Alarm Manager Commands
  • 15 Jul 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Alarm Manager Commands

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Article summary

Alarm Manager CLI commands are categorized as follows:

Alarms are notifications related to fault detection or any other irregularities.

Configuration Commands

This section includes alarm management configuration commands.

alarm-manager edit

Command Objective:
This command edits the configuration of the Alarm Manager​.

set alarm-manager [{raise-time (1000-50000)}]
[{clear-time (1000-50000)}]
[{led {“enable” | “disable” }}]
[{syslog-output {“enable” | “disable”}}]
[{snmp-output {“enable” | “disable”}}]

Parameter Description:

  • raise-time - The timeout value in milliseconds waited while passing from an Inactive Alarm status to an Active status; permitted range is between 1000 and 50000.
  • clear-time - The timeout value in milliseconds waited while passing from an Active Alarm status to an Inactive status; permitted range is between 1000 and 50000.
  • led - The LED used to refer alarms status
  • syslog-output - Whether the alarms are logged in the syslog
  • snmp-output - Whether MIB notifications are triggered for the alarm-manager

Global Configuration mode


Your Product(config)# set alarm-manager raise-time 2500 clear-time 10000 led disable syslog-outp disable snmp-output enable

alarm < resource > edit

Command Objective:
This command edits the configuration of a specific or a group of alarms.

set alarm fan [<integer(1-4)>] [{equipment_not_present | stall_alarm | aging_alarm}] [{reporting { enable | disable }}] [{ severity{ critical | major | minor | warning }}] [{service-affecting { yes | no }}]

Note: This command is for Assurance Sensor F100 only.

set alarm fan [<integer(1-3)>] [{equipment_not_present | stall_alarm | aging_alarm}] [{reporting { enable | disable }}] [{ severity{ critical | major | minor | warning }}] [{service-affecting { yes | no }}]

Note: This command is for Assurance Sensor F25 only.

set alarm psu [<integer(1-2)>] [{equipment_not_present | high_voltage_alarm | low_voltage_alarm | temperature_fault | power_fault}] [{reporting { enable | disable }}] [{ severity{ critical | major | minor | warning }}] [{service-affecting { yes | no }}]

Note: This command is for Assurance Sensor F100 only.

set alarm psu [<integer(1)>] [{feed <integer(1-2)>}] [{equipment_not_present | high_voltage_alarm | low_voltage_alarm | temperature_fault | power_fault}] [{reporting { enable | disable }}] [{ severity{ critical | major | minor | warning }}] [{service-affecting { yes | no }}]

Note: This command is for Assurance Sensor F25 only.

set alarm fpga [{equipment_not_present | high_temp_alarm | low_temp_alarm | high_temp_warn | low_temp_warn}] [{reporting { enable | disable }}] [{ severity{ critical | major | minor | warning }}] [{service-affecting { yes | no }}]

set alarm asic [{equipment_not_present | high_temp_alarm | low_temp_alarm | high_temp_warn | low_temp_warn}] [{reporting { enable | disable }}] [{ severity{ critical | major | minor | warning }}] [{service-affecting { yes | no }}]

set alarm cpu [{equipment_not_present | high_temp_alarm | low_temp_alarm | high_temp_warn | low_temp_warn}] [{reporting { enable | disable }}] [{ severity{ critical | major | minor | warning }}] [{service-affecting { yes | no }}]

set alarm transceiver [id <integer(0-4)>] [lane <integer(0-3)>] [{equipment_not_present | high_voltage_alarm | low_voltage_alarm | high_temp_alarm | low_temp_alarm | high_temp_warn | low_temp_warn | high_voltage_warn | low_voltage_warn | high_tx_bias_current | low_tx_bias_current | high_tx_bias_cur_warn | low_tx_bias_cur_warn | high_tx_power_alarm | low_tx_power_alarm | high_tx_power_warn | low_tx_power_warn | high_rx_power_alarm | low_rx_power_alarm | high_rx_power_warn | low_rx_power_warn}] [{reporting { enable | disable }}] [{ severity{ critical | major | minor | warning}}] [{service-affecting { yes | no }}]

set alarm sync_module [equipment_not_present] [{reporting { enable | disable }}] [{ severity{ critical | major | minor | warning }}] [{service-affecting { yes | no }}]

set alarm interface [id <integer(1-8)>] [link_down] [{reporting { enable | disable }}] [{ severity{ critical | major | minor | warning }}] [{service-affecting { yes | no }}]

set alarm mep [interface id <integer(1-7)>] [vlan <integer(1-4094)>] [meg-level <integer(0-7)>] [mpid <integer(1-4000)>] [{ defxconnccm | deferrorccm | defremoteccm | defmacstatus | defrdiccm | dloc | dunl | dunpr | dmmg | dunm | dunp | drdi | dais | dlck | dcsf_los | dcsf_fdi | dcsf_rdi}] [{reporting { enable | disable }}] [{ severity{ critical | major | minor | warning }}] [{service-affecting { yes | no }}]

Parameter Description:

  • no - Indication that the command is to be removed
  • Alarm key
  • reporting - The alarm reporting state
  • severity - The alarm severity level
  • service-affecting - If alarm is service affecting

Global Configuration mode


Your Product(config)# set alarm fan 1 aging_alarm reporting enable severity minor service-affecting no

Display and Retrive Commands

This section includes alarm management commands for displaying and retrieving data.

alarm history export

Command Objective:
This command is for retrieving data history.

set alarm history export { <sftp_url> | <tftp_url> }

Parameter Description:

  • < sftp_url > - The SFTP URL to export the history
    Note: SFTP exporting must support usage of the port made by command ( configure terminal ; sftp port <integer (1025-65535)> ; end ).
  • < tftp_url > - The TFTP URL to export the history

User EXEC Mode


Your Product(config)# set alarm history export s

show alarm history

Command Objective:
This command displays the history of the alarm objects.

Note: Alarm history is restricted to displaying 2,000 entries in the CLI.

show alarm history

User EXEC Mode


Your Product# show alarm history
Resource     Resource Address                           Standing Condition     Status    S-A  Date and time
--------     ----------------                           ------------------     ------    ---  -------------         
Fan          0/Fan-tray[1]                              stall_alarm            inactive  no   2024-01-01 10:08:12 UTC
Fan          0/Fan-tray[2]                              stall_alarm            active    no   2024-01-01 10:08:12 UTC
Fan          0/Fan-tray[3]                              stall_alarm            active    no   2024-01-01 10:08:12 UTC
Fan          0/Fan-tray[4]                              stall_alarm            active    no   2024-01-01 09:08:12 UTC
Fan          0/Fan-tray[0]                              aging_alarm            inactive  no   2024-01-01 09:08:12 UTC

show alarm inventory

Command Objective:
This command displays the description of all the alarms supported by the system (with relative configurable elements); can be refined by Resource.

show alarm inventory

show alarm inventory fan [<integer(1-4)>]

Note: This command is for Assurance Sensor F100 only.

show alarm inventory fan [<integer(1-3)>]

Note: This command is for Assurance Sensor F25 only.

show alarm inventory psu [<integer(1-2)>]

show alarm inventory fpga

show alarm inventory asic

show alarm inventory cpu

show alarm inventory transceiver [id <integer(0-4)>]

show alarm inventory sync_module

show alarm inventory interface [id <integer(1-8)>]

show alarm inventory mep [interface id <integer(1-7)>] [vlan <integer(1-4094)>] [meg-level <integer(0-7)>] [mpid <integer(1-4000)>]

Parameter Description:

  • Alarm key

User EXEC Mode


Your Product# show alarm inventory 
Resource     Resource Address                           Standing Condition     Reporting  Status    Severity  S-A
--------     ----------------                           ------------------     ---------  ------    --------  ---
Fan          0/Fan-tray[0]                              equipment_not_present  enabled    active    warning   no
Fan          0/Fan-tray[0]                              stall_alarm            disabled   inactive  minor     no
PSU          0/PSU-Tray[0]                              equipment_not_present  enabled    active    warning   no
FPGA         0/HwCompFpga/TempSensor[0]                 low_temp_alarm         enabled    active    minor     no
ASIC         0/HwCompAsic/TempSensor[0]                 low_temp_alarm         disabled   active    minor     no
CPU          0/HwCompCpu/TempSensor[0]                  low_temp_alarm         enabled    active    minor     no
Transceiver  0/TransceiverSlot[1]/Lane[0]               low_voltage_alarm      disabled   active    minor     no
SynchModule  0/SynchModule[0]                           equipment_not_present  disabled   active    warning   no
Interface    0/0/Interface[2]                           link_down              enabled    active    major     no
MEP          0/0/If[1]/Vlan[2]/MDL[1]/MEP[1]            defxconnccm            disabled   active    minor     no 

show alarm-manager

Command Objective:
This command displays the configuration of the Alarm Manager.

show alarm-manager

User EXEC Mode


Your Product# show alarm-manager
raise-time        : 2500 milliseconds
clear-time        : 10000 miliseconds
led               : enabled
syslog-output     : enabled
SNMP-output       : enabled

show alarm specific

Command Objective:
This command displays the configuration of a specific alarm​.


show alarm fan <integer(1-4)> {equipment_not_present | stall_alarm | aging_alarm}

Note: This command is for Assurance Sensor F100 only.

show alarm fan <integer(1-3)> {equipment_not_present | stall_alarm | aging_alarm}

Note: This command is for Assurance Sensor F25 only.

show alarm psu <integer(1-2)> {equipment_not_present | high_voltage_alarm | low_voltage_alarm | temperature_fault | power_fault}

Note: This command is for Assurance Sensor F100 only.

show alarm psu (1) [{feed (1-2)}] {equipment_not_present | high_voltage_alarm | low_voltage_alarm | temperature_fault
| power_fault}

Note: This command is for Assurance Sensor F25 only.

show alarm fpga {equipment_not_present | high_temp_alarm | low_temp_alarm | high_temp_warning | low_temp_warning}

show alarm asic {equipment_not_present | high_temp_alarm | low_temp_alarm | high_temp_warning | low_temp_warning}

show alarm cpu {equipment_not_present | high_temp_alarm | low_temp_alarm | high_temp_warning | low_temp_warning}

show alarm transceiver id (1-5) [lane (0-3)] {equipment_not_present | high_voltage_alarm | low_voltage_alarm | high_temp_alarm | low_temp_alarm | high_temp_warn | low_temp_warn | high_voltage_warn | low_voltage_warn | high_tx_bias_current | low_tx_bias_current | high_tx_bias_cur_warn | low_tx_bias_cur_warn | high_tx_power_alarm | low_tx_power_alarm | high_tx_power_warn | low_tx_power_warn | high_rx_power_alarm | low_rx_power_alarm | high_rx_power_warn | low_rx_power_warn}

show alarm sync_module {equipment_not_present}

show alarm interface id <integer(1-8)> {link_down}

show alarm mep interface id <integer(1-7)> vlan <integer(1-4094)> meg-level <integer(0-7)> mpid <integer(1-4000)> { defxconnccm | deferrorccm | defremoteccm | defmacstatus | defrdiccm | dloc | dunl | dunpr | dmmg | dunm | dunp | drdi | dais | dlck | dcsf_los | dcsf_fdi | dcsf_rdi }

Parameter Description:

  • Alarm key

User EXEC Mode


Your Product# show alarm fan 2 stall
resource : Fan
resource address : 0/Fan-tray[2]
standing condition : stall_alarm
reporting : disabled
status : inactive
severity : minor
service-affecting : no
description : The FAN speed is below the manufacturer's recommended number of rpm.
last change : 2024-01-01 10:08:12    

show alarm summary

Command Objective:
This command displays the list of raised Alarms; can be refined by resource.


show alarm summary

show alarm summary fan [<integer(1-4)>]

Note: This command is for Assurance Sensor F100 only.

show alarm summary fan [<integer(1-3)>]

Note: This command is for Assurance Sensor F25 only.

show alarm summary psu [<integer(1-2)>]

show alarm summary fpga

show alarm summary asic

show alarm summary cpu

show alarm summary transceiver [id <integer(1-5)>] [lane <integer(0-3)>]

show alarm summary sync_module

show alarm summary interface [id <integer(1-8)>]

show alarm summary mep [interface id <integer(1-7)>] [vlan <integer(1-4094)>] [meg-level <integer(0-7)>] [mpid <integer(1-4000)>]

Parameter Description:

  • Alarm key

User EXEC Mode


Your Product# show alarm summary 
Resource     Resource Address                           Standing Condition     Severity  S-A  Last Change
--------     ----------------                           ------------------     --------  ---  -----------        
Fan          0/Fan-tray[0]                              equipment_not_present  warning   no   2022-01-01 10:08:12 UTC
PSU          0/PSU-Tray[0]                              equipment_not_present  warning   no   2022-01-01 10:08:12 UTC
FPGA         0/HwCompFpga/TempSensor[0]                 low_temp_alarm         minor     no   2022-01-01 10:08:12 UTC
ASIC         0/HwCompAsic/TempSensor[0]                 low_temp_alarm         minor     no   2022-01-01 10:08:12 UTC
CPU          0/HwCompCpu/TempSensor[0]                  low_temp_alarm         minor     no   2022-01-01 10:08:12 UTC
Transceiver  0/TransceiverSlot[1]/Lane[0]               low_voltage_alarm      minor     no   2022-01-01 10:08:12 UTC
SynchModule  0/SynchModule[0]                           equipment_not_present  warning   no   2022-01-01 10:08:12 UTC
Interface    0/0/Interface[2]                           link_down              major     no   2022-01-01 10:08:12 UTC
MEP          0/0/If[1]/Vlan[2]/MDL[1]/MEP[1]            defxconnccm            minor     no   2022-01-01 10:08:12 UTC

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