Upgrading the Firmware
  • 25 Sep 2024
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Upgrading the Firmware

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Article summary

Firmware Upgrade Overview

A new firmware version typically provides:

  • additional functionality
  • enhancements to the existing feature set
  • defect corrections

  • New features are only supported by the latest Cisco Provider Connectivity Assurance Sensor Control (formerly Skylight sensor: control) firmware with the corresponding module firmware suite version.
  • As of Skylight sensor: control 22.06, you can use modules that have older firmware suite versions with the current release.

    For Skylight sensor: control 22.06, the supported module firmware suite starts with version 19.12. The supported module firmware suite versions ascend as you upgrade Skylight sensor: control. This means that, for the release right after Skylight sensor: control 22.06, module firmware suite version 19.12 will not be supported.

Upgrade the firmware by downloading the firmware file directly from your computer or network. If using the Command Line Interface (CLI), you can upgrade the firmware via an SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, or TFTP server for a file transfer.

The firmware is distributed in a binary file with a .afl filename extension.

These firmware upgrade methods are available for the Sensor Control:

  • One-Step: Use this when you want the upgrade to take effect immediately
  • Two-Step: Use this to download the firmware file, then activate it on the Sensor Control at a later time such as during an upcoming maintenance window

If a remote device is managed, upgrading the Sensor Control firmware does not automatically upgrade the remote device firmware suite. You can manage when firmware suite upgrades are performed on the remote device.

If a remote device is not managed by the Sensor Control, upgrading the Sensor Control firmware upgrades the remote device firmware suite to the latest version by default.

Tip: You can disable the automatic update feature by clearing the Auto-update field in System ▶ Configuration ▶ RemDev Connection.

Viewing the Firmware Version

You can view the firmware version from the Home or System ▶ Maintenance ▶ Firmware page.

To view the firmware version

Do one of these steps:

  • Go to Home, then see the Firmware version field.
  • Go to System ▶ Maintenance ▶ Firmware, in Firmware maintenance, see the Current version field.

One-Step Firmware Upgrade

Use the One-Step method if you want the upgrade to take effect immediately.

To perform a One-Step firmware upgrade

  1. Go to System ▶ Maintenance ▶ Firmware.

    Under Firmware maintenance, the One-Step tab displays by default.

  2. Next to New Firmware, click Browse.

  3. Locate the firmware file, then click Open.

  4. Click Upgrade.

    After the firmware is loaded, the Sensor Control restarts to activate the new firmware.

  5. View the firmware version to verify that the upgrade is successful.

Two-Step Firmware Upgrade

Use the Two-Step method to download the firmware file, then activate it on the Sensor Control at a later time such as during an upcoming maintenance window.

Note: Downloading a new firmware file overwrites any existing file stored on the Sensor Control.

To perform a Two-Step firmware upgrade

  1. Go to System ▶ Maintenance ▶ Firmware.

  2. Under Firmware maintenance, click the Two-Step tab.

  3. Next to New Firmware, click Browse.

  4. Locate the firmware file, then click Open.

  5. Click Download.

    The firmware is loaded to the Sensor Control, pending activation. The Rollback Version field in the One-Step tab displays the downloaded version.

Activating the Downloaded Firmware File

After downloading the firmware file by using the Two-Step method, you can activate the file when required.

To activate the downloaded firmware file

  1. Go to System ▶ Maintenance ▶ Firmware.

  2. Under Firmware maintenance, click the Two-Step tab.

  3. Ensure that the correct firmware version appears in Downloaded version, then click Activate.

  4. View the firmware version to verify that the upgrade is successful.

Deleting the Downloaded Firmware File

Deleting the downloaded firmware file is an optional step that permanently removes the firmware file from the Sensor Control.

To delete the downloaded firmware file

  1. Go to System ▶ Maintenance ▶ Firmware.

  2. Under Firmware maintenance, click the Two-Step tab.

  3. Click Clear Download.

    The Downloaded version value becomes None.

Reverting to the Previous Firmware Version

Use the Rollback feature to revert to the previous firmware version so that compatible configuration settings are loaded with the previous firmware.

CAUTION: A simple firmware downgrade is not advisable because the older firmware may not match the existing newer configuration. Attempting a firmware downgrade by using the Upgrade button may corrupt the unit's configuration.

To revert to the previous firmware version

  1. Go to System ▶ Maintenance ▶ Firmware.

    Under Firmware maintenance, the One-Step tab is selected by default.

  2. Verify that the Rollback version value is the correct version to revert to.

  3. Click Rollback.

Resetting the Sensor Control to Factory Values

You can reset the Sensor Control to factory values while performing a firmware downgrade.

To reset the Sensor Control to factory values while performing a firmware downgrade

  1. Go to System ▶ Maintenance ▶ Firmware.

    Under Firmware maintenance, the One-Step tab is selected by default.

  2. In Configuration maintenance, click Factory Default.

  3. Next to New Firmware, click Browse.

  4. Locate the firmware file, then click Open.

  5. Click Upgrade.

Firmware Maintenance Parameters

The following tables describe the parameters of the Firmware Maintenance form in System ▶ Maintenance ▶ Firmware.

One-Step Tab

Current versionCurrent version of the firmware.
New firmwareFirmware version applied when you click Upgrade.
BrowseClick to navigate to the firmware file to which you want to upgrade the Sensor Control.
Rollback versionPrevious firmware version to which you can revert.
RollbackClick to revert the Sensor Control firmware to the version indicated in Rollback Version.
RebootClick to reboot the Sensor Control and activate the new configuration.

Two-Step Tab

Current versionCurrent version of the firmware.
New firmwareFirmware version that is downloaded when you click Download.
BrowseClick to navigate to the firmware file to which you want to upgrade the Sensor Control.
DownloadClick to download the selected firmware file.
Downloaded versionFirmware file that has been previously downloaded on this unit.
ActivateClick to upgrade the Sensor Control's firmware to the version indicated in Downloaded Version.
Clear DownloadClick to remove the previously-downloaded firmware file from the Sensor Control.

Upgrading the Module

You can upgrade the module firmware suite from the Remote Devices page.

Note: You can only upgrade a module from the oldest supported firmware suite version to the latest version.

To upgrade the module

  1. Go to Home, and take note of the Firmware version value.

  2. Go to Remote Devices.

  3. Under Active Feature, select the device you want to upgrade.

    The Feature Management form appears.

  4. In Available Feature Suites, select the firmware suite that matches the Firmware version in Home.

  5. Click Apply.

Rollback the Module

When you downgrade the module, the module configuration is reset and only the interface configuration (System ▶ Configuration ▶ Interface) remains so that you can manage the device.

Perform a rollback on the module so that compatible configuration settings are loaded with the previous firmware suite.

Note: As of Skylight sensor: control 22.06, you can downgrade the module to a previous firmware suite version if that version existed on the module before an upgrade.

To perform a rollback on the module

  1. If using Skylight sensor: control 20.11 or later, export the device configuration.

    See Rehoming Remote Devices for more information.

  2. Go to Remote Devices.

  3. Under Active Feature, select the device you want to rollback.

    The Feature Management form appears.

  4. In Available Feature Suites, select the firmware suite that you want to rollback to, then click Apply.

    If the previous firmware suite version is supported by the latest Sensor Control version, the device state becomes Managed.

    If the previous firmware suite version is not supported by the latest Sensor Control version, the device state becomes Hold.

  5. If the device state is Hold, rollback Sensor Control to manage the device.

    See Reverting to the Previous Firmware Version for more information.

  6. Do one of these steps:

    • If using Skylight sensor: control 20.11 and later, where the rehoming feature is available, delete the remote device and then import the device configuration from the server.
    • If using an older version of Skylight sensor: control such as 19.07 and module with firmware suite 19.07, manually reconfigure the remote device upon downgrading.

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