Setting Up LAG Port Protection
  • 09 Aug 2024
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Setting Up LAG Port Protection

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Article summary

The LAG port protection is a mechanism used to switch the traffic to a standby port if an
inactive link is detected on the main port.

Each LAG port protects its assigned physical ports.

To set up port protection

  1. Access the page Port ▶Configuration.

  2. Click the LAG Port Name to edit its settings.

  3. Define LAG port protection parameters as required by your setup, then click Apply.

For more information on specific parameters, refer to the table .

Note: When using fault propagation with LAG port protection, you must enable the protection on both LAG ports for the fault propagation to work correctly.

For LACP protection, you must also set up the LAG parameters.

To configure LAG parameters

  1. Access the page Protection ▶LACP ▶Configuration.

  2. Click the Aggregator Name to edit its settings.

  3. Define LAG parameters as required by your setup, then click Apply.

For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.

LACP Configuration (Protection ▶LACP ▶Configuration)

Aggregator NameThe name of the LAG group.
ModeThe mode of the LACP protection. The only supported option is:
  • Active/Standby: Allow for a working and a protection port.
ActivityThe LACP activity flag. The only supported option is:
  • Active: The LACP participant sends LACPDUs to maintain the LAG.
TimeoutThe time to wait before sending LACPDU

Possible values are:

  • Long: The 802.1ax Long Timeout.
  • Short: The 802.1ax Short Timeout.
  • Sub50ms: Accedian Custom timeout allowing for sub-50 millisecond protection switching
  • Custom: Allows user to specify a timeout with range values of 10ms to 65535ms.
System PriorityThe priority of the LACP system. It defines which end of the LACP link has the highest priority to determine which link is active. The higher the number, the lower the priority.

Supported values range from 1 to 65535.

Port NameThe name of the port.
Port PriorityThe port in the LAG that should be active for the LACP system. The priority can change dynamically depending on the revertive mode configuration.
Port NumberThe number of the port.

Switching to the Standby Port

To switch to the standby port

  1. Access the page Port ▶Configuration.

  2. Click the Port Name to which you want to switch.

  3. Select the Working Connector to which you want to switch, then click Apply.

Viewing LACP Status

You can view a summary or the details of the status of each LACP instance. The statuses, given for the LACP actor and partner, are provided for debugging purposes for a knowledgeable user. Refer to IEEE802.1ax for more information.

To view a summary of the status for all LACP

  1. Access the page Protection ▶LACP ▶Status.

  2. To view the detailed status of an LACP, select an Aggregator Name.

For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.

To view the detailed status of an LACP

  1. Access the page Protection ▶LACP ▶Status.

  2. Select an Aggregator Name.

For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.

LACP Status (Protection ▶LACP ▶Status)

Aggregator NameThe name of the LAG group.
SystemThe MAC address of the port set as working (actor) in the LACP
System PriorityThe priority of the LACP system. It defines which end of the LACP link has the highest priority and is therefore active. The higher the number, the lower the priority.

Possible values: 1 to 65535.

KeyThe IEEE aggregation key assigned to the port.
Port IDThe LACP port identifier.
Port MAC AddressThe port MAC address.
Port PriorityThe port in the LAG that should be active for the LACP system. The priority can change, depending on the revertive mode configuration.
Port StateThe current state of the port.

The port state is expressed as a hexadecimal value, where individual bits within a single octet represent different state elements.

The actor and partner can have one or more of the following states:

  • LACP Activity: The Activity control value of this link, encoded in bit 0.
    • Active LACP = 1
    • Passive LACP = 0
  • LACP Timeout: The Timeout control value of this link, encoded in bit 1.
    • Short Timeout = 1
    • Long Timeout = 0
  • Aggregation: Encoded in bit 2.
    • When Aggregation = 1, the system considers this link to be Aggregatable, i.e. a potential candidate for aggregation.
    • Aggregatable, i.e. a potential candidate for aggregation. When Aggregation = 0, the link is considered to be Individual, i.e. this link can be operated only as an individual link.
  • Synchronization: Encoded in bit 3.
    • When Synchronization = 1, the system considers this link to be IN Sync, i.e. it has been allocated to the correct Link Aggregation Group, the group has been associated with a compatible Aggregator, and the identity of the Link Aggregation Group is consistent with the System ID and operational key information transmitted.
    • When Synchronization = 0, this link is currently Out of Sync, i.e. it is not in the right Aggregation Group or it is not properly aggregated.
  • Collecting: Encoded in bit 4. When Collecting = 1, the collection of incoming frames on this link is definitely enabled, i.e. is not expected to be disabled in the absence of administrative changes or changes in received protocol information.
  • Distributing: Encoded in bit 5. When Distributing = 0, distribution of outgoing frames on this link is definitely disabled, i.e. is not expected to be enabled in the absence of administrative changes or changes in received protocol information.
  • Defaulted: Encoded in bit 6
    • When Defaulted = 1, the Actor Receive machine is using Defaulted operational Partner information, configured for the Partner.
    • When Defaulted = 0, the operational Partner information in use has been received in a LACPDU.
  • Expired: Encoded in bit 7
    • When Expired = 1, the Actor Receive machine is in the Expired state.
    • When Expired = 0, the Actor Receive machine is not in the Expired state.

Viewing LACP Statistics

You can view a summary and/or details of the statistics related to each LACP instance.

To view a summary of the statistics for all LACP

  1. Access the page Protection ▶LACP ▶Statistics.

  2. To view the detailed statistics of an LACP, select an Aggregator Name.

For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.

To view the detailed statistics of an LACP

  1. Access the page Protection ▶LACP ▶Statistics.

  2. Select an Aggregator Name.

For more information on specific parameters, refer to the following table.

LACP Statistics (Protection ▶LACP ▶Statistics)

Aggregator NameThe name of the LAG group.
Port NameThe name of the port.


The number of LACPDU packets that were transmitted.

LACPDU Received

The number of LACPDU packets that were received.

Bad LACPDU Received

The number of invalid LACPDU packets that were received.
Marker Information ReceivedThe number of marker information packets that were received.
Marker Response SentThe number of marker response packets that were transmitted.
Marker Information SentThe number of marker information packets that were transmitted.
Marker Response ReceivedThe number of marker response packets that were received.
Bad Marker ReceivedThe number of invalid marker packets that were received.

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