ECFM General Configurations
  • 13 Jun 2023
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ECFM General Configurations

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Article summary

Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit Method
User EXECThis is the initial mode to start a session.your product>The logout method is used.
Privileged EXECThe User EXEC mode command enable is used to enter the Privileged EXEC mode.your product#The command disable is used to return to the User EXEC mode.
Global ConfigurationThe Privileged EXEC mode command configures the terminal is used to enter the Global Configuration Mode.your product(config)#The command exit/end is used to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode.
Multiple Instance ConfigurationThe Global Configuration mode command switch is used to enter the Multiple Instance Configuration modes.your product(config-switch)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used, and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
Interface ConfigurationThe Global Configuration Mode command interface < interface-type >< interface-id > is used to enter the Interface Configuration Mode.your product(config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used, and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
VLAN ConfigurationThe Multiple Instance Configuration mode command VLAN < VLAN ID > is used to enter the VLAN configuration mode.your product(config-switch-vlan)#To exit to the Multiple Instance Configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
SLA ConfigurationThe Global Configuration Mode command Y1564 sla < sla-id > is used to enter the SLA Configuration Mode.your product(config-sla-1564)#The command exit is used to exit to the Global Configuration mode. The command end is used to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode.
Traffic Profile ConfigurationThe Global Configuration Mode command Y1564 traffic-profile < traffic-profile-id > is used to enter the Traffic profile Configuration Modeyour product(config-traffic-profile-1564)#The command exit is used to exit to the Global Configuration mode. The command end is used to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode.
Service ConfigurationThe Global Configuration Mode command Y1564 service-configuration < service-id > is used to enter the service Configuration Modeyour product(config-service-config-1564)#The command exit is used to exit to the Global Configuration mode. The command end is used to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode.

CLI Configurations

The following table lists the access and exit methods to the various CLI configuration modes.

General Configurations

Command ModeAccess MethodPromptExit Method
User EXECThis is the initial mode to start a session.your product>The logout method is used.
Privileged EXECThe User EXEC mode command enable is used to enter the Privileged EXEC mode.your product#The command disable is used to return to the User EXEC mode.
Global ConfigurationThe Privileged EXEC mode command configures the terminalis used to enter the Global Configuration Mode.your product(config)#The command exit/end is used to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode.
Interface ConfigurationThe Global Configuration Mode command interface < interface-type >< interface-id > is used to enter the Interface Configuration Mode.your product(config-if)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used, and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
ECFM configurationThe global configuration mode command ethernet cfm domain is used to enter the ECFM configuration mode. In this mode, the user can configure various parameters applicable to this domain.your product(config-ether-ecfm)#To exit to the Global Configuration mode, the exit command is used, and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
ECFM MEP configurationThe interface configuration mode command ethernet cfm mep is used to enter the ECFM MEP configuration mode. In this mode, the user can configure various parameters applicable to this MEP.your product(config-ether-mep)#To exit to the Interface configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
Y1731 MPLS TP OAM configurationThe global configuration mode command y1731-mplstp oam domain is used to enter the ECFM configuration mode. In this mode, the user can configure various parameters applicable to this domain.your product(config-mpls-ecfm)#To exit the Global configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.
Y1731 MPLSTP OAM MEP configurationThe interface configuration mode command y1731-mplstp oam mep is used to enter the ECFM MEP configuration mode. In this mode, the user can configure various parameters applicable to this MEP.your product(config-mpls-mep)#To exit to the Interface configuration mode, the exit command is used and to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode, the end command is used.

SNMP Configurations

Scotty Manager, version 2.1.10 is used for the following SNMP operations:

  • MIB load
  • Set operation
  • Get operation
  • Walk operation

SNMP Operations

This section describes the various SNMP operations along with syntax and an example.

MIB Load

The MIB Load operation is used to register the MIB files with the SNMP manager.

mib load mib_file.mib

% mib load fsmsvlan.mib

The following table lists the MIB files that must be loaded in the SNMP manager before issuing any Get/Set operation.

MIB Files

MIB NameObject prefixDescription
AricentMIMst-MIBfsMIMstMIB module for Aricent proprietary multiple instance MSTP (Multiple Spanning Tree Protocol).
ARICENTQ-BRIDGE-MIBfsDot1qThe VLAN bridge MIB module for managing virtual bridged LANs (Local Area Networks), with multiple instance capability
ARICENT-PBB-MIBfsPbbInitial version of PBB MIB published in 802.1ap.
ARICENT-MIVLAN-EXT-MIBfsMIVlanThe multiple instance extension of VLAN bridge MIB module.
ARICENT-LA-MIBfsLaThe proprietary MIB module for LA
VCM-MIBfsVcmThe MIB module for the Aricent virtual context manager
ARICENT-MIStdBRIDGE-MIBfsDot1dThis MIB module for standard bridge MIB with multiple instance capability.
IF-MIBIfThe MIB module to describe generic objects for network interface sub-layers. This MIB is an updated version of MIB-II's ifTable. This MIB incorporates the extensions defined in RFC 1229.
AricentMIVlan-MIBfsMIDot1qThis MIB module is for Aricent proprietary multiple instance VLAN MIB.
P-BRIDGE-MIBdot1dThe bridge MIB extension module managing Priority and Multicast Filtering defined by IEEE 802.1D-1998 and including Restricted Group Registration defined by IEEE 802.1t-2001.
Q-BRIDGE-MIBdot1qThe VLAN bridge MIB module managing Virtual Bridged Local Area Networks defined by IEEE 802.1Q-2003, and including Restricted Vlan Registration defined by IEEE 802.1u-2001 and Vlan Classification defined by IEEE 802.1v-2001
ARICENTP-BRIDGE-MIBfsDot1dThe bridge MIB extension module with multiple instance capability for managing Priority and Multicast Filtering defined by IEEE 802.1D-1998. This MIB includes Restricted Group Registration defined by IEEE 802.1t-2001.
Aricent-MIRSTP-MIBfsMIRstMIB for multiple instance rapid spanning tree algorithm and protocol.
ECFM-MIBdot1agCfmMIB for connectivity fault management module for managing IEEE 802.1ag
ARICENT-ECFM-MIBfsEcfmThe proprietary MIB module for ECFM.
ARICENT-ECFM-MI-MIBfsMIEcfmThe proprietary MIB module for ECFM with multiple instance capability
ARICENT-ECFM-Y1731-MI-MIBfsMIY1731The Proprietary MIB for ECFM-Y1731 module with multiple instance capability.
ARICENT-ECFM-EXT-MI-MIBfsMIEcfmExtThe proprietary multiple instance MIB for extending ECFM module with 802.1ah features.

Set Operation

The Set operation is used to configure a particular value of an object indentified by the indices used in the operation.

% snmpSession set {{ObjectName.Index1.Index2 IndexN DataType ValueToBeSet}}

DataType is an optional argument.

To set the bridge mode of a switch with Context ID = 1 to Provider Backone I-Component Bridge, the syntax is:
% snmp 0 set {{fsMIVlanBridgeMode. 1 providerBackoneICompBridge}}
Where, Index1 = 1 (ContextId)
ValueToBeSet = providerBackoneICompBridge
SNMP session identifier = snmp0

Get Operation

The Get operation is used to obtain the configured value of an object indentified by the indices used in the operation.

% snmpSession get {{ObjectName.Index1.Index2…IndexN}}

{ObjectIdentifier DataType Value}

To get the value of bridge mode of a switch with Context ID = 1, the syntax is:
% snmp 0 get {{fsMIVlanBridgeMode. 1 }}
Where, Index1 = 1 (ContextId)
SNMP session identifier = snmp0
The output is:
{ INTEGER providerBackoneICompBridge}

Walk Operation

The snmpwalk command is designed to perform a sequence of chained GETNEXT requests. The command takes a single OID and displays a list of all results which lie within the subtree rooted on this OID.

% snmpSession walk Object TableName {puts $Object}

{ObjectIdentifier DataType Value}

To view the maintenance end points configured on the bridge.
% snmp 0 walk table fsMIEcfmMepMacAddress {puts $table}
Where SNMP session identifier = snmp0
The output is:
{ {OCTET STRING} 00:01:02:03:04:03}
{ {OCTET STRING} 00:01:02:03:04:03}
{ {OCTET STRING} 00:01:02:03:04:03}

Interface Range

The following table lists the sample ranges used in the configuration commands mentioned in this manual. The header file of the code should be refered for the exact ranges and scalability constants.

Interface Index Range

Interface TypeMinimum ValueMaximum ValueFormula to calculate the maximum value
Tunnel10191038Max(IVR) + SYS_DEF_MAX_TUNL_IFACES
MPLS (Multi-Protocol Label Switching)10391048Max(Tunnel) + SYS_DEF_MAX_MPLS_IFACES
Loopback51255134Max(MPLS tunnel) + SYS_MAX_LOOPBACK_INTERFACES
I-LAN51355194Max(Loopback) + SYS_DEF_MAX_ILAN_IFACES
VIP52555354Max(Internal) + SYS_DEF_MAX_VIP_IFACES

The values mentioned in the previous table are calculated as per the scalability constants listed in the following table.

Scalability Constants

Constant NameValueDescription
SYS_DEF_MAX_PHYSICAL_INTERFACES1000Maximum number of physical interfaces present in the system.
LA_MAX_AGG_INTF8Maximum number of link aggregated interfaces present in the system.
SYS_DEF_MAX_ILAN_IFACES60Maximum number of internal LAN interfaces present in the system.
SYS_DEF_MAX_INTERNAL_IFACES60Maximum number of internal interfaces present in the system.
SYS_DEF_MAX_VIP_IFACES100Maximum number of VIPs present in the system.
IP_DEV_MAX_L3VLAN_INTF10Maximum number of L3 VLAN interfaces present in the system.
SYS_DEF_MAX_TUNL_IFACES20Maximum number of tunnel interfaces present in the system.
SYS_DEF_MAX_MPLS_IFACES10Maximum number of MPLS interfaces present in the system.
SYS_DEF_MAX_MPLS_TNL_IFACES4076Maximum number of MPLS tunnel interfaces present in the system.
SYS_MAX_LOOPBACK_INTERFACES10Maximum number of loopback interfaces present in the system.

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