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All documented LLDP configurations are based on the following topology.
LLDP Topology
Switch A:
- Create the interface P1 and make it operationally UP
- Assign the MAC (Media Access Control) Address : 00:01:02:03:04:01
- Assign the Default VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) IP (Internet Protocol) address:
Switch B:
- Create the interface P1 and make it operationally UP
- Assign the MAC Address: 00:02:02:03:04:01
- Assign the Default VLAN IP address:
LLDP configurations are common for single and multiple instances.
Multiple Instance
In the event that a Multiple Instance configuration is required, enable all interfaces and map them to their corresponding switch (virtual instance). The port must be mapped to a switch prior to performing any configurations for LLDP on that port.
Execute the following commands for creating a switch and mapping to an interface:
To create a Switch
your product# configure terminal
your product(config)# switch default
your product(config-switch)# exit
To create the interface and map it to the Switch
your product(config)# interface gigabitethernet 0/1
your product(config-if)# no shutdown
your product(config-if)# map switch default
your product(config-if)# end
Note: In the LLDP related articles that follow, configurations and commands are for Switch A.
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