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Enabling or Disabling Notifications on Legacy orchestrator 24.09
The following procedures explain how to enable or disable notifications on Legacy orchestrator Docker 24.09.
Notes: The user must be granted "ROLE_ADMIN" and "ROLE_WS" roles.
Currently, Legacy orchestrator Docker supports only one broker configuration enabled at a time.
CAUTION: The services must be started before performing this procedure.
Obtain the the necessary information to enable, disable, update, or delete a message broker configuration.
If this is your first time setting up, skip steps 2 and 3 of the procedure below.
- Log into Legacy orchestrator Docker via NBAPI by entering:
curl -i -k -X POST -d username=<username> -d password='<password>' -c ./cookies.txt https://<Legacy orchestrator IP address>:9081/nbapi/login
- Retrieve all the message broker configurations that exist in Legacy orchestrator Docker.
curl -i -k -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X GET -b ./cookies.txt https://<Legacy orchestrator IP address>:9081/nbapi/configuration/messagebrokerconfig
- Retrieve a message broker configuration by passing its ID in the URL:
curl -i -k -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X GET -b ./cookies.txt https://<Legacy orchestrator IP address>:9081/nbapi/configuration/messagebrokerconfig/<messagebrokerconfig id>
Enabling Notifications
Enable notifications in Legacy orchestrator Docker via the API:
curl -i -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "defaultBrokerTopic": "sosdmevents", "brokerUrl": "tcp://<message broker IP>:<message broker port>", "password": "<message broker password>", "brokerEnable": true, "soTenantId": "so-1", "systemId": "so-system-1", "systemType": "so", "username": "<message broker username>" }' -X POST -b ./cookies.txt https://<Legacy orchestrator IP address>:9081/nbapi/configuration/messagebrokerconfig
Disabling Notifications
Disable notifications in Legacy orchestrator Docker via the API:
curl -i -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "defaultBrokerTopic": "sosdmevents", "brokerUrl": "tcp://<message broker IP>:<message broker port>", "password": "<message broker password>", "brokerEnable": false, "soTenantId": "so-1", "systemId": "so-system-1", "systemType": "so", "username": "<message broker username>" }' -X PUT -b ./cookies.txt https://<Legacy orchestrator IP address>:9081/nbapi/configuration/messagebrokerconfig/<messagebrokerconfig id>
Updating or Deleting a Message Broker Configuration
To update an existing message broker configuration
Input the following via the API:
curl -i -k -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{ "defaultBrokerTopic": "sosdmevents", "brokerUrl": "tcp://<message broker IP>:<message broker port>", "password": "<message broker password>", "brokerEnable": true, "soTenantId": "so-1", "systemId": "so-system-1", "systemType": "so", "username": "<message broker username>" }' -X PUT -b ./cookies.txt https://<Legacy orchestrator IP address>:9081/nbapi/configuration/messagebrokerconfig/<messagebrokerconfig id>
To delete an existing message broker configuration
Input the following via the API:
curl -i -k -X DELETE -b ./cookies.txt https://<SOIPaddress>:9081/nbapi/configuration/messagebrokerconfig/<messagebrokerconfig id>
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