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Using Y.1564 for Service Activation Testing
Y.1564 is used to perform end-to-end service activation tests (SAT). The following sections describe how to set up Y.1564 in your network.
The Accedian implementation of Y.1564 supports the following types of tests:
- Layer-2 two-way testing.
- Layer-3 two-way testing.
The steps required to set up Y.1564 are:
- Set up a Y.1564 test: For details on how to set up a Y.1564 test, see "Setting Up a Y.1564 Test".
- Set up one or more Y.1564 services: For details on how to set up a Y.1564 service, see "Setting Up a Y.1564 Service".
Once these set up steps are complete, you can then run a test and view the results, as described in Running a Y.1564 Test and Viewing Test Results.
Note: Y.1564 availability measurement is not supported.
Setting Up a Y.1564 Test
You can run a Y.1564 test to determine the conformance of a network section or a specific device to a service level agreement (SLA) and/or to meet Ethernet standards. Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor Control supports a maximum of 500 tests and every test supports a maximum of eight services.
SAT Reporting is a system feature that enables you to have Y.1564 test reports automatically pushed from the unit to a designated remote server (FTP, FTPS, SFTP, TFTP or SCP). Automatically pushing test reports to the server means you can view the test results more quickly, since you do not have to manually poll the remote server to determine whether or not the test has completed execution.
For details on how to automate report uploads to a remote server, see "Setting Up SAT Reporting".
Note: All reports are available in text or XML format.
When setting up the test, you also have to set the information relative to the remote peer (Peer settings) and the test frame contents. To view the complete list of elements that can be configured for the test, refer to the table "Y.1564 Test Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)".
Refer also to the ITU-T Y.1564 standard for the definition of parameters and tests.
▶ To set up a Y.1564 test
- Access the page SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration.
A summary of all tests that have been set up is displayed.
- Click the Add button to add a new test or click the Name of an existing test to edit its settings.
- Select the different tests to run. Enter values for the corresponding settings and other fields, then click Apply.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following tables.
Y.1564 Test Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration)
Parameter | Description |
Test name | The name of the Y.1564 test. |
Test description | A description to identify the Y.1564 test and its characteristics. |
Outgoing Port | The port tied to a remote device on which traffic is to be generated. |
Test to run
Parameter | Description |
Configuration step duration (seconds) | The duration, expressed in seconds, of each step during the configuration test. Range: 1 to 60 seconds |
Enable configuration test | Enabling the configuration test allows use of the policing test and step test under each service (traffic flow) configured. It allows you to run successive tests at rates of 25% CIR, 50% CIR, 75% CIR, and 100% of CIR, CIR+EIR, and Policing. For Policing:
Enable parallel configuration test | Enable or disable the Parallel Service Configuration test.
Performance test duration (minutes) | The duration of the performance test, expressed in minutes. Range: 1 to 1440 minutes |
Enable performance test | Enable or disable the performance test. You must configure at least one service when you enable performance test. Note: The performance test is run at 100% CIR. |
Delay measurement type | Only two-way delay measurement type (i.e., two-way testing) is supported on Sensor Control. |
Remote Unit Settings
Parameter | Description |
Type | The type of test traffic:
MAC destination | The peer MAC address. Applies to Layer-2 traffic only. |
Y.1731 MEG level | The Maintenance Entity Group level. Range: 0–7 |
Destination IP address | The IP address of the remote unit interface. Note: Applies to Layer-3 traffic only. |
DSCP | The DiffServ Code Point to set in the generated packets. Applies to Layer-3 traffic only. |
Source port | The near-end UDP port number used to generate the test's PDU. Note: Applies to Layer-3 traffic only. |
Destination port | The far-end UDP port number associated with the IP address of the unit that will receive, process and display the traffic statistics and report. Notes: Applies to Layer-3 traffic only. For reporting to work properly, you must set the port to a value in the range of 0 to 65535 but you cannot set the destination port value to 8793, since this is Accedian's proprietary port number. For information on destination ports default values, refer to "Network Requirements — TCP/UDP Ports" A port cannot be defined as the UDP port here if it is already being used for TWAMP. In the case of the following features, the same UDP port could be defined to any SAT instances as Sensor Control allows you to start only one SAT instance at the same time on the same remote device.
Setting Up a Y.1564 Service
All required resources are reserved in a single operation at the beginning of a Y.1564 test, whether the testing to be performed is parallel or sequential. The sum of the bandwidth required for all services cannot exceed the port's total bandwidth. In addition, policing (when used) requires an extra 20% of the port's total bandwidth. For example, if you are setting up eight Y.1564 services to be tested sequentially with policing on a 1 Gbps link, you cannot allocate more than 800 Mbps to these services combined, otherwise the test will be executed but might fail.
Refer to the ITU-T Y.1564 standard for the definition of parameters and tests.
▶ To set up a Y.1564 service
- Access the page SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration.
A summary of all tests that have been defined is displayed. - Click the Name of a test to edit its settings.
The screen refreshes to display the test details, as well as a list of its services. - Click the Name of a service from the Service List at the bottom of the page to edit its settings.
The Y.1564 [Service_Number] Service Configuration page appears. - Enter values in the required fields, then click Apply.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following section.
Y.1564 Service Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Configuration) Parameters
State: Enable or disable the service for this Y.1564 test.
Name: Name of the Y.1564 service.
Test Configuration
Policing Test Enabled: Enable or disable testing above the CIR:
- If EIR < 20 % x CIR, Policing Rate = (125 % x CIR) + EIR
- If EIR ≥ 20 % x CIR, Policing Rate = CIR + (125 % x EIR)
Step Test Enabled: Enable or disable running successive tests at a rate of 25% CIR, 50% CIR, 75% CIR, 100% CIR, and CIR+EIR.
Availability Enabled: Enable or disable availability measurements based on the configured frame loss ratio.
Out-of-order percentage enabled: Enable or disable using the percentage of out-of-order packets in the Service Acceptance Criteria.
Bandwidth Profile
CIR (in Mbps): The CIR value provided here can be interpreted as the maximum sustained information rate that the network has committed to transfer while meeting the performance level guaranteed in the Service Level Agreement (SLA).
The CIR and EIR values specified in the bandwidth profile are used by the Y.1564 tool to define the Configuration, Performance and Policing Tests to be executed.
Range: 0 to 10000 Mbps (10 Gbps). In steps of 0.125 Mbps for rates from 0 to 12.5 Mbps, and in steps of 1 Mbps for rates greater than or equal to 13 Mbps of 0.125 Mbps).
Note: This value cannot exceed the port capacity. Only Skylight sensor: module 10G and SFP compute 10G can support up to 10000 Mbps.
Committed Burst Size (in KiB) (1024 bytes): This parameter is not currently used and is grayed out. This is for future implementation only.
EIR (in Mbps): The EIR value provided here can be interpreted as the maximum sustained information rate, over and above the CIR, at which traffic is carried though the network, if possible.
The CIR and EIR values specified in the bandwidth profile are used by the Y.1564 tool to define the Configuration and Policing Tests to be executed.
Range: 0 to 10000 Mbps (10 Gbps). In steps of 0.125 Mbps for rates from 0 to 12.5 Mbps, and in steps of 1 Mbps for rates greater than or equal to 13 Mbps of 0.125 Mbps).
Note: This value cannot exceed the port capacity. Only Skylight sensor: module 10G and SFP compute 10G can support up to 10000 Mbps.
- Excess Burst Size (in KiB) (1024 bytes): This parameter is not currently used and is grayed out. This is for future implementation only.
- Frame Size Type: The test will be performed with this type of frame size.
- Fixed frame size
- Frame Size (in bytes): The size of each frame for the test traffic.
Note: Only available when the Frame Size Type is set to Fixed. For IPv6 traffic (Type=Layer3, source and destination IP addresses are IPv6 addresses) then the minimum frame size is 80 bytes. Each enabled VLAN header adds 4 bytes to the minimum frame size.
Acceptable values range from 64 bytes to 10240 bytes.
User-Defined (in octets): The size of each user-defined packet for the test traffic.
Set to EMIX for the Frame Size Type only.
Sequence of Sizes: For the EMIX frame size type, the packet size values used in the test and the specific sequence in which they are sent.
Available sizes are:
- a = 64 bytes
- b =128 bytes
- c = 256 bytes
- d = 512 bytes
- e = 1024 bytes
- f = 1280 bytes
- g = 1518 bytes
- u = user-defined size
Default value: abceg
Note: The packet size of 64 bytes 'a' cannot be part of the EMIX sequence for IPv6 traffic.
Service Acceptance Criteria
Frame Transfer Delay (in μs): For two-way delay measurements, the delay below which the test passes. Expressed in microseconds.
Frame Delay Variation (in μs) For two-way delay variation measurements, the delay variation below which the test passes. Expressed in microseconds.
Frame Loss Ratio: The ratio below which the test passes.
Note: The ratio is the maximum faction of frame that can be dropped without failing. Example 0.5 ratio mean that less than 50% of the frame are dropped.
M Factor: The M factor (margin factor) is added to the Service Acceptance Criteria in the policing test to take into account the effect of the CBS and EBS on the total rate.
The policing test will pass if IR-T ≤ CIR + EIR + M.
- IR-T: Total Information Rate
- CIR: Committed Information Rate
- EIR: Excess Information Rate
- M: M factor
Default value: 1 Mbps
Out-of-order %: Maximum Out-of-order percentage allowed.
Frame Transfer Delay Type: Make a selection from the drop-down list to indicate whether the test's acceptance criteria should be based on the Frame Transfer Delay Maximum or the Frame Transfer Delay Average values.
Frame Delay Variation Type: Make a selection from the drop-down list to indicate whether the test's acceptance criteria should be based on the Frame Delay Variation Maximum or the Frame Delay Variation Average values.
MAC Settings (Layer-2 Traffic Only)
MAC Destination: For each service, this sets the destination MAC address and overwrites the global MAC address of the Y.1564 test.
Overwrite Per Test Destination MAC Address: Enable the overwriting of the global destination MAC address of the Y.1564 test.
Y.1731 MEG Level: For each service, this sets the Y.1731 MEG level and overwrites the global Y.1731 MEG level of the Y.1564 test.
Overwrite Per Test MEG Level: Enable the overwriting of the global Y.1731 MEG level of the Y.1564 test.
IP Settings (Layer-3 Traffic Only)
Destination IP Address: For each service, this sets the destination IP address and overwrites the global IP address of the Y.1564 test. It is possible to use both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses on different services.
Overwrite Per Test Destination IP Address: Enable the overwriting of the global destination IP address of the Y.1564 test.
DSCP: For each service, this sets the DSCP and overwrites the
global DSCP of the Y.1564 test.
Overwrite Per Test DSCP: Enable the overwriting of the global DSCP of the Y.1564 test.
Enable VLAN 1 Header: This encapsulates all frames with one VLAN header.
Note: After enabling VLAN 1 header, the packet size increases by 4 bytes and after enabling VLAN 2 header, the packet size increase by 8 bytes.
As an example:
1) If the packet size set to 64 and VLAN 1 header is not enabled: The traffic generator will send 64 bytes packets.
2) If the packet size set to 64 and VLAN 1 header is enabled: The traffic generator will send 68 bytes packets.
3) If the packet size set to 64 and VLAN 2 header is enabled: The traffic generator will send 72 bytes packets.
VLAN 1 ID: The first VLAN ID.
When enabled, all test frames are encapsulated with the specified VLAN ID.
VLAN 1 Priority: The first VLAN priority bits.
Note: Applies only when the VLAN 1 header is enabled.
VLAN 1 CFI: The first VLAN Canonical Format Indicator (CFI).
Note: Applies only when the VLAN 1 header is enabled.
Enable VLAN 2 Header: Encapsulates all frames with two VLAN headers (as in Q in Q).
VLAN1 must be enabled to use two VLAN headers.
Note: After enabling VLAN 1 header, the packet size increases by 4 bytes and after enabling VLAN 2 header, the packet size increase by 8 bytes.
As an example:
If the packet size set to 64 and VLAN 1 header is not enabled: The traffic generator will send 64 bytes packets.
If the packet size set to 64 and VLAN 1 header is enabled: The traffic generator will send 68 bytes packets.
If the packet size set to 64 and VLAN 2 header is enabled: The traffic generator will send 72 bytes packets.
VLAN 2 ID: The second VLAN ID. When enabled, all test frames are encapsulated with the second specified VLAN ID (inner VLAN).
Note: Applies only when the VLAN 2 header is enabled.
VLAN 2 Priority: The second VLAN priority bits.
Note: Applies only when the VLAN 2 header is enabled.
VLAN 2 CFI: The second VLAN Canonical Format Indicator (CFI).
Note: Applies only when the VLAN 2 header is enabled.
Running a Y.1564 Test and Viewing Test Results
Once you have set up a Y.1564 test, you can run it and view its report. Since each test is associated with one test report, you have to define a new report each time you want to run a new test. You can run a specific test many times as long as you define a new report each time.
▶ To run a Y.1564 test
Access the page SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results.
A summary of all test reports is displayed.
Click the Start button to define a new report.
Complete the required fields, then click Apply.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the second table below.
Y.1564 Service Activation (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results)
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name assigned to the test report. |
Status | The current status of the test. Possible values are:
Description | The description to identify the test. |
Y.1564 Report Configuration (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results)
Parameter | Description |
File name | The name assigned to the test report file. |
Technician name | The name of the individual who executed the test. |
Test configuration | Select the test configuration you want to run for this test. |
Special note | Any additional information relative to the test appears here. |
▶ To view, edit or export a Y.1564 test report
Access the page SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results.
A summary of all test reports is displayed. For more information on specific parameters, refer to the table "Y.1564 Service Activation (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results)" above.
To view detailed results from a test, click the Name of the test report.
You will be able to perform other actions from the page that is displayed.
To prevent a test from running, click Stop.
To edit a report, click Edit.
To export the report to a text file and save it on the management station, click Export.
For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.
Y.1564 Test Configuration Results (SAT ▶ Y.1564 ▶ Results)
Parameter | Description |
Name | The name of the Y.1564 service being tested. |
25% CIR 50% CIR 75% CIR 100% CIR CIR+EIR Policing Performance | The current status of the test. Possible values are:
State | Enabled or disabled state of a service within this Y.1564 test. |
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