Searching for Managed Elements
  • 13 Feb 2025
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors
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Searching for Managed Elements

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Article summary

You can search for specific managed elements or all managed elements.

To search for managed elements

  1. Access the Inventory page.

  2. Click >.
    The Managed element filter group displays.

  3. Click the Plus sign.PNG button.

  4. Click the Edit filters Edit filters button.png button.

  5. In the Search filters dialog that displays, enter your search criteria. For details on each field, refer to the table below.
    24.09_Searching for Managed Elements_1.png

  6. Click the Apply button.

The Select managed element(s) dialog displays with the managed elements matching your search criteria.

Search Fields for Managed Elements

Search fieldDescription
Filter nameIf you are creating a new filter, enter the name for your filter.
Saved filters
  • To run an existing filter, click Button_CheckMark.png and click on the filter you require.
  • To save the filter you have created, clickButton_CheckMark.png.
  • To delete a previously-saved filter, clickButton_Remove_Generic.png.
NameThe host name of the element. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard.
LabelThe unique identifier for the element that is defined and used in Legacy Orchestrator. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard.
VersionVersion of device firmware. This value is obtained from the network element. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard.
ModelModel of the element. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard.
SerialThe serial number of the device. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard.
MAC addressThe MAC address of the device. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard.
Source inventoryThe serial number of the inventory tracking element that discovered the element. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard.

Only available for elements that were configured for Plug & Go and discovered by an inventory tracker.

IP addressThe IP address of the element. You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard.
Operational StateIndicates whether Legacy Orchestrator has established connectivity with the device.

Check one or more of the values in this drop-down list:

  • NA: Not applicable.
  • INSERVICE: Legacy Orchestrator has established connectivity with the element.
  • OUTOFSERVICE: Legacy Orchestrator has lost connectivity with the element.
Last update From

Last update To

Use these two fields to set a range for checking the timestamp of the last time Legacy Orchestrator synchronized the data it stores for the element with the configuration on the element itself.

Click Button_DateChooser.png (to the right of fields) and select a date and time of day.

Date added From

Date added To

Use these two fields to set a range for checking when Legacy Orchestrator started managing the element. The element could have been added manually or by the discovery process.

Click Button_DateChooser.png (to the right of fields) and select a date and time of day.

Last management state change From

Last management state change To

Use these two fields to set a range for checking when the most recent change in management state occurred for the element. This means the last time the element went from being unmanaged to managed.​

Click Button_DateChooser.png (to the right of fields) and select a date and time of day.

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