Configuring Y.1564 - Examples
  • 30 May 2024
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Configuring Y.1564 - Examples

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Article summary

This article provides the sample configuration setup for provisioning Ethernet Service Activation Test using Y.1564 through the CLI.

Configuration and Testing Topologies

Configuration and Testing Topology

Basic Configuration

This section details the basic CLI configuration steps that should be followed before the Y.1564 configurations.

Configuration through CLI

The basic CLI configuration steps are listed below.

Execute the following configurations in all the two switches, unit 1, unit 2:

  1. Shutdown Spanning Tree:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# shutdown spanning-tree
your product(config)# exit
your product#
  1. Enable the interface P3:
your product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/3
your product(config-if)# no shutdown
your product(config-if)# exit
  1. Enable the interface P2:
your product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/2
your product(config-if)# no shutdown
your product(config-if)# exit
  1. Configure Bridge port type for P2:
your product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/2
your product(config-if)# bridge port-type customerEdgePort
your product(config-if)# end
  1. Create Vlan 10 and map the interfaces P2 and P3:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# vlan 10
your product(config-vlan)# ports xl-ethernet  0/2-3 untagged xl-ethernet 0/2
your product(config-vlan)# end
your product#
  1. Configure Ingress/Egress ether type for P2:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/2
your product(config-if)# switchport ingress ether-type 0x8100 inner-ether-type 0x8100
your product(config-if)# switchport egress ether-type 0x8100
your product(config-if)# end
  1. Configure Ingress/Egress ether type for P3:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/3
your product(config-if)# switchport ingress ether-type 0x8100 inner-ether-type 0x8100
your product(config-if)# switchport egress ether-type 0x8100 inner-ether-type 0x8100
your product(config-if)# end

Unit 2 Configuration through CLI

  1. Shutdown Spanning Tree:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# shutdown spanning-tree
your product(config)# exit
your product#
  1. Enable the interface P3:
your product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/3
your product(config-if)# no shutdown
your product(config-if)# exit
  1. Enable the interface P2:
your product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/2
your product(config-if)# no shutdown
your product(config-if)# exit
  1. Configure Bridge port type for P2:
your product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/2
your product(config-if)# bridge port-type customerEdgePort
your product(config-if)# end
  1. Create Vlan 10 and Map the interfaces P2 and P3:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# vlan 10
your product(config-vlan)# ports xl-ethernet  0/2-3 untagged xl-ethernet 0/2
your product(config-vlan)# end
your product#
  1. Configure Ingress/Egress ether type for P2:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/2
your product(config-if)# switchport ingress ether-type 0x8100 inner-ether-type 0x8100
your product(config-if)# switchport egress ether-type 0x8100
your product(config-if)# end
  1. Configure Ingress/Egress ether type for P3:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# interface xl-ethernet 0/3
your product(config-if)# switchport ingress ether-type 0x8100 inner-ether-type 0x8100
your product(config-if)# switchport egress ether-type 0x8100 inner-ether-type 0x8100
your product(config-if)# end

Configuring Y.1564 Parameters

This section details the CLI configuration steps to start Y.1564 module and configure the Y.1564 parameters.

Unit 1 Configuration through CLI

The CLI configuration steps to configure the Y.1564 parameters are listed below.

  1. Start and enable Y.1564 module in switch default:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# no shutdown y1564
your product(config)# y1564 enable
  1. Configure SAC information:
your product(config)# y1564 sac 1 information-rate 1 frame-loss-ratio 0 frame-time-delay 150 frame-delay-variation 150 availability 1
  1. Create Traffic Profile 1:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# y1564 traffic-profile 1
your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# packet-size emix-pattern abc
your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# destination-interface xL-ethernet 0/3
your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# source-mac-address 00:15:ad:03:04:05
your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# destination-mac-address 00:15:ad:01:02:03
your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# vlan-tag outer vlan 10 dot1p-priority 3 tpid 0x8100 dei enable
your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# end

Note: destination-interface represents the source interface of the Y.1564 test. The source interface sends out Y.1564 packets from the unit.

  1. Create Service Configuration 1:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# y1564 service-configuration 1
your product(config-service-config-1564)# service-config cir 2000000 cbs 12000 eir 1500000 ebs 22000 color-aware
your product(config-service-config-1564)# end
  1. Create SLA 1:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# y1564 sla 1
  1. Associate traffic Profile information:
your product(config-sla-1564)# map traffic-profile 1
  1. Associate Service Configuration:
your product(config-sla-1564)# map service-configuration 1
  1. Associate Sac information:
your product(config-sla-1564)# map sac 1
  1. Set Configuration test duration:
your product(config-sla-1564)# configuration-test-duration 45
  1. Set test selector values:
your product(config-sla-1564)# test selector simple-cir-test eir-test
your product(config-sla-1564)# end

The CLI configuration steps to configure the FIXED packet size are listed below

  1. Configure the packet-size in SLA entry:
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# y1564 sla 1
your product(config-sla-1564)# packet-size 1024
your product(config)# end
  1. The CLI configuration steps to start the configuration test:
your product(config)# y1564 service-configuration-test sla 1 start

Note: To perform SAT with untagged traffic, the destination port used in the SAT test entry must be configured as an untagged member of the default VLAN 1 in both the units (SAT Initiator & Reflector). An example is provided below:

your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# vlan 1
your product(config-vlan)# ports add XL-ethernet 0/4 untagged XL-ethernet 0/4
your product(config-vlan)# end

Unit 1 Configuration through CLI - with Flow Bytes Mode and SAC Fractional value support

The CLI configuration steps to configure the Y.1564 parameters for flow bytes mode as Layer1 are listed below:

  1. Start and enable Y.1564 module in the switch default.
your product(# configure terminal
your product(config)# no shutdown y1564
your product(config)# y1564 enable
  1. Configure flow bytes mode as Layer 1.
your product(config)# y1564 flow-bytes mode layer1
  1. Configure SAC Information.
your product(config)# y1564 sac 1 information-rate 1 frame-loss-ratio 0.01 frame-time-delay 150.099 frame-delay-variation 92.346 availability 1
  1. Create Traffic Profile 1.
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# y1564 traffic-profile 1
your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# packet-size emix-pattern abc
your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# destination-interface xL-ethernet 0/3
your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# source-mac-address 00:15:ad:03:04:05
your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# destination-mac-address 00:15:ad:01:02:03**
your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# vlan-tag outer vlan 10 dot1p-priority 3 tpid 0x8100 dei enable
your product(config-traffic-profile-1564)# end

Note: destination-interface represents the source interface of the Y.1564 test. The sourcre interface sends out Y.1564 packets from the unit.

  1. Create Service Configuration 1.
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# y1564 service-configuration 1
your product(config-service-config-1564)# service-config cir 2000000 cbs 12000 eir 1500000 ebs 22000  
your product(config-service-config-1564)# end
  1. Create SLA 1.
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# y1564 sla 1
  1. Associate traffic profile information.
your product(config-sla-1564)# map traffic-profile 1
  1. Associate Service Configuration.
your product(config-sla-1564)# map service-configuration 1
  1. Associate SAC information.
your product(config-sla-1564)# map sac 1
  1. Set Configuration test duration.
your product(config-sla-1564)# configuration-test-duration 45
  1. Set test selector values.
your product(config-sla-1564)# test selector simple-cir-test eir-test
your product(config-sla-1564)# end
  1. Configure the packet-size in SLA entry. The CLI configuration steps to configure the FIXED packet size are listed below.
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# y1564 sla 1
your product(config-sla-1564)# packet-size 128
your product(config)# end
  1. The CLI configuration steps to start the configuration test.
your product(config)# y1564 service-configuration-test sla 1 start

Note: To perform SAT with untagged traffic, the destination port used in the SAT test entry must be configured as an untagged member of the default VLAN 1 in both the units (SAT Initiator & Reflector).
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# vlan 1
your product(config-vlan)# ports add XL-ethernet 0/4 untagged XL-ethernet 0/4
your product(config-vlan)# end

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