LACP partner port priority and LACP partner oper key. The decode information contains LACP activity and LACP timeout.
    Note: This parameter only displays the output in NPSIM exe.

Privileged Exec Mode

Note: This command only executes if the LA functionality is started on the switch and Port channel is created in the system.


Your Product# show etherchannel summary
Port-channel Module Admin Status is enabled
Port-channel Module Oper Status is enabled
Port-channel recovery action on exceeding Threshold is None
Port-channel Independent mode is enabled
Port-channel System Identifier is  00:01:02:03:04:05
LACP System Priority: 1
LACP Error Recovery Time: 3600
LACP Error Recovery Threshold: 5
LACP Recovery Triggered count: 0
LACP Error Recovery Threshold for Defaulted State : 10
LACP Error Recovery Threshold for Hardware Failure : 10
LACP Same state threshold : 5

D - down         P - in port-channel
I - stand-alone  H - Hot-standby (LACP only)
E - ErrDisabled
U - in-use       d - default port
R - Layer3
AD - Admin Down      AU - Admin Up
OD - Operative Down  OU - Operative Up
Number of channel-groups in use: 1
Number of aggregators: 1

Group  Port-channel    Protocol   Ports
1      Po1(D)[AU,OD]   LACP       Gi0/1(Dd)

show etherchannel - detail

Command Objective:
This command displays the etherchannel related information for all Port channels created in the switch.

If the switch L2RED_WANTED is set as no during compilation of exe:

show etherchannel { detail | port | port-channel | summary | protocol | mc-lag | iccl}

If the switch L2RED_WANTED is set as yes during compilation of exe:

show etherchannel { detail | port | port-channel | summary | protocol | redundancy | mc-lag}

Parameter Description:

  • detail - Displays detailed Etherchannel information. The information contain admin and oper status of port channel module, LACP system priority, status of protocol operate mode for each group, port details for each group and port channel details. The port details contain port state, group to which the port belongs, port mode, aggregation state, port-channel ID, pseudo port-channel ID, admin key, oper key, port number, port state, and LACP port-priority, wait-time, port identifier, activity and timeout. The port channel details contain port channel ID, number of member ports, ID of hot standby port, port state, status of protocol operate mode, aggregator MAC and default port ID.
  • port - Displays the status of protocol operate mode and port details for each group. The port details contain port state, group to which the port belongs, port mode, aggregation state, port-channel ID, pseudo port-channel ID, admin key, oper key, port number, port state, and LACP port-priority, wait-time, port identifier, activity and timeout.
  • port-channel - Displays the admin and oper status of port channel module, and port channel details. The port channel details contain port channel ID, number of member ports, ID of hot standby port, port state, status of protocol operate mode, aggregator MAC and default port ID.
  • summary - Displays the admin and oper status of port channel module, number of channel groups used, number of aggregators, group IDs, and port channel ID, status of protocol operate mode and member ports for each group.
  • protocol - Displays the status of protocol operate mode for each port-channel group.
  • redundancy - Displays the actor information and synchronized partner information for the port, port state flags decode information, and aggregation state. The actor information contain channel group ID, pseudo port channel ID and currentwhile split interval timer count value. The partner information contains partner system ID, flags, LACP partner port priority and LACP partner oper key. The decode information contain LACP activity and LACP timeout.
    Note: This parameter displays the output only in NPSIM exe.
  • mc-lag - Displays the MC-LAG port-channel summary
  • iccl - Displays the ICCL port-channel summary

Privileged Exec Mode

Note: This command only executes if the LA functionality is started on the switch.


Your Product# show etherchannel detail
Port-channel Module Admin Status is enabled
Port-channel Module Oper Status is enabled
Port-channel Independent mode is disabled
Port-channel System Identifier is  00:01:02:03:04:05
LACP System Priority: 5

show interfaces - etherchannel

Command Objective:
This command displays etherchannel details for all aggregated ports and port channels.

The port details contain:

  • Port state
  • Group the port belongs to
  • Port mode
  • Aggregation state
  • Port-channel ID
  • Pseudo port-channel ID
  • Admin key
  • Oper key
  • Port number
  • Port state
  • LACP port-priority
  • Wait-time
  • Port identifier
  • Activity
  • Timeout.

The port channel details contain:

  • Port channel ID
  • Number of member ports
  • ID of hot standby port
  • Port state
  • Status of protocol operate mode
  • Aggregator MAC
  • Default port ID

show interfaces [< interface-type > < interface-id > ] etherchannel

Parameter Description:

  • < interface-type > - Displays the etherchannel details for the specified interface type. The interface can be:
    • fastethernet - Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.
    • gigabitethernet - A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 1 Gigabit per second.
    • extreme-ethernet - A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second. This Ethernet supports only full duplex links.
    • i-lan - Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.
  • < interface-id > - Displays the etherchannel details for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash for interface type other than i-lan. For Example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan ID is provided for interface type i-lan. For Example: 1 represents i-lan ID.

Privileged Exec Mode

Note: This command only executes if the LA functionality is started on the switch.


Your Product# show interfaces gigabitethernet 0/1 etherchannel
Port : Gi0/1

Port State = Up, Independent
Channel Group :  1
Mode : Active
Port-channel = Null
Pseudo port-channel = Po1
LACP port-priority  = 1
LACP Wait-time  = 1 secs
LACP Admin Port = 2
LACP Activity : Active
LACP Timeout : Short
Aggregation State : Aggregation, Sync, Defaulted Expired

                 LACP Port   Admin  Oper   Port    Port
Port     State   Priority    Key    Key    Number  State

show lacp

Command Objective:
This command displays LACP counter / neighbor information for all port-channels.

show lacp [<port-channel(1-65535)>] { counters | neighbor [detail] }

Parameter Description:

  • <port-channel(1-65535)> - Displays LACP counter / neighbor information for the specified port-channel. This is a unique value that represents the specific port-channel created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.
  • counters - Displays the LACP counter information. The information contains port ID, LACPDUs sent and received, number of markers sent and received, number of marker responses sent and received, number of LACPDUs packets and number of LACPDUs errors.
  • neighbor [detail] - Displays detailed LACP neighbor information. This information contain partner system ID, flags, aggregation state, LACP partner port priority, partner oper key, partner port state, activity and timeout.

Privileged Exec Mode

Note: This command only executes if the LA functionality is started on the switch and Port channel is created in the system.


Your Product# show lacp 1 counters
LACPDUs           Marker     Marker Response    LACPDUs       
Port   Sent  Recv      Sent  Recv      Sent   Recv      Pkts Err      
Error States
Detd Trgd
Channel group: 1
Gi0/1    394   352     0     0       0      0         0   0
Gi0/2    318   297     0     0       0      0         0   0

Clear Command

This section includes the LA clear command.

clear lacp counters

Command Objective:
This command clears the statistics of bridge, port channels and its member ports.

clear lacp counters [< port-channel(1-65535) >]

Privileged EXEC Mode


Your Product# clear lacp counters 1

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