Configuring and Enabling Alarm Indication Signal Messages
  • 04 Apr 2022
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Configuring and Enabling Alarm Indication Signal Messages

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Article summary

This article describes the steps to configure and enable the transmission of AIS PDU by an MEP.

CLI Configurations

To configure and enable AIS message

  1. Execute the steps given in CLI Configurations to configure MEP before sending the AIS messages.

  2. Execute the steps given in CLI Configurations to enable ECFM and Y.1731.

  3. Configure client layer level.
    your product# configure terminal
    your product(config)# ethernet cfm domain name TestDomain1 level 3
    your product(config-ether-ecfm)# client-layer-level 6
    your product# end

  4. Enable AIS capability on the MEP, so that when any defect occurs, the MEP starts transmitting the AIS to all the MEP(s) configured at the client layer level.
    your product# configure terminal
    your product(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/10
    your product(config-if)# ethernet cfm mep level 3 inward mpid 4 vlan 5 active
    your product(config-ether-mep)# set ais enable
    your product(config-ether-mep)# end

    AIS capability can also be enabled using ethernet cfm mep-capability enable level 3 vlan 5 ais command.

    Client layer level must be configured before enabling AIS capability. Client layer level should be greater than server level.

    AIS can be send as unicast messages by configuring its unicast MAC address using set client-layer-mac ais unicast command. (This command runs in ECFM Mep configuration Mode.)
    Example: set client-layer-mac ais unicast 00:01:02:03:04:06

SNMP Configurations

To configure and enable AIS message

  1. Execute the steps given in section to configure MEP at level 3 and VLAN 101 before sending the AIS messages.

  2. Execute the steps given in section to enable ECFM and Y.1731.

  3. Configure client layer level. [Index: ContextID = 0, MD-Index = 1]
    % snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MegRowStatus.0.1 notInService}}
    % snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MegClientMEGLevel.0.1 6}}
    % snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MegRowStatus.0.1 active}}

  4. Enable AIS capability on the MEP, so that when any defect occurs, the MEP starts transmitting the AIS to all the MEP(s) configured at the client layer level. [Index: ContextID = 0, MD-Index = 1, MA-Index = 1, MPID = 5]
    % snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MepRowStatus. notInService}}
    % snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MepAisCapability. enabled}}
    % snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MepRowStatus. active}}

    Note: Configure unicast MAC address to send AIS as unicast messages

    % snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MepRowStatus. notInService }}
    % snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MepAisClientMacAddress. 00:02:02:03:04:0a }}
    % snmp0 set {{fsMIY1731MepRowStatus. active }}

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