Skylight sensor agent reflect 21.12 Release Notes
  • 12 Jan 2022
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Skylight sensor agent reflect 21.12 Release Notes

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Article summary

agent: reflect 21.12


Accedian is pleased to announce release 21.12 of Skylight sensor: agent reflect

What's New

21.12 is the first GA release of the Skylight sensor: agent reflect - a linux x86-64-bit binary standalone application to be used as a reflector/responder to Skylight performance monitoring sessions.

The current version of the reflector supports the following bidirectional measurement functions

Mode / functionsocket typeinstance detectiondescription
TWAMP light statefulUDP🗸RFC-5357 with session detection
TWAMP light statelessUDPn/aRFC-5357 without session detection
* 2xOneWayUDP🗸Accedian proprietary L3
* EchoUDPn/aRFC-862
* ETH-OAM LBRAWn/a802.1ag / Y.1731
* ETH-OAM DMRAWn/a802.1ag / Y.1731
* ETH-OAM SLMRAW🗸802.1ag / Y.1731
* ETH-OAM VSRAW🗸Accedian proprietary L2

Items marked with * are to be considered experimental, but may be fully supported fully in an upcoming release

Hosting system requirements

The Skylight sensor agent reflect can be installed in virtually any Linux environment as a user space application. For best accuracy the agent should be run on the "metal" operating system, and not inside a virtual machine - unless the performance of the virtualization is of interrest to the monitoring use case.

Minimum Requirements – Typical PM Accuracy of ~500us on percentile 95
Operating system: Linux 2.6 or later 64bit
CPU requirements: 300MHz
Memory requirements: 1MB free RAM
Disk requirements: 0.1MB free disk space

Recommended Requirements – Typical PM Accuracy of ~50us on percentile 95
Operating system: Linux 2.6 or later 64bit
CPU requirements: 1Ghz – Agent process prioritized with "nice" command
Memory requirements: 1Mb free RAM
Disk requirements: 0.1Mb free disk space

Release Components

agent reflectskylight-agent-reflect-amd64_21.12_27.tar.bz2

Corrected Issues

None in this first GA release.

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