Setting Up Synthetic Loss Measurements
  • 09 Aug 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Setting Up Synthetic Loss Measurements

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Article summary

Synthetic loss measurement is used to measure the frame loss ratios (near-end and far-end) between two MEPs. Measurements and calculations are performed at one end only. You have to set up the SLM instance on the unit that you want to perform and display the SLM measurements.

Note: You must set up a MEP on the remote unit; setting up an SLM instance is optional.

To set up or modify an SLM instance

  1. Access the page SOAM ▶CFM ▶SLM ▶Configuration.
    All the existing Synthetic Loss Measurement Instances are displayed.

  2. Click Add to create an SLM instance or click the SLM instance index to edit an existing SLM instance.

  3. Complete the required fields, then click Apply.

For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.

Synthetic Loss Message Configuration (SOAM ▶CFM ▶SLM ▶Configuration)

IndexThe index of the SLM instance.
SLM NameThe name of the SLM instance.
MEP Index

MEP idx

The index assigned to the MEP.
MEPIDThe local Maintenance association End Point Identifier.
Remote MEPID


The remote Maintenance association End Point Identifier.
PriorityPriority value used in VLAN tags, if present, in the transmitted frame.
IntervalThe time, expressed in milliseconds, at which this SLM instance issues SLM frames.

Possible values are: 10 , 100, 1000 and 10000 milliseconds.

Default: 1000 milliseconds



The state of the SLM instance. When enabled, SLM frames are sent at the specified interval. Disabled by default.
Reference PeriodReference period, expressed in minutes, for the SLM instance.

Range: 1–1440 minutes; default: 15 minutes.

Near-End ThresholdThe frame loss threshold for near-end packet loss, expressed as a percentage.
Far-End ThresholdThe frame loss threshold for far-end packet loss, expressed as a percentage.

Deleting a Synthetic Loss Measurement Instance

CAUTION: Deleting an SLM instance will also delete all SA metrics that use this SLM instance as the metric source.

To delete a synthetic loss measurement instance

  1. Access the page SOAM ▶CFM ▶SLM ▶Configuration.

  2. Click the SLM instance index to delete.

  3. Click Delete.

Viewing Synthetic Loss Measurement Results

To view synthetic loss measurement results details

  1. Access the page SOAM ▶CFM ▶SLM ▶Results.
    A summary of results for all SLM instances is displayed.

  2. Click the Index of the SLM instance for which you want to view the synthetic loss measurements.

For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.

SLM Results (SOAM ▶CFM ▶SLM ▶Results)

IndexThe index of the SLM instance.
NameThe name of the SLM instance.
MEP Index

MEP idx

The index assigned to the MEP.
MEPIDThe local Maintenance association End Point Identifier.
Remote MEPID


The remote Maintenance association End Point Identifier.

Note: A peer MEP should have the sequence number enabled toallow a local MEP to perform CCM-based SLM measurements.

PriorityPriority value used in VLAN tags, if present, in the transmitted frame.
PeriodThe number of periods that have elapsed since measurement started.

The previous period is indicated in Period Time.

Continuous Results in the section below gives the packet loss since the last time the statistics were cleared.

Period TimeThe time when the current period results were moved to the previous period results.
A Near-End AlarmThe state of the near-end SLM alarm .The state of the near-end SLM alarm .
A Far-End AlarmThe state of the near-end SLM alarm .
SLM SentThe number of synthetic loss messages sent.
SLR ReceivedvThe number of synthetic loss replies received.
Remote SLM ReceivedThe number of synthetic loss messages received by the remote MEP.
Near-End Packets LostThe number of packets lost at the near end.
Far-End Packets LostThe number of packets lost at the far end.
Near-End Pkt-Loss Ratio

NE Loss %

Near-end loss ratio.

The ratio of packets lost in a near-end network .

Far-End Pkt-Loss Ratio

FE Loss %

Far-end loss ratio.

The ratio of packets lost in a far-end network.

Number of Gaps

Nbr Gaps

The total number of gaps that have been detected from the sequence of packets that were received during the interval.

Note: This counter is reset to zero at the beginning of each period.

Largest Gap Size

Largest Gap

The longest uninterrupted sequence of missing packets that was detected during the period. Expressed in packets.

Note: This counter is reset to zero at the beginning of each period.

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